An Ending That Leaves You Breathless

Fake Date To The Eyes, Real Date To The Hearts


FINALLY THIS WEEK IS OVER!! Exam week is next week so uploading new chapters looks a little iffy as of now...but who knows? I've said that b4 lol

I'm really hoping you are all enjoying my story!! Please tell your friends, and if you know anyone that is interested in finding new stories- but is too lazy to look- send 'em my way!!! Thanxxxxxx


-------Kae Ri's POV-------

I was laying on my bed, after leaving Seung Hi to have a party by herself. I still couldn't tell if Nichkhun really wanted a date...had he meant it since the beginning? Like did he call me to ASK me on a date, or was it because I said something? Ah! Now he thinks I like him- or not. But I don't- do I?

“UGH!” I buried my face in my pillow and kicked my legs. Why was I looking to far into things? I was being too apprehensive about it all, and if I didn’t calm down- Nichkhun could be scared away.

'Everything happens for a reason~ Everything happens for a reason-' I sat up at the sound of Nichkhun's ring tone. I had set my phone on ring so I wouldn't miss his call. I smiled and opened my phone without hesitation.

“Hey, whats up?”

“You still want to go on a date with me, right?” I laughed.

“Yeah, you think I don't.” He was quiet. “Khun?”

“I'm happy to hear that, that's all. I'll pick you up outside your apartment.”

“Should I bring your jacket?”

“Why? Its yours now.” I blushed, mine? But it was one of those nice ones....


“What are friends for...?” He seemed different as he said that, and I frowned. He was so weird lately!

“Okay, well I'll wear it~ see you soon.”

--------Nichkhun's POV-------------

“Bye.” I hung up and looked over at Chang-sung. He was reading on his bead, his legs crossed. “I'M GOING ON A DATE!” He flinched at my screaming, and gave me a sarcastic smile.

“Yay~ congrats Khun. You finally got the girl.” I laughed, and walked to the door. I was walking out when Taecyeon walked into the house. He was in his working-out clothes, and gave me a tired glance.

“Where you off to, MR. Happy?” He asked me, a weak smile on his lips.

“” His eyes widened.

“What?” He said in English.

“With Kae Ri~” Chang-sung said as he walked out of his room and into the kitchen. Taecyeon's eyes followed Chang-sung, and then immediately fell back onto me.

“You....and Kae Ri are dating?” He asked me, disbelief in his voice. I smiled from ear to ear.

“Not yet.” I patted his sweaty cheek and walked out of the house.

---------Nichkhun's POV------------

I got into my car, and drove to Katie's like it was second nature. When I pulled up, she was waiting at the bottom of the stairs where we stood last night. I smiled to myself. The memory of me hugging her coming to back when I notice she was wearing my jacket. I got out of my car, and walked around to where she now stood at the front gate.

“Hey, long time no see.” I said, earning an angelic laugh from her. She walked up and I opened the door for her, watching as she slowly got into the seat. How did she capture my heart? Its still surprising, I'm just realizing how much I her.

“Khunnie?” I looked down, and Katie was giving me the 'what are you DOING?' look. I looked to my hand and saw I was still holding the door opened. I felt my face grow hotter as I slammed the door and got in on the other side. The whole time, Katie was laughing.

“Yah! You're laughing at your date?” I asked her, pretending to be hurt. She rolled her eyes, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes and behind her ear. I turned to focus on the road.

“You've just been acting weird the past few days. What happened?” I felt my hands tense around the steering wheel. She doesn't know that I like her- this date is still fake in many ways....

“Katie, where do you want to go?” I quickly changed the subject. She didn't seem to notice, because she just sat back in her seat out puffed her cheeks.

“Hmmm, I saw some nice shops in the town today. Wanna walk around there?”

“Sure, sounds fun. And we can get ice cream.”

“Vanilla?” She asked, and I glanced at her as we pulled into a parking space on the side of the street.

“You know me well.”

“Because I'm a fan~”

Or because you're my Juliet.

-------------IN TOWN-----------

We walked down the side walk, and surprisingly only a few people recognized me. I was happy, because if I was stopped by fans, then Katie would be pushed off to the side. I didn't really want that to I made sure to stay close to her side. She wanted to go into a store? We went. She wanted to get a snack at that stand? We went.

“Oh!” I looked over at Katie, and saw she had run up to a store a few feet away. I walked up confused and interested.

“What is it?” I asked her, as I once again took my spot beside her. She smiled up at me, her hands on the display window.

“I was here earlier, when I saw Seung Hi. See that necklace? The key one? Isn't it just gorgeous!” She clasped her hands together and sighed as she stared at the piece of jewelry.

“You like it...?” I questioned slowly. I stared at the sparkly key necklace, and smiled. It would look great on her...

“Of course I do! But, I couldn't buy it because I don't have enough money. I'll buy it when I get paid from the show.” I stopped looking at the necklace, and turned to her.

“Don't.” She looked up confused.

“Why?” I stammered.

“ need that money for food- if you bought a necklace, wouldn't you like not eat that night?” I asked. She let a smile form on her lips. Her teeth glistened in the night.

“Sure. Oh well,” She pouted. “Well lets go!” She laughed and grabbed my hand- MY HAND! I blushed as she dragged me down the sidewalk. She couldn't see the expression on my face, and I was thankful. She would have been looking at the shy famous Nichkhun- smiling like a fool. I looked over my shoulder a the jewelry store. I stopped.

“Wait.” I said, and Katie turned around. “I'll be back, I need to....go to the bathroom.” I blurted. She looked me up and down, and then shrugged.

“Okay, I'll sit over on that bench, okay?” I nodded, and we parted ways. I made sure that Katie wasn't watching me, as I entered the store.

“Hello, welcome. Can I help you find something?” An old lady asked me, standing at the front desk. I smiled warmly at her as I leaned over the desk.

“Can I buy that key necklace that’s in the window?” I tilted my head, and she smiled.

“Aren't you Nichkhun? My grand daughter talks about you all the time.” I laughed and bowed.

“I'll sign an autograph, but ma'am can I please buy that necklace?”

“ exchange for the autograph I'll give you that old thing.” She chuckled, her voice low and strained. I sighed, and shook my head.

“No I want to pay full price. Its a present, and I 'd feel bad using something like signing as my payment.” She nodded, understanding.

“Is it for your girlfriend?” She asked, her eyes filling up with happiness. I laughed, about to shake my head no- but found myself nodding slowly.

“You could say that- at least the girl I want to be with me.” I glanced over at the necklace, and took it off of the little velvet cut out it rested on.

“I see, well good luck to you two.” I thanked her, paid, and made sure to sign an autograph for her grand daughter. I held the necklace in my hand, and put it in my coat pocket.

“Nichkhun!” I looked up to see Katie waving to me from the bench I left her at. I smiled, waved back, and ran up to her.. “Ready?” I nodded.

“I'm done, you ready to keep going?” She frowned.

“To where?” I looked around and clapped my hands.

“We have the whole night. I don't want to waste this date, you know.”-The Truth- I gave her a smile, holding back my laughter. She used her weight of her shoulder to push e playfully as we walked. She nodded and brushed her hair out of her eyes once again. My heart fluttered.

“This is really fun, Khun. I'm happy its just us.” She whispered, and my head snapped in her direction.

“Really?” She nodded, not needing to say any words. I nodded, smiled to myself, and laughed. She was having fun.

On a date. With me.

“So how about we-”

“Get ice cream?” She perked up and started jumping up and down.

“Yeah! Ha, you took the words out of my mouth.” She laughed, and I shrugged.

“I'm just that awesome.”

We walked down the street, and into the park. There were many couples, and even some families playing in the park. The mood was perfect, and we even found an ice cream stand. We both got vanilla, and found ourselves sitting on swings on the playground.

Katie leaned back, and started to swing a little. It wasn't really swinging, because she was trying to still hold her ice cream.

“What are you doing?” She looked like a fish squirming around on the swing. She steadied her self and glared at me.

“What do you mean!” She leaned over, “this is swinging.” My head flew back and I let out a loud laugh.

“T-that's not swinging!” I choked out, “That's m-more like having a spazz attack on a swing.” I was crying at how innocent she looked,too. Her head tilted to the side, confused by my laughter.

“Stop laughing!” She shook my arm, “People are staring at us! Its embarrassing.” She frowned and whined. I quieted down, and leaned in so our faces were inches apart. She blushed, and I chuckled and smiled.

“Who cares, if they're looking?” I glanced at her lips before standing up. I walked behind her and took her ice cream out of her hands.

“H-hey! Nichkhun!” I threw both of the cones out, and shrugged.

“What? You can't swing with them~” I walked behind her, and held onto the chains attached to her swing. I smiled down at her as she tilted her head back and stared up at me.

“What are you doing?” She asked me, as I moved my hands from the chains to her head, positioning it so she wasn't looking at me. I laughed.

“I'll push you, so look ahead and not at me, Pabo.” She nodded, and I pulled the chains back so she was off the ground.

“Ah!” She eek-ed, holding tight onto the chains. I shook my head at her, though she would've seen, and pushed the chains. She was going up into the air, higher with each push. It wasn't long before we were both cracking up. The night being filled with our laughter.

When Katie got tired of swinging, she yelled at me to stop, and how else could I? I smirked, and as she was coming back down, I got closer.

“What ever you say.” I caught her around the waist, making her jump- but she stayed in my arms. I felt weird, having never hugged her like this. I wanted it to last, because when I did this....

It felt like her feelings matched mine.

“Nichkhun....” She broke the silence that fell over us, and my hold on her tightened ever so slightly. I whispered, close to her ear.

“Sorry, you told me you wanted me to stop you.” I forced a laugh so she wouldn't feel awkward. As I let go of her, I felt the necklace in my pocket. When could I give it to you? I should just slip it around her neck right now, but no. The mood isn't good enough.

“What are you thinking about?” Katie stood up, and turned towards me. “Is something wrong?” I looked up at her, and shook my head.

When you like someone, like I do, you shouldn't be afraid to tell them the truth. Seeing how its someone you like....but I felt like I couldn't bring the words to come out of my mouth. I looked up at Katie, and didn't say anything.

'Katie, I like you.' Was that too much to say?



“You do realize you haven't said anything yet?” I felt like I should slap myself. Did I really just not say anything for a few minutes? I laughed.

“I'm sorry. I have a lot on my mind.” I walked out from behind the swing, and we started walking down a lit up path.

“You can talk to me, you know. I'm here for a....therapist.” I stopped, my sides hurting from laughter.

“T-thanks, but I'm fine. Its not about work or anything...” I said, starting to walk with her again after she playfully hit my shoulder. She nodded.

“So what? Girls?” She looked up at me, her eyes innocent.


“Oh! You like someone?!” She asked, not even a hint that she was hurt. Didn't she have any feelings for me?

------------KATIE'S POV-----------

“Oh! You like someone?” I questioned him, moving closer so he could tell me. He frowned, but quickly covered it with a smile.

“Yeah, I guess I do-”

“Do I know her?”

“Yes.” My eyebrows raised, and the smile on my face grew. I could help them get together! But why....when I thought about it though, part of me didn't want to at all.

“What's she like..” I asked, part of me waning to know every detail. Part of me didn't want to hear it.

“ beautiful, and I don't know how- but she made me fall in love with her only after meeting not long ago.” I stopped.

“Seung Hi?” I looked at him, but he just laughed and shook his head.

“No, now come on. Lets keep walking now, and no more about this girl.” He reached out his hand to me, and gave me a warm smile. I nodded, took his hand, and let him lead me down the path. We were quiet again -side-by-side now- and I couldn't help but think of this girl.

------------NICHKHUN'S POV------

It was 11:00 when I finally drove Katie home. I walked her up to the bottom of her stairs, and the other day played in my mind.

This time it's a real date. I thought.

“Thanks, I'm happy we did this.” She chuckled, covering her smile with the back of her hand as she laughed. I nodded, and put my hands in my pocket.

“I'm happy we went on a real date, Katie. Its sad we have to go back to a fake one tomorrow.” It was true, but I wasn't saying anything about my feelings, so I felt safe. She shrugged.

“I can't wait to see what they have planned. Its only the second week...but I feel like there is something big going to happen.” She stated, and as she talked I felt the necklace in my pocket again.

Give her it now!

“Oh, really? Well we can get through it.” I smiled.

“Because you'll be protecting me?”

Now! Be all cool, and give her the necklace!

“Of course, what kind of 'boyfriend' would I be if I didn't?” I questioned, a laugh escaping my lips. She rolled her eyes, and folded her arms.

“Well I'll see you later Khunnie. Get some sleep so you don't have dark circles under your eyes for the shooting.” I nodded at her nagging, feeling like a real couple.

“Okay.” Okay? Really that’s all you can say?

“Night~” She turned, and started up the staircase.

That's it.

The date is over.

And there is so much...I hadn't done.

“Katie?” I blurted, causing her to stop only a few steps up the stair case. She tilted her head.

“What is it?”

“Night-” I said as I hopped up the step to where she was, and kissed her on the cheek. I pulled away and smirk, turning away and walking to my car- as if I hadn't done anything as big as what I just did. I didn't regret it, but as I got in my car and drove away.... I felt like I regretted not being able to see her blushing face.

--------------KATIE'S POV-----------

As he drove away, I was like a statue on the steps. My hand slowly found its way up to my cheek where he had kissed me.

What is wrong with my heart?I just had a date with 2PM's rapper- Nichkhun- and he had kissed me.

“Nich-khun....” I felt my face grow hotter by the second....and my cheek feeling strangely warmer.

It was nice, this feeling.

ENNNNNNNNNNNDDDD!!!!!!!1 Lololol I hope it was okay, I was kinda tired when I wrote this. It was a bit of an awkward date, but still they had a good time. Especially at the end! Can't wait to write the next chapter, because its a mission- and Khunnie will be feeling more than just love. (jealousy you erts)

Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading and:


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junie0406 #2
love your story!<br />
update soon :)
Blue_Ice #3
Awwww i was so excited to read the new chapter!<br />
BUT A NEW STORY!?!<br />
Thats epictastic!!!!<br />
I'd feel like a total dork applying though ||OTL
The feelings of seeing your love in someone's arm are really hurt!<br />
By the way, i have subscribe your other stories. :p
Bethx3 #5
Hello!!<br />
Oh MY!! I adore this!<br />
Its so well written and the plot is amazing!<br />
Definitely subscribing!
hey dear ^^<br />
dropping by after you gave me the link! (:<br />
I agree with @JustWinter, I loved the date! <br />
it's so sweet and cute AWWW ^^<br />
do continue! and I'm jealous this oneshot got a sequel by itself! <br />
haha just kidding, well done :D<br />
love your writing style as always (;
kyah~!!!<br />
<br />
he kissy her :)
Mrem96 #8
@JustWinter awwww thanks! Lol I hope ppl like the date XDD
Their date is so sweet!<br />
Nice poster by the way!
Mrem96 #10<br />