STAGE ONE: Complicated Hearts

Fake Date To The Eyes, Real Date To The Hearts

 Hey everyone ^^ I have a weekend now yay so I thought Id upload something? Lolol I hope that the last ch. With the messed up paragraph wasn't annoying....well yeah so I hope you enjoy the next chapter lol~ IDK if I'll be uploading a lot soon because I have tests, sports, and exams. >:( IKR??? well I wish you all good luck on your exams! Just believe in yourself, do this, and no matter where you are you will have nothing to fear!!! Cat Returns much?? Lol yeah so here!!


The last few weeks seemed to fly by, you could say. Normally I'm really busy with music and schedules, but the past few weeks have been filled with me getting ready for the new show I would be on. Getting ready would mean: spending time with Katie. We actually had become good friends, despite me being famous. She didn't try to get in the way of my busy life, which was nice to have. It was also nice to know that there would always be someone to talk to, besides the other band members, but it gave me a warm feeling. A warm feeling whenever she would pick up my calls, be it day or night. Also, the press wasn't bothering us as much right now, even though the show would begin recording in...2 days now.

I was resting after practicing my dance moves for our upcoming album. My back was against the mirror as I drank out of my water bottle.

“Hey Khun~” Junsu said as he sat down next to me with a thump. I smiled at him while drinking. “Thinking about your date?” I nearly choked on my water when he said that. I looked at him.

“No....w-why?” I questioned him back. The others walked over to us. Wooyoung shook his head at Junsu and left.

“Nothing, it just looked like you were thinking of something important.” He replied, nudging me in the side. Taecyeon sat down on my opposite side.

“So you're not thinking about your date....but just Katie in general?” I snapped my head in his direction. I felt weird from the interrogating....but her said Katie's name...

“Shut up, and n-”

“Katie? That your girlfriends name?” Junsu leaned in so he could hear Taecyeon better. I banged my head against the mirror behind me.

“Yes! I mean- no she isnt my girlfriend, but YES her name is Katie. Kae Ri to you two.” I sighed, pointing to both of them so they got the picture. Junsu rolled his eyes.

“Fine, whatever. When are we meeting your g- I mean Kae Ri? I wanna get to know her if our Khunnie is going to be dating her.” He said. Junho, who was now sitting in front of me at this point, nodded.

“Yeah! Khun, if your going to date he-”

“Its fake!” I exclaimed, Taecyeon shook his head.

“Fine, fine, we understand.” He smiled at me but made a 'hes crazy' motion towards the others.

“You know I wouldn't want her meeting you guys, that would be horrible.”

“Afraid she'll like me more?” Junsu asked.

“Could happen, she said he was his favorite since he was the first she knew out of us all.” Taec added.

“Guys!” I said, standing up. They all looked at me with confused faces. Changsun walked up and rested his hand on my shoulder.

“Calm down, Khun, they didn't mean anything by it.” I glanced at him, and sighed. He was right...I mean the boys were annoying at times...but they were just joking around. Why....why did I care....whatever.

“You're right, but I'm going out.” I walked towards the door and put my coat on.

Yeah to meet Kae Ri~” Someone whispered, and I slammed the door as my response. As I walked down the hallway, I realized I didn't really know where I was going to go...

---------Kae Ri's POV------------

I pointed the remote towards the T.V to turn it off. My drama was over, so its not like I wanted to watch anything else. As I was about to turn it off though, something stopped me.

“Coming up next! The dish on the idol Nichkhun from 2PM! All about the new foreigner couple for the popular dating show's new season! Stay tuned.” I pouted and turned the TV off.

“Pfft, that sound fun, not.” I tossed the remote onto the couch beside me and got up to get ready.

Today was the first day for filming the show. It felt like my stomach was doing flips, as the clock ticked on, announcing that the time was coming closer. I took a sip of water that I poured as I looked around my small apartment. There were posters all over the walls, from when I first moved here. I always was a fan of K-pop....but never did I think I'd meet some idols! I set the glass of water and looked up at my wall. There was a poster of 2PM. I walked over to it and leaned down so I was looking into the eyes of the members.

“Is this a dream?” I thought out loud. I looked at it, and put my finger on the first member. I slowly moved my finger down the line of boys. “Changsun, Junho, Wooyoung, Junsu, Nichkhun-” I stopped and held my finger on Nichkhun's picture. I sighed and stood up crossing my arms over my chest.

I had always been a big fan of 2PM, and now that I had the honor of filming with them...well my two made it hard to control my growing smile. I took a deep breath and walked over to my phone. As I was about to call the Director about when I should arrive at the set, it started vibrating. Nichkhun's number displayed itself on the screen, and I didn't hesitate in opening it.

“Hello?” I asked, confused why he called.

“Hey! I wanted to know if you wanted to get together?” He asked me. I looked up at the clock.

“Well....we have to be at the set soon right?”

“So? We can go together!” I smiled.

“Are you just saying that because you ran away from the other members?” I asked, “Because I bet they were cornering you, huh?” I laughed picturing them all throwing questions at him.

“Maybe.....I mean nonono!” He said in English. I laughed, and rested my back against the counter. I picked up my water and took another sip as he droned on. “We should arrive together though. I mean this is your first recording.” I looked at the 2PM poster as I replied.

“How about I meet you there? I know you want to protect me as a friend, but I have to get ready. I'll talk to you later Khunnie.” He sighed.

“Fine~ talk to you soon Katie.” I smiled at the sound of my name. It felt like a dream, who knew I would become friends with one of my favorite idols? I hung up and walked into my room. I started fishing through my closet to find the perfect outfit. I decided on some cute pink plaid shorts. I did look cute in plaid....and I need to look cute to catch the eyes of- the cameras! It be nice if Nichkhun got the most screen time, as much as I loved Taecyeon. I looked through my closet some more, and found a nice simple long sleeved white shirt. After I got changed I walked towards my door and walked outside. It was cold, but I was fine with my coat on. Now all I had to do was get a cab....

---------Nichkhun's POV----------

I was sitting on a plastic chair one of the assistants got for me. The set was very big, and there were some fans already arriving. They sat in the stands and smiled at me. I waved, and they squealed. I looked down at my phone and played with it so I looked like I was busy.

I was actually very happy with my self over the past few weeks. By time the show was being prepared to be shot, we had already become friends. Many times we would talk in English- our Korean both not being at a high level- and it was funny watching all the people trying to figure out what we were talking about.

For the most part, I was actually waiting for the show to start. Not so that it would end quicker, but because I wanted to see how Kae Ri would cope with all the cameras? Could I help her? Would she be the same girl I took her as when on camera? So many questions, but they all washed away when Kae Ri walked onto the set for the show. The hosts, that would be narrating our show, all crowded her. She was stopped just after walking in a few feet. Many people surrounded her to ask questions. I sighed, and watched her from across the room. I was frowning, but smiled when Kae Ri's gaze fell on me. I waved slightly, and she excused her self; walking over to where I stood.

“You okay?” I asked her, as a sigh escaped her lips. She nodded and adjusted her hair which was in a small ponytail.

“I never knew this was what I was signing up for. That's all.” Kae Ri said, and I laughed.

“Don't worry, soon you'll ignore the cameras, and focus on me.” I said pointing to myself with my thumb. Kae Ri rolled her eyes, and fixed her white shirt. I watched, and looked her up and down. She was wearing short pink plaid shorts. They were annoying me when she shifted her weight to the other leg, because...

“What?” She asked, moving her head so her face was in the way of where my eyes were looking. “You ert, what are you doing?” She asked. I coughed and looked up at her, then to this lady that was walking past me. She was in charge of dress codes.

“Excuse me,” She looked over at me and smiled.

“Yeah Khun?” I pointed to Kae Ri's pants.

“She needs to change her clothes. The shorts are too short for a woman to wear.” I said, causing a 'are-you-kidding-me?' look from both the lady and Kae Ri.

“Um...sure Khun. Kae Ri, follow me?” She asked, and Kae Ri nodded confused, but followed. I sighed and ruffled my hair as she left. Girls don't learn, huh? She can't wear those shorts on camera! People might think of erted things while they should be watching the show!

“What was that about, Nichkhun?” I looked up to see Taecyeon, walking over to me. I smiled and shrugged.

“Nothing, where is your partner?” I asked him. Taec rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his large chest.

“Shes not here yet. Apparently she isn't a foreigner, names Seung Hi- wait- shut up, Khun! Why did you make Kae Ri change? She looks cute.”

“It was inappropriate.” Taecyeon gave me the same look the other girls gave me.

“Is there something you're not telling me?” I shook my head. “Because from what I don't want her showing her legs in front of the cameras.” He said, pointing to the camera crew behind him. I shook my head.

“No, its just not right for girls to show that much skin until marr-”

“Bull, Khun.”

“Whats wrong?” Kae Ri asked, as she just popped up next to me. I jumped.

“Gah, that scared me.” I thought out loud. Taecyeon smirked when he saw her.

“Hi Kae Ri! Remember me?” He asked her, smiling.

“Yes, how could I forget?!” Kae Ri couldn't hide her excitement. I frowned.

“Oh hear that Taecyeon? Seung Hi is here and is calling you.” I pushed him, and he left...yelling stuff about 'she isn't even here yet' or something. I smiled at Katie. She was now wearing capri pants, and even changed her top to a darker shirt. She smiled back at me, and we stayed like that for a few seconds.

“You like what you see, now?” She asked me, twirling. I smiled and nodded.

“You look great.”

“READY ON SET!” We snapped out of it and looked at the cameras. It was finally time. I couldn't help but have a childish smile on as I looked at Katie.

“Ready for our date?” She laughed.

“Khunnie, you asking me out?” She asked in English. I blushed, but laughed.

“Maybe I am~”

We walked onto the set, and began to film the show. I felt happy as I sat in the love seat with her...This was fake.....

But to me it felt so real.

--------------Taecyeon's POV---------

The four of us took our seats in these love seats the show prepared. I watched as Khun and Kae Ri sat down. I looked over, and smiled at Seung Hi. I never met her before, but I had a few minutes to talk to her while I waited for the show to start the recording.

“Hi, thanks for being my partner~” I smiled, she nodded and sat up straight.

“Its awesome I was chosen! You're so cool Taecyeon! Look at your muscles, blah blah blah.” I rolled my eyes as she went on about my looks. This seemed like it wasn't going to be as fun as I thought it would be. I looked over at Khun and Kae Ri. Nichkhun was reading something the Host gave him, but Kae Ri looked up at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I motioned to Seung Hi. She giggled and pouted. She mouthed 'sorry' to me in English. It she couldn't be my partner. I was about to call something out to her, but stopped when Nichkhun looked up at her and said something to her. She immediately began talking and smiling at him. Wow, they looked great together....

“And your hair cut looks so great with that smile of yours!” I turned as Seung Hi stopped talking.

“Oh, um, thanks.” 'Please get this over with!' I thought.

----------------Nichkhun's POV-------

“5,4,3,2-” The camera man counted down and pointed towards the main MC.

“Okay! Its now 12:00 in the afternoon, and we would like to welcome you to Dating Time's new season......”

“2PM CURFEW!” We all yelled with enthusiasm, and made poses. I laughed as I sat back.

“Right! We thank you for tuning in, and here we have two very beastly idols! TAECYEON AND NICHKHUN FROM 2PM!” One of the host yelled. Taecyeon and I looked at each other and stood up, smiling and bowing. When I sat down, one host motioned towards Kae Ri and me.

“Here we have the first couple, Nichkhun, and Kim Kae Ri. Now Kae Ri, we know that you are actually from America. Right?” She nodded, and I looked over at her. She seemed to be pretty comfortable, I smiled when she glanced at me.

“Yes, I'm actually called Katie....but Kae Ri is a bit easier when in Korea.” She smiled, at the host and then the camera. I sat back as Seung Hi gave a little information about herself, but sat up straight when the Host began to speak.

“For our first date, we want you all to get to know each what better way to do that than to go out into the town? These two couples will have missions to complete before 2 today! Would you couples like to know your missions?” He asked us. I nodded, and Kae Ri bounced slightly with excitement.

“KHUNRI MISSION:” A robotic voice filled the set with the announcement. “BY TWO PM, KHUNRI COUPLE MUST BE ABLE TO GET A STRANGER TO BUY THEM 1 FOOD ITEM EACH. THE FOOD ITEM MUST BE THEIR PARTNER'S FAVORITE FOOD. THEN THEY SHALL PROCEED IN EATING IT BEFORE THE TIME RUNS OUT.” I listened carefully, as did Katie, to the mission. So...I had to find out her favorite food, get someone- a stranger- to buy it for me, and then eat it? And vice verse? Well that sounded easy enough.... I looked over at Katie, she was thinking about the mission as well.

“Well there you have it! You have ecatly 2 hours to finish this mission, before your 2PM curfew! Think you can do it?” One of the hosts asked us, I grabbed Katie's hand and stood up.

“YEAH!” I exclaimed, causing the whole set to laugh. Katie just nodded, and we ran off the set before anyone could stop us. I know we weren't supposed to leave yet, because we didn't even hear the other couple's mission, but who cares? The cameras followed us as Katie and I ran outside.

“Where do we go?” Katie asked me, ignoring the camera that was practically right infront of her face. I shrugged.

“I actually don't know...I just ran out without thinking.” I scratched my head embarrassed. She playfully hit my arm.

“Yah! Ugh...we fail.” She laughed, and I smiled. I looked at one of the many cameras around us.

“Hyung, do you know where a lot of people are?” I asked him, Katie grabbed my arm and pointed across the street.

“OVER THERE! There is a sign saying that a plaza is near.” She said, and I looked where she was pointing. That's right! Plazas always have a lot of restaurants and convenience stores....

“Great. Okay, so whats your favorite food?” I asked her, getting into the mission now. She tapped her chin as she thought.

“Vanilla ice cream!” I starred at her.



“Well then tell me!” She shook her head, and looked at the watch she had on her arm.

“If we don't have a lot of time, we have to make sure that the food is simple. Also that its not expensive seeing how someone else is buying it for us. Plus you like vanilla right?” She said, crossing her arms, proud of her self. I looked at the camera.

“Wah, can you do that?” I smiled slightly, and the camera man nodded.

“You have to eat the food your partner says, it never said they couldn't lie about their favorite food....” One of them said. I smiled and high fived the happy Katie.

“Alright! Lets go!” I said, Katie smiled and nodded.

“HWAITING!” We yelled and ran to where the plaza was. I would go first, seeing how Katie already told me her favorite food- well the fake one that is. Good thing I loved vanilla ice cream.

------------1 O'CLOCK---------

We spent almost an hour looking for a store that selled vanilla ice cream at a low price. Once we found one, I had Katie go one way to find a person, while I stood out front of the store.

“Attention everyone!” I yelled through a tiny michrophone that the cameras gave me. Many people passed me, squealing, taking pictures, or thinking I was just weird. “I am 2PM's Nichkhun! Please will someone help me? I am filming a variety show and need help...” I continued to yell through the mic, until Katie ran up. “Any luck?” I asked, still talking through the mic. She winced and pushed the mic down, away from my mouth.

“Stop that.” She laughed, but she nodded, and pointed to this elderly woman.

“See, ma'm I told you that I had a famous idol with me. Isn't he charming?” She asked the lady. The lady slowly walked up to me and looked me up and down. She smiled, a very winkly tired grin. I smiled back ant her and bowed.

“Hello Adjuma! I am Nichkhun from 2PM! Please look at me kindly.” I bowed again, and she chuckled and patted my shoulder.

“Sure, sure.” Katie came up and smiled.

“Can you buy us some vanilla ice cream?” She asked her. The lady looked at her confused, but nodded.

“Sure, sure.” Katie and I high fived and lead the lady into the store.

“Don't worry Adjumma, it isn't that much I promise.” I told her, and shhe gave me a small nod. We handed her a small container of ice cream. She paid for it and handed it to me. I felt ecstatic when she did. I gave her a big hug, causing her to laugh.

“And now you have to show her a talent!” Katie said, winking. I mouthed an 'o' with my mouth. So thats how you tricked her, huh? I smiled at the lady.

“How about I rap?”

“No- sing~” I sighed, because I knew I wasn't that great of a singer. I looked up at Katie for help, but she just motioned for me to sing. I set down the ice cream and cleared my throat.

“Eejae soom chuh-reum neh-gyuhtteh
hangsang shwee myuh, geu-ruht-keh eessuh joo myun
nothing better nothing better than you
nothing better nothing better than you~” I sang the only song I knew would touch the lady's heart. I bowed and clapped, as I blushed. Katie and the lady were looking at me like I was the cutest thing ever. The lady clapped slowly and bowed.

“Thankyou!” Katie said, and we waved as the lady slowly walked away. I turned to her.

“Yah! You selling my talents to get food?”

“It worked right?” I stopped, and looked down at the ice cream I was now holding.

“True...” I looked up at Katie, and she gave me a sweet smile. It felt my grip on the container slip a little, but I snapped out of it before it fell out of my hands. What was that? That warm rush that washed over me just a second ago....

“Khunnie?” She asked, moving closer. I looked up at forced a smile and an awkward laugh.

“Neh? Oh sorry, that's right the ice cream.” I smiled and started eating it. That was so weird...I feel different now...


We were able to finish our mission, I was able to find someone to buy us my favorite food- which was strawberries- and Katie ate them happily. The rest of the time we had filmed, I felt like something was different/ Ever since she gave me that sweet smile, I felt myself reacting differently. Whatever, its probably just because of the cameras.

\ “And, we're back! That was an interesting last 2 hours, huh?” The host smiled at the cameras, and then to us. Taecyeon frowned and scoffed.

“Taecyeon-shii~ looks like you and Seung Hi weren't able to finish your mission?” He asked them. I laughed, and stopped when Taec glared.

“Because Seung Hi wouldn't stop talking to me about my muscles!” He said, and everyone laughed.

“Kae Ri, how did you feel about succeeding?” The host asked. I looked over at Katie, who had that same sweet smile on her face. So it was just for the cameras...

“It was the most fun I've ever had.” She laughed, and I nodded.

“We're a good team.” I said, and everyone cheered.

“Well join us next week for our next stage! Have a mission you want to see the couples face? Send them in! Join us next time on...”

“DATING SHOW'S 2PM CURFEW!” We all yelled, as the show wrapped up, and my first date with Katie was completed.

As the cameras turned off, and everyone got ready to head out, I looked over at Katie.

“Good job.” I said, patting her shoulder. She smiled.

“You too! And Khunnie?”


“Thanks for protecting me~” She said, as she waved and walked off the set, and out the doors. I watched as she left, and felt my heart speed up.

“What a weird day.” I whispered.

SO HOW WAS IT? COMMENT! Lol I made this longer because I wanted to get a lot done, but I hope you enjoyed it lol. If you do have any missions you want to see happen in this story, please POST THE IDEA ON MY WALL! If not, heh fine!!! LOL no IDRC if you do, because I have a lot planned out already. Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing!



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junie0406 #2
love your story!<br />
update soon :)
Blue_Ice #3
Awwww i was so excited to read the new chapter!<br />
BUT A NEW STORY!?!<br />
Thats epictastic!!!!<br />
I'd feel like a total dork applying though ||OTL
The feelings of seeing your love in someone's arm are really hurt!<br />
By the way, i have subscribe your other stories. :p
Bethx3 #5
Hello!!<br />
Oh MY!! I adore this!<br />
Its so well written and the plot is amazing!<br />
Definitely subscribing!
hey dear ^^<br />
dropping by after you gave me the link! (:<br />
I agree with @JustWinter, I loved the date! <br />
it's so sweet and cute AWWW ^^<br />
do continue! and I'm jealous this oneshot got a sequel by itself! <br />
haha just kidding, well done :D<br />
love your writing style as always (;
kyah~!!!<br />
<br />
he kissy her :)
Mrem96 #8
@JustWinter awwww thanks! Lol I hope ppl like the date XDD
Their date is so sweet!<br />
Nice poster by the way!
Mrem96 #10<br />