New Friends, Phone Calls, A REAL Date?

Fake Date To The Eyes, Real Date To The Hearts


Hey everyone! I've been getting a lower amount of homework now because I'm having all of my tests and exams I thought I would write some? I hope you are all enjoying the chapters and if you want any cute scenes tell me! Though I have it all planed.... so don't worry ^^

I feel that I should write more about Seung Hi (Taecyeon's girl)...because I never do hahah so this is a focused chapter on her I guess?? BUT DON'T WORRY MORE CUTNESS TO COME!! Enjoy lol

-----------KATI'E POV------------

Yesterday was still on my mind. The entire time Nichkhun and I were driving home, I felt like he was thinking about something. Maybe he was just worried about his schedule...of course that’s it! He had a concert only a few hours before anyway.

Tomorrow was going to be my second time being on television. Nichkhun and I were never filled in on what the missions were- or if there would even BE any. All I could do right now was sit back and wait.

Today I especially dressed cutely, because I expected Nichkhun would hang out with me. And don't think anything...I was just dressing nice in case I met the other 2PM members- that’s all. Today I was going to relax, and be with Nichkhun, and not to mention show him what its like to be normal. A laugh escaped my lips as I thought about him. Being an idol must be tough~ but at least he had me to come to! that’s right. I promise that I'll be there for him, and to listen to everything he has to say! I nodded approvingly of myself, and got up from the couch where I was. I should go out before I get together with him though...maybe buy him some ice cream!

----------IN THE TOWN----------

“Ahhh so pretty!” I breathed as I walked up to the window of a store. It was a small key necklace. I imagined me wearing it, but all my hopes faded away when I saw the price. 50 bucks? I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH! But...maybe when I get paid from the show? that’s a good idea.

“Excuse me, are you Kae Ri?” I turned around to see Seung Hi from the dating show.

“Yes- you're Seung Hi, right?” I said, tilting my head. She nodded and crossed her arms. There were shopping bags all over her. She must have been carrying ten on each arm. She was wearing sunglasses -although its winter so I don't know why, must be a fashion thing- and tilted them down to look me up and down.

“Didn't think I'd see you in public, Especially without Khunnie by your side.” I blinked.


“Aren't you guys BFFs?” She asked, her tone getting serious. I shrugged.

“Not best friends, but really close?” I said, almost as a question I was asking myself.

“Oh, I see...well you're just lucky that hes interested in you! I have Taekki, but he doesn't see anything in me!” She pouted, and I almost felt bad for her.

The two of us found ourselves sitting on a bench by the store I saw the necklace in. I looked over at Seung Hi.

“So you don't think Taecyeon likes you?” I asked, although I kinda knew the answer already.

“No, but I mean what isn't there to like about me? The hot girl, semi-tall, smart, Queen Bee! I mean, just because he is famous doesn't mean he can LOOK DOWN ON ME!” I flinched as her voice raised. I nodded slowly.

“Yeah...” Wow I didn't know she was actually like this. Is she one of those stuck up girls? Aw poor Taec.

“Can you talk to him?” I sat up, and gave my 'excuse me?' look. She set down her bags, and clasped her hands together. She looked like a beggar. “Please! Just tell him how pretty I am! Or get Khunnie too.” I frowned when she mentioned Nichkhun.

“I don't know, Seung Hi.”

“Ugh, please? We can be best friends with hot boyfriends!” She said. I rolled my eyes, although it was true I had like no friends here.

“Seung Hi, just talk to him! Nichkhun wouldn't want to help...hes shy.” I smiled.

“Woah.” I looked up, and she was giving me a look.


“Do you like Khunnie?”

“NO!” I sat up straight and waved off the question.

“You so do! You were smiling just now.” I sighed, and sat back as if it didn't effect me.

“Well because he is my Bias.” I looked over and Seung Hi rolled her eyes.

“Wow, Kae Ri! No offense but you'll never get a boy if you aren't into them.”

“Who said I wasn't into them!”

“Well if its not Khunnie, then who? Taecyeon?” I laughed, imagining me and Taecyeon together. Seung Hi went silent. “OH. My. God. You like my man?” I looked at her like she was crazy.

“Seung Hi, I promise I do NOT like Taecyeon. I don't like any of the 2PM members more than a friend or fan, okay?” She sighed, but nodded.

“Fine, and good. Don't fall for my man now, okay? And I'm sorry that I'm like this. I'm not the best at making new friends, since they always come to me instead.” She flipped her long hair and smiled. I smiled back.

“Its okay....just don't go all creepy fan girl on me, okay? I mean... I may be a fan, but you're just creepy.” I laughed, and Seung Hi joined in as well. Who knows, maybe she isn't as 'Queen Bee' 'Ice ' as I thought?

“Oh! Kae Ri your phone is ringing.” I raised an eyebrow as I came back to my senses. I looked down and saw my phone buzzing against the bench. I picked it up without looking to see who it was.


“Finally! I've been calling you for like 10 minutes!” Nichkhun's voice filled my ears, and I smiled. I turned to Seung Hi and mouthed 'it's Nichkhun', and she squealed.

“Sorry, I ran into someone.”

“Like falling? You okay!?” I laughed.

“I'm fine, I didn't literally run into anyone. But I saw Seung Hi and we started chatting.” Nichkhun sighed.

“Really? You okay? Taecyeon said that she is freaky.” I shook my head.

“Nope, shes nicer than that- oh but, why did you call?” I was so used to talking with Nichkhun now, that it didn't occur to me that he wanted something.

“Oh, yeah. Aren't we going to get together? I want to meet up and we can go out into the town.” I smiled.

“Yeah maybe everyone would want to come. Especially since I'm with Seung Hi right now.” I interrupted him. Nichkhun was silent for a moment. “Hello?”

“Um...yeah I'll ask the others.” His voice was low.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. I'll call you later.” He hung up, and left me to stare at my phone. What did I say?

“You guys going on a date?” Seung Hi asked me, and I shoved her playfully.

“No~ he asked me if I wanted to get together to go out tonight.”

“So...a date...”

“No the others are coming.” She tilted her head.

“He say that?”

“No...I just brought it up to him.”

“Wow, way to be, Kae Ri.” She shook her head and stood up.

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, well I mean I'm not an expert- though I've had many boyfriends- but he was totally asking you on a date, Pabo!” I starred at her, was she crazy? Nichkhun wouldn't do that....

“I doubt it.”

“Oh really? Getting together late at night? You were probably going to walk around the town.” She was spot on.



“Nah, because the others are coming-”

“Did he say that? Or did he say 'we should'?” I looked down at the phone I was still holding in my hands. How was she so good a this? that’s exactly what he said...but he couldn't have been asking me to go on a date with him-right? We're friends....we're nothing more....are we?

-----------NICKHUN'S POV---------

“So are you gunna go on your date tonight?” I looked up at Junho, who was laying on the couch opposite of me. I shook my head.

“Not unless you call a date hanging out with all of the members?”

“Ouch....sorry Khun.” I ignored him and walked to my room. Of course she wouldn't pick up the hint that it was a date...she just saw me as a friend. I landed on my bed with a thump, and rested my face in my palms. Why did I just realize my feelings now? I just thought it was a weird problem with my heart, but no. This was love.


I entered the house quietly, the smile from being with Katie still on my face. I the lights, and almost had a heart attack when I saw Junho standing only feet away. He looked me up and down.

“Your finally back! I was the one who lost in rock paper scissors and had to come find you. Where you been?” He asked me, and I sighed.

“I was with Katie.” I smiled again and looked down at my hands.

“Oh...okay? And hey, wheres your jacket? I swear you had one.”

“I gave it to Katie.” I didn't care about the cold that washed over me after I left Katie's house, because I was still in shock that I hugged her and gave it to her.

“Hyung, this may be weird...but do you like her?” He asked me, stepping closer. I looked up to him, and shook my head.

“Of course not! We're just great friends.” He nodded, and then looked me up and down.

“Really? Because I think you guys look perfect together.” He smirked, and my face lit up.


“Caught 'cha.” He laughed, and my eyebrows furrowed.

“What did you do...”

“Hate to be the one to tell you, but dude you're in love.” I felt like the wind was just knocked out of me.


----------------END OF FLASHBACK------------

Love. It took me all night to realize how right Junho was. I guess I did have feelings for Katie, and maybe love was exactly that.

I picked up my phone again, and decided. I was going to call Katie back, and tell her exactly how I felt.

“Hello? Khunnie?” I smiled.


“What?” This was it...

“I don't want the others to go with us.” There I said it! I laughed quietly, listening to Katie laugh as well.

“Wow you scared me. I thought you were going to say something bad happened!” Nope, all I did was tell you how I felt. “Well fine, we can go together. Um...Nichkhun?”

------------------KATIE'S POV------------------------

“Yes?” He said, and I felt my heart speed up. I needed to know...

Seung Hi was practically sitting on my lap, as she listened to our conversation.

“Um, I know this is weird, but do you really not want the others to come?” I'd inch into it..because I can't scare him away. I just need to prove Seung Hi wrong. This isn't a date.

“Well, I don't mind, but they are kinda busy. Why?”

“ sounded like you wanted it to be just s.” He chuckled lightly, making me feel relieved.

“Well it would be nice with the two of us....because its easier?”

“Easier to what?” Seung Hi was praying on his next words, but I just focused on him.

“Well I just want to spend time with just you. We haven't gotten together in a while.” I let out a long breath, so that’s it.

“So this isn't a date?”

“What?” I covered my mouth with my free hand. Seung Hi sat back and started cracking up.

“No! I'm sorry I d-”

“You're right.” I stopped, excuse me? “Lets go on a date, Katie.” My heart either stopped- or began beating at a faster right (no matter what it was unhealthy).

“A date..?” I breathed, and felt my face grow hotter.

“Yeah, lets go on a date tonight, okay?” I could almost picture how he looked at this moment. He was smiling, his shy eyes full of happiness. I nodded.

“Sure.” My first date, and not a fake one. This wasn't a fake date on some show....but real.

With Nichkhun.

“Bye, Katie.” I hung up and looked at Seung HI.

“What do I do?” I asked, in a daze. She gave me a hug, and squealed.

“YOU GO ON A DATE WITH A THAI PRINCE! that’s WHAT YOU DO!” She yelled, and I smiled as she shook me. Thank goodness I met Seung HI, because without her telling me this was a date- I don't think I would have ever experienced how happy I was feeling right now. Just why did my heart feel like it was fluttering like crazy?

So there it is! I was going to add more...but that way it gives you a nice old cliffhanger. So yeah, Nichkhun finally realized he liked her! Just need that kick from one of the others, and he found himself staring into the headlights of love hahahah CHEESY MUCH!

So what do you think??? Liking Seung HI? I promise she'll be a bit more friendly with a kick of y. ALSO!! Katie isn't the character to curse, lol, that was just me being me hahahhaha



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junie0406 #2
love your story!<br />
update soon :)
Blue_Ice #3
Awwww i was so excited to read the new chapter!<br />
BUT A NEW STORY!?!<br />
Thats epictastic!!!!<br />
I'd feel like a total dork applying though ||OTL
The feelings of seeing your love in someone's arm are really hurt!<br />
By the way, i have subscribe your other stories. :p
Bethx3 #5
Hello!!<br />
Oh MY!! I adore this!<br />
Its so well written and the plot is amazing!<br />
Definitely subscribing!
hey dear ^^<br />
dropping by after you gave me the link! (:<br />
I agree with @JustWinter, I loved the date! <br />
it's so sweet and cute AWWW ^^<br />
do continue! and I'm jealous this oneshot got a sequel by itself! <br />
haha just kidding, well done :D<br />
love your writing style as always (;
kyah~!!!<br />
<br />
he kissy her :)
Mrem96 #8
@JustWinter awwww thanks! Lol I hope ppl like the date XDD
Their date is so sweet!<br />
Nice poster by the way!
Mrem96 #10<br />