
Meeting each other[HIATUS]

[Your P.O.V]

Toot-toot-toot!!! (Alarm clock ringing)

“Arghnnhm,,,” You mumbled.

You woke up by the sound of an unfamiliar ringing beside you.

You tilted your head to the right, now facing the balcony which the light passed through that brightened the entire room. You squinted one eye to slowly scan your surroundings then reached for the alarm clock.

*Strange……I don’t remember this place…-.-

*Click! You pushed the button to stop the ringing

You took a peek at the time. It was already 7:30 a.m.

*7:30 huh? I don’t remember setting an alarm ……oh well……

You shuffled your entire body to the right then opened both of your eyes and yawned. You scanned the entire room for the second time;

From the black modernized tables, the big rectangular windows, the plain white ceiling to the vogue walls…….

You furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head in curiosity.

*huh…what the hell am I doing in this place/….……..o_o

You laid flat on your back and interlocked your fingers then stared at the ceiling trying to recall what happened.

*Where the heck am I?!

As you were wondering your head suddenly hurt. It was the effect of alcohol.

You propped your elbows, head leaning on the bed cupboard.

As hard as you try digging deep in thought trying to regain memories last night….to no avail. NOTHING.

Your deep thought was again disturbed, not by a sudden headache but a certain moving figure beside you. You were frightened by the sudden movement but brave enough to find out what IT is. You positioned yourself near the corner of the bed. You watched as the wiggling blankets continued wiggling and shift different positions. Still not figuring WHAT IT is, You continued watching nothing but the blanket.

You raised your eyebrow then started inching closer to the moving THING. As you reached your hand to uncover the mysterious moving THING. A hand came out underneath the blankets then IT started to wiggle and started dragging the blankets down.

You gasped at the sight.

A was now facing you. A of a "man".

By now you realized the "IT" was a person, a guy to be precise.

Your hand cupped your mouth, eyes close popping out of your eye sockets. You were really shocked to find a guy next to you [sleeping beside you...way more shocking 0_0 ].

"What the freakin hell..........." you mumbled one hand still cupping your mouth.

[AFTER 10 minutes being frozen MENTALLY and being able to take all of "THIS"]


You started eyeing the "STRANGER" from top to bottom. (but there wasnt anything to eye.. :D his back was facing you PLUS he is covered in a blanket) XD ).

You stared at his flawless wide back. Then a thought came to your head.

*OMO! Is he N-A-K-E-D?!!. You made a horrid face.

You slowly reached for blankets and tried lifting it carefully to find out if he was . You bit your bottom lip and squinted your left eye.

As you were about to fully uncover him, you were disrupted by his sudden groans.

"Arngmhh.. y!,...hehe,,.Cookies! keke" He mumbled in his sleep.

You smiled at the same time giggled at his silly words.

*haha! how silly.....ahhhhhhhh....OKAY!! back to reality HYUNA!!. You scolded yourself.

You bit your forefinger grwing more and more curious about the SITUATION thing. You didnt notice you were adoring him right now at how cute how he's sleeptalking right now.

*!!!.   You mentally slapped yourself for finding the guy CUTE.

*This is not the time to adore a freakin STRANGER who is sleeping next to you, HYUNA !!!! Arrghh!!.


The stranger then started to move, now facing you.

*Wahhh!! oh-my-gawd! .

You were now in a ready-fight! position, ready to kick !, if there was any -kicking needed. You were in that position in a short while after realizing he was still sound asleep. You propped you hands down slowly then started to stare at HIM.

*Wahh.. He's handsome........I knew IT.....i SLEPT w/ Him..... Being the clever and wise girl you are. You were sure about this. From the point you woke up next to a guy....which youre not sure if or not.....but it should be ! if we slept.

You slumped your shoulders not really feeling anything right now. Yeah you slept with a bunch of guys, yeah you've seen a guy ...including HIS *cough*-*cough*. everything wasnt a big deal after all. This was just one of those ONS (One night stand's) you eventually would forget like FOREVER. the exact time;

At tall husky figure was now leaning behind the glass window.. Staring blankly at the not so interesting view from office holding a cup of hot coffee..


A deep exhale escaped from his mouth forming moisture on the glass. he didnt know why he was thinking of her. Confused at the sudden notice about the girl. About why she isnt early like always, maybe her first time being late just fixed his attention to her. She was a college acquaintance and a friend, but not that close. They would exchange glances, have conversations. well shes the one who would always watch him and tries to talk to him but HE constantly just replies and would sometimes IGNORE her). Everyone already can tell that SHE likes HIM that MUCH, but HE just ignores IT not really botheing himself too much. The fact you could tell it was ONE-SIDED-LOVE, a sad one-sided-love from a hopeful,lonely protagonist.

* how come she's not early?... she always come this time of day,,everyday.. He thought out of the blue.

He asked a bit worried and curious about a particular girl. He has always considered the girl as exceptional but not that special in his eyes, he constantly would notice her because of her obvious adoration at him. He was the type whose kind enough to appreciate a girls confession of love to him,.Many adored him because of his kindeness and appreciative personality but to him it was just PITY. He knows how he acts affect them, how being appreciative of them really makes them happy but inside he just IGNORES them.

The sound of fingers tapping the coffee mug was the only thing you could hear in his dull and exquisite room. Tapping certainly waiting for a certain someone.

"i wonder" He muttered thinking of girl. A tiny hint of concerned about her but eventually this feeling would disappear.

*no sure shes fine. He thought.

He started pacing back to his chair then continued doing his work. The sad,worried thought....was now forgotten.

If only The GIRL.....knew somehow that HE thought of her even for a little. Surel she would be the happiest girl ever but that's not what she has been hoping and DREAMING.






[Your P.O.V]


The moment Jaejoong faced you (obviously still sleeping peacefully). You couldn't stop staring at him. You continued watching him like a PEDO person...(hehe :) i like that word FUNNY :P)

You stared at him in awe; Observing him from his face to his body. His facial structure was amazing as well as his well toned body. He had a handsome face; Sharp and pointy jaw, luscious kissable lips, long pointy nose, long curved eyelashes and  what  you like most about a guy: Soft and smooth hair ( let's just say you liked guys with awesome and cool hairstyles hehe:] ).

You stare back at his face directly at his lips from his lips down to his curvy jaw line....his long,slender neck....then his broad wide shoulders....

*must be nice to hug him.......................

You had your mouth hung open a bit, still focused at him.

You then moved to his long and  muscular pair of arms then to his well shaped-fit toned  ABS....( keke. :P Oh-MY freaking god......>;] )

*WAh!..He has six packs!?!!. Your eyes glistened at the sight.

You were about to drool when he suddenly shifted his weight closer to you.

You immediately snap back then started to move backwards...... then he moved forward again. As he moved forward towards you, for the second time you moved backward not knowing you were on the edge of the bed.

You moved back a bit thinking He's going to inch forward,but he didnt instead;



You fell down the hard,solid floor that made your landing painful.

You winced in pain and rubbed your . You were about to stand up when you noticed you were fully . You immediately covered your self. Then slowly peeped at him, if he was awake. You heaved a sigh of relief.

*Good thing he isn't awake. sigh.....-_-

You tried standing up again but failed.

*OW! sheesz! @#%$****!!!!!@$#$!!!. You winced in pain again but this time the pain was doubled because you used too much pressure on your right  arm that strike through your wrist.

Your wrist was sprained a bit. You bit your lip as you cupped your wrist slowly massaging.

You tried standing up again by grabbing the blankets for support.

*1..2..3 GO!

You grabbed the blankets with full force...(mostly from your left wrist), Swiftly standing up straight.

You ran towards the bathroom and grabbed  a towel then started to scavenged for your clothes,

You peeked at the sleeping figure on the bed to see if he was awake.

*YES!.... You happily thought.

You tiptoed around the roo. It wasnt that long before you spotted each one of your belongings scattered on the floor everywhere along with HIS. One by one you picked them up and gathered them in your arms.You were now relieved about this but you noticed some are MISSING.


Your eyes were now becoming rays that scanned the room in hurr. After a while;

Your eyes were about to pop out of your sockets when you noticed that you was underneath Jaejoongs pillow.

*OH! GOD!!!  0_o You stared in horror

*SHIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You hissed

you bit your lip as you trudged forward......towards Jaejoong.

*Careful Hyuna....slow and steady.... You reminded yourself.

You tip-toed towards Jaejoong, still hugging your clothes tightly.

Slowly and Silently you reached the bed with the sleeping figure on ti.

*God! please help me...I promise I'll be good.please...i mean I'll try to be..hehe :) pls..just...huhuu

You made a cross sign then reached for your .

*here goes nothing.....

Then bit by bit you were now close to grabbing your when suddenly Jaejoong caught you.

*NOOOO@!@@@@ You mentally screamed.

You close your eyes shut the moment you felt Jaejoong caught you. You were now scared of what will happen next.

You then realized after a while...nothing happened atleast that was what you think....You soon realize nothing did happen after that but a pair of arms was now hugging you.

You opened your eyes slowly to find jaejoong cuddling you but worst ....Your on top of him.


frustrated about the POSITION you were into.

After awhile you look at him to find him asleep again.

*UHH...he must be a deep sleeper...-_- facepalm............................

You decided to just not do anything for now...coz ur TIRED..........

You could now hear Jaejoong's soft breathing and feel his chest move up and down while he was asleep.

Soon you eventually tried taking his arms off of you but sadly, it only made him hug you tighter that made you lounge forward, just a few inches close to his face.


You stared at him again directly at his face, and You could now smell his scent which was not bad but, GOOD..

You smelled his scent again.

You bit your lip at his mesmerizing scent.

*God i need to get out of here......... You thought as you realized 

You carefully reached for the pillow and tried replacing it on top of Jaejoong, After prying his hands off of you.and replacing the pillow quickly you grabbed your undies.You then heaved a asigh of relief.

After that You scaddadled through the bathroom.

You looked back again and thought...

*This is a first...........................



so....HOW WAS IT??

I'm really sorry i havent been able to update on my FICS....... I have been really busy READING some great CARRIED AWAY! :)

SORRY! -_- :(






"Yeppee! Internet is BACK"

   HAHA!!! XD

   AN IM BACK!!! baby!! XD




Jaejoong is such a CUTIE!! ( a hot cutie that is! :P )


MORE!! more! more! MOREEEE!!!!!!!

and now for YUNHO!!!


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Im in the middle of writing an update for Meeting each other :)


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acebryan22 #1
Azhura #2
LMAO jaejoong is so funy poor men in suit jaejoong badmouths abouyt them hehe
Azhura #3
Chapter 25: LMAO jaejoong iss so funny! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD update soon pls. :D
oooh..nice story
update more please
Chapter 25: please post more soon..!!
hehehe I love your story ~ It's hilarious LOLOL
Anilove22 #7
Chapter 24: I'm glad she met new friends so she doesn't have to obsess over yunho anymore ^_^
Anilove22 #8
Chapter 23: He finally saw her again ^_^ too bad she ran away from 3 hot guys.
Crystalbone #9
Chapter 23: ... Yeah, why would you run away from 3 hot guys??? Update soon~ ^~^
~ oh ! i love your story , update soon chingu ♥