“ ARRGGH !! I was so stupid ! “ I scream at Jiyong

“ Yah.. cool down dude.. What happen? you again, huh? “

“ What to do jiyong-ah ? I don’t know.. tomorrow is her graduation. . . She is a grown up girl right now “

“ Calm down, she is your already “ Jiyong winks

“ She is mine, as my little sister ... I want her to be more that a sister.. I never look at her as my sister “ 

“ But she does look at you as her ‘over-protective’ older brother “ Jiyong giggles

“ YAH !! “ I shout and Jiyong runs away


11 year-old
“ Seunghyun oppa !! I’m you , now you are my oppa !! “ She looks at me with her cute face
“ Appaa... can I bring Seunghyun oppa to the amusement park? “ Her appa ( my new appa ) nods, and she brings me to a small amusment park nearby
“ Oppa !! Let’s play !! “ She runs all over the place, jumping around like a hyper-kid would do
“ Eh, be careful ! “ Just right after I say that, she fell on her face, hard on the ground
“ HWEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE “ She cries so loud and I see her knees and face has so many scratches. I didn’t know what to do, I want to help her but ... but I just cry.. I didn’t know that she stops crying when she saw me cried. She approach me and hand me a candy
“ Oppa, don’t cry... Here, candy ! “ She cutely hand me the candy, and I took it. We both then eat all candis that she bought from home

13 year-old
“ Seungyun, come here “ My mom calls me
“ Ne umma? “ I enter her room, it was only the 2 of us in the house
“ I know your feeling towards you , you’ve been hiding it all the time “
“ Mom.. I .. I ... “ I lower my head, afraid that she will hates me for liking my own sister
“ No, I’m not mad. She is a very cute and kind girl... No wonder you like her. But I just want you to remember that she is your sister now. For her sake, I want you to keep that feelng of yours by yourself. You don’t want her to see you as a stranger and in the end, you will hurt her. So please, ok? “  She smiles sweetly
“ Uh... yes, umma... I will “


15 year-old
I just get the news that my parents passed away in a car accident just a few hours earlier. I feel on my knees. . .
When I enter the room where many neighbors and colleagues of my parents are waiting for their body to be sent home.
‘ I think we shoulde get someone to take care of you , or take her to the orphanage. . . She is such a beautiful girl, and now she’ll be living with Seunghyun.. They are not blood-realated, who knows what might happen to such a pretty little girl ‘
I can’t believe that they can say that... I .. I promise umma to take care of her, and I won’t do anything bad... I love her
“ Please, if you’re here to take you away, I politely ask you to leave this house. I’ll take care of her no matter what, and I will protect her. She maybe doesn’t have any blood-relation with me, but I see her as my younger sister and that’s all “ I open the door and they all shocked


you , I love you ... but I can’t.. this is not right “




You came home late because you was busy preparing for the graduation ceremony tomorrow, when you enter the house... you found your brother is watching TV on sofa. You jump to him and cuddle up to release all your burden.

“ How was it ? Ready for tomorrow ? “ He asks

“ Yeap... em, Oppa.. I have something to tell you “ You sit straight and look at him in his eyes

“ Yes, tell me everything ! “ He smiles, turn the volume down

“ I’ll be leaving after graduation “ you tell him softly

“ W-what ? “

“ Y-yes... I’ll be moving with Seungri.. We go to the same university, and it’s much nearer than this house.. We can just walk from there “ You lower your head

“ Oh..uh.. you , that’s all ? Tell me “ He looks at your, with your suspicious expression

“ This ... “ You rause your hand, showing him a ring on your finger

“ What’s that ? “

“ From Seungri... he is now my boyfriend. And I’ll be moving out with him “

Suddenly his whole world crushed down, after what you said

“ Do..do you love him ? “ He asks you

“ Yes oppa.. we knew each other for long ... and I think this is the time already “

“ Ok then.. “ He fakes a smile holding his tears

“ Are you crying? “

“ No.. hh.. Yes... I’m so happy that you are all grown up... I’m happy for you my princess “ He hugs you tightly and cry on your shoulder.Hiding his crushed heart and his deep love towards you


Oh my.. did the name appear as moodytabby (my ID) again ? LOL ~

Forgot to change it xD ~

Sorry !!!

But I edited already ^^

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Always put my ID on the fic xD So sorry ! I changed already -I LOVE YOU-


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Chapter 4: Aaah , poor sweet seungri :'(
ChezzyChoi #2
Chapter 1: OMG. I was so freaked out when my username was there ROFL. XD So far, this is so awesome ;u;
Wah. My ultimate biases. Haha. Seungri, you have me though, you are not going to be lonely. ;)

Nice fanfic author-ssi. :)
Cute and sad At the sAme time (not sure it's because of the story/there's my 2 ultimate biases XD), poor baby panda got friendzoned
CB_Zinger #5
It's so cute, it made me cry <3 I love this story
Duuuuuddeee O____O
It's so weird that my username and your character's name is the same!

AND this is the first time I've read your story.
nekosya88 #7
Yup, a bit cheesy but I like it ^^ The ending is sad...
cute story anyway~
Seungri the brave..! nice fic~
After reading this fic, it's very sad :'( But overall I like how Seunghyun treated his sister >.< so sweet
Omo, so she's in love with him too..and that history with Seungri was a plan...
I feel bad for Seungri..he really loves her :'(
But, i'm happy with the end..really happy!! :D