Chapter 1


The sun's ray shone through the cream-coloured curtains, casting the gentle light and heat on two sleeping figures. Yunho had his arms wrapped around Jaejoong. Yunho always sleep like this; he likes to protect his  love. As the warm rays was washed onto Jaejoong, he shifted slightly in his sleep, awakening the man next to him. Slowly, Yunho retracted his hand and cupped Jaejoong's face, capturing him into a morning kiss. Their tongues swirled around each other's mouth, exploring every corner to keep the taste of their lover. Jaejoong smiled. He loved it when Yunho was in a good mood; all those pleasures. 

"I'll go make breakfast!" Jaejoong chirped.

"Okay, I'll just sleep in for a while more." Yunho replied softly, before dozing off again.

After washing up, Jaejoong headed to do his favourite activity - cooking. While walking to the kitchen, he saw the morning newspaper already delivered to his doorstep. Instinctively, he went over and picked it up, looking at the front page, hoping to catch up a little on the recent news. Almost like fate, Jaejoong noticed the small fonts printed at the top of the newspapers.

"Adopt a child now! Call 62318482!"

Jaejoong gasped in excitement. He had always wanted a child. To love him and care for him till he grows into an adult. Without second thoughts, Jaejoong dug for his phone and dialed the number. 







"Yes, alright! I will collect him today. Thank you!" Jaejoong could not contain his happiness. He was so glad that he could finally have a kid since he and Yunho can never have one together. He did not even consider the other factors of adopting a child; the negativity of being rash.

A pair of arms slides up Jaejoong's waist, shocking him momentarily. Yunho frowned. "What's wrong?" 


"Oh. Who was you talking to on the phone just now?" Yunho casually asked and headed towards the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk.

"Um... Yeah. Yunho, I'm adopting." Jaejoong stammered slightly, suddenly remembering the fact that Yunho hated kids.

"Jaejoong..." Yunho voice carried his anger. "You know I hate children. Why did you adopt without asking me?"

"I... I. Yunnie..." Jaejoong whined.

"No Jaejoong." Yunho literally growled.

It makes Jaejoong upset that Yunho didn't cared about him. He hated that he had to listen to Yunho every single time. He hated to be under someone's control.

"Why? Why must I listen to you everytime? Can't I make my own decisions? I hate it. I hate you!" Jaejoong yelled.


Jaejoong ran to his room. Slowly, he pulled his legs up to his chest. Sometimes, he hated himself for being so childish. He hated being controlled. He hated how he acts.

The morning argument had ended and Jaejoong did not prepare breakfast. He heard the door clicked and he knew Yunho had went out. And he knew Yunho is beyond angry.

Sighing, he just got up and dressed himself into a slightly more formal looking clothing as he prepared to fetch his 'son'. He had no choice right? He confirmed it with the person-in-charge and there is no backing out now.





"Go, Changmin, go greet your new parent." The person-in-charge nudged a little boy who look so fragile.

Changmin walked unstably towards Jaejoong, head hung low.

Jaejoong frowned and embraced the younger who froze at the touch. However, Jaejoong continue to carry him up, soothing him while smoothing his hair.

"Thank you for adopting him. Hope he will grow up healthily." The lady (person-in-charge) smiled.

"He will." Jaejoong replied and carried Changmin out of the office and into his car.

The journey home was nothing but silence. Jaejoong did not try to strike up a conversation. He did not know what to say anyway.

Changmin just continued looking down at his feet and refusing to open his mouth. When they finally reached, Jaejoong opened the door for Changmin. Unexpectedly, Changmin stumbled out. By a mere hand movement, Changmin followed Jaejoong into the large mansion.

He leaded the boy to a room which in Changmin's point of view is beyond beautiful and what he dreamed off.

"I'll get you new furniture tomorrow, just get sufficient sleep. I'm enrolling you to school and you should be mentally prepared. And one last important thing, your appa is not in very good mood today. Just... just be careful alright? By the way, call me umma." Jaejoong said out monotonously although he tried to sound slightly friendlier.

Changmin just nodded mechanically, digesting what his 'mother' had just said.

Changmin laid on the king-sized bed, feeling comfort for the first time. Just as he was about to sleep, he heard the door clicked and he woke up almost immediately. Changmin is a very light sleeper and gets disturbed by a pin drop  






He could definitely hear screams and shouts from below. "Where's that little pest? Where? I know you brought him back. You little." Yunho was mad, pissed and angry.

"Yunho, I'm begging you, he didn't do anything wrong, please don't hurt him."

"Go away. Go to the room now. I will talk to you later." Yunho was using such a stern voice, Jaejoong could not help but comply.

Yunho stormed into the room, saw the young boy curled up on the bed. Changmin heard everything and he was beyond terrified.

"Get up now. You idiot!"

Changmin tried his best and scrambled to his feet but he was too slow. Yunho grabbed him by his hair and tossed him on the floor. Changmin cringed in pain.

"Why didn't you greet your father?" Yunho shouted into the younger's face, giving him a tight slap.

Changmin whimpered as Yunho gripped his jaws hard.

"I want an answer!" Yunho yelled and backhanded him.

Changmin screamed in pain and tried to talk but he could not.

"Learn your lesson, you little insect." Yunho said and stomped away.






Yunho headed to his and Jaejoong's room. He saw Jaejoong sitting on the bed and giving him an innocent face. Yunho shook off his thoughts and regained his dominative nature.

"So, do you have anything to say?" Yunho demanded.

"I...I .." Jaejoong was scared and pissed too. Afraid that Yunho would punish him and angry that he always summits in to Yunho. "I'm sorry."

"If you want to apologize, apologize properly." Yunho smirked. He loved it when Jaejoong is so obedient.


Jaejoong swallowed and look at Yunho with the best apologetic eyes possible and repeated. "I am sorry."


"Good boy. I thought you want another round of punishment."


Jaejoong thought of the previous time and shivered. Never would he want to get tortured again. Knowing this will please Yunho, he immediately went on his knees and kissed Yunho's shin, just  like a good puppy.


Yunho smirked. He knew Jaejoong always know his place. 

"I'll let you keep him this time but I have my standards, if he don't hit them, I have every right to punish him, okay darling?" Yunho used a sarcastic sweet voice and he ruffled Jaejoong's hair.


"O...okay." Jaejoong did not care much. He just wanted to keep a child and Yunho to love him.


"Go to sleep. I will register his school and other paperwork." Yunho kissed his lover's forehead.


"I love you Yunnie. " Jaejoong whispered.


"Me too. " Yunho replied and helped Jaejoong get on the bed.

It was not that late into the night. Yunho searched the Internet for good elite schools. This stupid boy (in Yunho's view) should not ruin Yunho's reputation. It was not long he found a few good schools and he called them up asking if they are accepting new students. Just because he is Jung Yunho, the application was processed faster than any other applies. The principal told Yunho that Changmin could start school the next day. yunho smiled. His job is done!

However, he still must purchase school supplies since he has nothing. Nothing at all. Yunho went down the nearby stationary shop and grab anything that passes his eyes. He did not care about the price nor the appearance. He is rich after all. Grabbing the plastic bag, he speeded to Changmin's school and bought him his uniform and school books. One thing Yunho hates and Jaejoong loves - shopping.

After Yunho reached home, he barged into Changmin's room and threw the supplies on the floor. In a cold voice, he said "pack for tomorrow, you have school." Changmin was shivering so much but Yunho did not even bothered to take a look at the scared boy. He just left the broken boy alone, unsure and scared of what he should be doing.



A/N: First chapter up! Be sure to subscribe and comment! <3 {Edited}

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Quwanda #1
Chapter 4: :( Will you be updating?
CinqLuna #2
update? :D
Update soon pls:)?
CinqLuna #4
update? :'O
CinqLuna #5
He's nice.. yeah, he provide school to Changmin (even thou he think that Minnie did not clever LOL)
update soonnn O//
bolero #6
Omo, poor Changminnie! D:
catalina #7
yeah make that story better please ok update soon
kura45 #8
I'm just read it
How cruel yunho
Mind to tell me why yunho dislike child?
Poor minnie ,
Update soon
princess1996 #9
poor changmin! and jae!!!
yunho be nic!
update sooon!!
CinqLuna #10
Ahh~~ I'll wait~ Oh I see~ he's still kid then ^^-

I will wait for you~ hwaiting~~~