Bom groans as she opens her eyes. How long have she passed out, she didn’t even know. As soon as she opens her eyes, the first thing come to her mind is TOP’s whereabouts. “Thanked god, you finally come to your sense.” Tyto descend nearby Bom. “Where is TOP?” she asked the familiar. “Around here, somewhere. I tried to contact Flen but he didn’t respond. I think they are both still unconscious.” The owl replied. Bom stood on her feet and start wandering till she found a small town.

The town was badly destroyed by the tornado that brought TOP and her here. Bom stops after feeling something is odd. “Tyto, can you check this place from above?” Bom asked her familiar. Tyto flew up in the sky, strolling to the whole town before coming back to Bom. “Your highness, something is amiss.” Tyto reports to her.

“Yeah, yeah! We’ll talk about that in a jippy. I need to get out from the sun’s heat first!” she said and starts running to a nearby building and pushed the door into it. Tyto flew low behind her. “So, what did you found?” she asked Tyto.

“The town is empty. No one is here.” He told Bom. “Really? But just now I felt someone’s presence.” Bom crooks her eyebrows. Could it be TOP? Or maybe Beelzebub? “What’s that sound??” Bom jolts as she heard something behind the counter. It sounds like someone is chewing something chewy. The fact that the sound actually disturbs the two makes them felt uneasy. Slowly, Bom tiptoe to the counter and peep her head over the counter.

Her face changed to white pale, shocked in what she found. A guy is eating his own body! Blood is everywhere and the guy is half eaten and continues to eat himself! The horrifying and disgusting scene to look at when his intestines are fallen out from his belly. Bom screams on top of her lungs as she couldn’t bear the look of it anymore. TOP who was just nearby the building heard her screaming and quickly got out from the building to search for Bom.

“BOMMIE!!!” he busted into the building and found the girl trembling on the floor. She saw it. He dashed towards Bom and hugged her. “Shh.... It’s going to be alright. Calm down now Bom...” he said. Bom was gripping her hand, didn’t realize that the blood dripped from her palms after her nails pierce through her skin. She must be so frighten that she didn’t even felt the pain. TOP loosen up her grip and wipes the blood with his clothes before wrapping it up.

“Let’s find another place to hide.” Flen suggest to his master. TOP nods, agreed and help Bom to her feet. Flen then jumps up to Tyto’s back for a ride. Even in just a few minutes of walking, TOP and Bom felt the sun’s fury which makes TOP thinks about Taeyang. What happen to them? Please let everything be fine... He hoped even though he knew it’s not judging from the odd things that happen around them. TOP pushed the door to a convenient store open with his shoulder before going in with Bom. Luckily, the place isn’t that bad after the tornado and after Beelzebub spreads his powers.

“Here, drink some water.” He give Bom a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Bom drinks it up immediately as she was so thirsty. TOP give some water to the familiars too before drinking some for himself. “The heat is no kidding!” TOP wipes his sweat. Even in the building, they still can felt the heat.

“CL....” Bom mumbles as she remembered what happen to her sister back then. She couldn’t do nothing to help CL. TOP just stared at Bom as tears fall down her cheeks. “Bommie, stop crying. It’s not going to get us back to time.” He said to her. “Right now, let’s find a way to get to Taeyang first. The others probably start searching for their ways too.” He hugged her.

“I felt sorry for them... I couldn’t do anything for my own sister...” she sobs. TOP just her head, try to calm her down. “So am I. I couldn’t do anything to my brother too.” He closes his eyes and let out a heavy sighed. Just then, the couple felt an evil presence coming towards them fast! TOP acts fast as he shield them from the attack.

“Not bad...” Beelzebub nods acknowledge TOP’s powers. The building is now ripped apart after Beelzebub attacks them. The sun shines brightly without mercy. “Uh... the sun...” Flen groans as he got the heat struck and dropped to the floor, panting. “Flen!!” Tyto got panic and pour the water to the pierre dog. “Thanks, Tyto!” Flen said after they got some shades.

TOP and Bom were getting ready for any surprise attack from this guy. They still haven’t seen his real powers yet so it’s really making them a bit worry. “I know what you’re weakness is...” Beelzebub smirks at both of them. What is he going to do? Bom steal glances at TOP.

“And that is...” he paused again. TOP glanced at his back, worried that Bellzebub would hurt Bom.

 “This!” Beelzebub flicked his finger and their familiars pops in front of him. BUMMER!! WE’RE DEAD! The two blue-blooded jaws dropped after Beelzebub took them by surprised and trying to harm their familiar instead.

“You coward!! Why don’t you deal with us instead of those tiny harmless animals?!” Bom shouted at him. Beelzebub snickers. “Why?? BECAUSE I’M ONE OF THE 7 SINS AND I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!” he glared at Bom. “LIKE THIS!!!” Beelzebub grasps his right hand and Flen was crushed by his power!

“NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Bom shouted as TOP cried out in pain as his bone cracks! “STOP!!!!” Bom hold on to TOP in her embrace as the guy shouted in pain. Beelzebub laughed without symphaty at her. “Next is your turn!” he smirks at Bom.

“NOT SO FAST PRETTY BOY!” a female voice echoed. Both Beelzebub and Bom looked around but didn’t found anyone. Just as Beelzebub raise his hand towards the struggling Tyto, an arrow pierce through his palm and Beelzebub growls in pain.

“Who’s there!!! Come out!!!!” he rants after taking out the weird-lighting-shaped arrow from his palm and threw it to the ground.

“I’m right here!!” A girl appears as she jumps down from the sky aiming her bows and arrows to Beelzebub and shoots!!!! Bom was astonished seeing her skill as she equipped her arrows so quickly! Her arrows didn’t miss any of her targets. Chest, hands, arms, thighs and even feet all have been shoot! The girl landed on the ground gracefully.

“How dare you trespassed our kingdom and made a roar!” suddenly her bows changed into a sword as she points it to Beelzebub. Bom croaks her forehead. KINGDOM?? She diverts her attention to TOP as he groans. “Tabi, hang on!” she said to him. The girl glances at them and sighed.

“Here, drink this. It’ll help him to get better.” The girl who is a lot younger from Bom handed a small flask to her. Bom do as she was told and helped TOP to drink the water from the flask.

“ARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Beelzebub growls as he took out an arrow from his body. Blood starts dripping out from his open wound. “Nobody messes with Beel!!!!!” he shouted. His eyes changed to dark black entirely. He’s angry. The girl turned to the enemy but Beel wasn’t there anymore.

“Watch out!!” Bom shouts as she felt that Beelsebub just in front of the girl. He appears!! Beelzebub is about to pounch at the girl! The girl was shocked in seeing Beelzebub high speed. Bom closes her eyes, didn’t dare to see what’s going to happen.




Bom opens her eyes as she felt that the voice is somehow different from what she’s imagine. To her surprise, the girl is still standing on her feet unharm! Her eyes spotted something on the ground. “Urghh!!” she said looking at Beelzebub horrible body.

“Iris, i told you not to be careless didn’t I?” a boy stands up with a fierce look on his face. Perhaps he’s the girl friend. “Arashi!!” the girl jumps to him, hugging him happily. “And you said you didn’t want to waste your energy in this.” She sarcastically said to him. “I said that but I didn’t say I don’t want to participate.” He told her.




What is this?? Are they bickering?? Somehow it reminded me of me and Tabi. We used to be like this before too. “Urmm... Excuse me..” I called them out. The two turned to me. “Ah, yes??” Iris blinked at me. “Where am I? You said to Beelzebub that we’re tresspassing your kingdom.” I asked them.

“Ah! It’s Kingdom of the Moon. Let me welcome you to LUNA!” Iris hand out her hand for a hand shake. “LUNA??” I give her a stare eventually accepting her hand. “My name is Iris and he’s Arashi. We’re part of the knight that protects the king and queen here.” She explains. “How is he doing?” she looked at TOP.

“I think he’s getting better...” I replied as TOP’s breathing naturally and just fallen asleep from all the pain he got. “Well, then. Since you just dropped into our dimension, let get you back to the palace. The queen is eager to meet with all of you.” She smiled and whistled.

A giant bird then appears and landed a few meters away from us. “Let’s go.” She said and walks calmly to the bird. “Tyto, bring Flen with you.” I said to Tyto and he picks the fainted animal up with his feet before flying along with us. 


Where exactly they were and more importantly are they friends or foes??















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cutiejinwan #1
Chapter 47: .really nice story authornim
Chapter 47: haha well I've read this story many times but I still love it haha :) nice story authorniiim ! daebak :)
jojettykoh #3
Chapter 47: Awesome... Love it!!
luckyseven11 #4
Chapter 21: its freaking great.. amazing AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!! :) ...
Chapter 27: OMFG ANCIENT GREEK!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 47: chappie 47: even though i'm not a SUNSKY shipper, but this story is really A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 20: chappie 20 : i'm so dead tired and sleepy but i want to continue read this... this story is sooo damn good!!
other than that, are shinee and beast gonna bad guy in this?..
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 5: chappie 5: wowww!!! i really thought that BIGBANG only HUNTERS...
but, it'd came that they are something else....?
Hyorin23 #9
Chapter 47: OMFG! I just love your super natural stories. Its just amazing.
I read ALL of them....well the complete once BUT OMFG YOUR SOTRY ARE JUST AMZING.
This story especially. It was just unbelievable && unexpected.
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome STORY! :DDDDDDDDD
Chapter 29: Oh, autocorrect aaaaaah
I get it.