Accused :(

Accused :(

I plopped myself down on the bed, throwing my schoolbag over at a corner. *over-biased people* I sighed and shut my eyes, recalling the bad things that happened to me and my best friends today.




"Today is just not my day...." I said to myself as I turned to face the window. " ALL OF YOU IDIOTS! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!!" I screamed hysterically out of the window.


"Jagiya!!" Myungsoo shouted and climbed onto my bed. He s his hands around my waist and buried his face in my hair.


"Ah! Yah Kim Myungsoo! When did you get here? You scared me!" I rolled my eyes.


"Just... I called out to you a few times but you were deaf."


"Myoya?? Deaf?? Speaking about deaf, who said he couldn't hear me when I screamed like a lunatic?"




"Babo." I punched him lightly in his chest as I turned to face him.


"Neh! I babo, you babo, everyone babo!!! So... Why did you scream like some mental woman? What's bothering you, jagiya? You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear me calling out to you!"




Myungsoo raised an eyebrow and said, "Don't try to lie, I know you too well."


"A-a-a-aniyo.. I am not lying. Its really nothing! Hehe."


"You don't want to tell me?"




"Fine. Then I guess I have to force you to." Myungsoo said with an annoyed tone.






"Ahhhh!!" I started screaming and inching everywhere. Myungsoo was tickling me all over! "Ah! M-m-myungsoo! S-sto-stop!" Myungsoo immediately stopped and smirked. "Ready to tell me the truth now?" "N-n-neh." I replied weakly.




"Minhee, Minri, Grace and Min, please come out." Kahi-saem called us out during a free period. We walked out to the locker areas as saem started speaking. "Do you know why you are called out?" We all shook our heads.


"Is it true that you used your phone in the canteen during break time?" Kahi-saem directed it to Minhee-unnie. "Umm.."


"Yes?" Kahi-saem said in a demanding voice. I was starting to get scared now. "Some-sometimes.." Minhee-unnie whispered. "What?!"




"Okay, then when other times did you use your phone other than the canteen?"


*silence from Minhee*


"The parade square? In the morning?"


I looked over at Minhee with a puzzled look. Since when did she use in the morning? "Y-y-es."




"Be-be-because sometimes I listen to music in the bus and then when I come to school-"


"You know that you are not supposed to listen to music in school?"




"Now what about the Maths Enrichment Classes during the summer holidays? I heard from IU-saem that you all were using your phones." Kahi-saem looked at all of us, one by one. "You tell me first, Minri. Did you use your phone?"




"You were using your phone weren't you?"


"Y-y-yes but, the prefects were also using them."


"So people do you also must follow is it?!! So people take drugs you also take drugs right?!!"




~End Of Flashback~



"So did she believe you?" Myungsoo asked.


I glared at Myungsoo and replied, "What do you think??" I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips.


"She did?" Myungsoo asked.


"Yeah.. WAIT NO. BABO YAH?? Why would she believe me???" I sighed and buried my head in Myungsoo's chest. Myungsoo carressed my hair and continued, "Why wouldn't she?"


"BECAUSE SHE IS OVER-BIASED!!! She obviously believed the prefect who ratted on us!" I shouted into his chest.


"Chill babe. You wanted to cry, right?"


"Duh. I almost did seeing Minhee, Grace and Min cry!"


"But you did not. Aigoo my strong jagiya~"


"My foot."


"Your foot? Whats wrong with it?" Myungsoo cheekily teased.


"Aish babo Kim Myungsoo." I weakly said, a tear flowing down my cheeks. Soon, I started bursting into tears. I buried deeper into Myungsoo's chest, wiping my tears on his shirt.


"Ah jagiya!! Don't cry!!!"


I continued wailing like a baby and Myungsoo just kept caressing my hair, ruffling it a bit. "Ya-yah d-d-don't mess up my hair." Myungsoo started messing up my hair until my hair was all over the place. Myungsoo propped me ontop of him, making me look at him with my red cheeks.


"There! You look exactly like a crazy person now!" Myungsoo chimed. "Yaaaahhhh!!" I got up and went to my mirror. "AHHHH! KIM MYUNGSOO YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I screamed seeing the horrible person staring back at me in the mirror. I jumped on the bed and started pulling his hair.


"A-a-ah! Ouch!"" Myungsoo sat up on the bed. I noticed a big wet spot on his shirt. "Myungsoo-oppa!" I pointed to his shirt.


As Myungsoo looked down at his shirt, I blushed.


"You!! You caused this!!"


"Keke~ Oppa..." I smiled cheesily.


"Ew!!! So sticky!! Yucks I have to bathe cleanly today!" Myungsoo continued complaining. "See how wet you've made me?"


I kind of felt guilty and looked at Myungsoo, who was giggling away. I widened my eyes, realising what he had just said. "KIM MYUNGSOO!" I glared at him as he leaned in for a sweet kiss.


Breaking away from the kiss, I pouted as I wanted more. "Aigoo.. I was just kidding, Minri-jagiya! So, still angry and sad?"


"Obviously." I rolled my eyes and sulked.


"Aish my princess cannot be angry or sad! Can only be happy and happy and happy!!! Keke! To get rid of your anger, do this!" Myungsoo walked towards the window and shouted, "AHHHHHHHH!!!!"


I walked over too and screamed with all my might, "AHHHHHHH!!!!! EVERYONE! STUPID BIASED PEOPLE! B*TCHES! BIASED S!"


"Hey hey hey. I said you can scream but does not mean you can curse!" Myungsoo put a finger on my lips to shut me up.


"Aish whatever.. At least I am feeling better now! I am so tired!" I smiled and bounced on the bed. I shut my eyes, about to fall into LaLaLand. Myungsoo got on the bed and climbed on top of me. "Yah Choi Minri!"


"Waeyo.." I slowly opened my eyes to see Myungsoo on top of me. "W-w-what are you doing on top of me??!!"


"Nothing... Its just that. That. That you made me wet, so you should pay for it..." A sly smile crept up Myungsoo's face.






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qsnow94 #1
hahaha..y myungsoo
myungsoo wooo :D
Aweshume (: