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Because the World Tells Us So

Hello again guys!


Any Vietnamese people out there? :O


Shiishawol translated this story into Vietnamese. You might want to check it out.


Because The World Tells Us So (Vietnamese)


I'm so happy someone even decided to translate this fic... ;__;


Tell me what you think because I can't understand anything Vietnamese. OTL I don't even know if the comments are positive or negative (scared out of my ), but I can see that the writing style is still maintained. 


Hope you have fun reading that!


Also, thanks a lot for reading this lame note, too! Haha!


007 signing off

2:03PM, 05/30/2012

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uyuu17 #1
Author ssi, just make 2min get back together TT
ilovekorea #2
So heartbreaking..
This breaks my heart in so many ways. I love the way it's written.
Ooh ooh I know!! Krystal's and Taes marriage goes downhill and 2min is together again!!! 
To my lovely readers who wish for a sequel: If I will do a sequel (not promising that I will!), what would it be about? I think this is already finished. Haha! I don't know what to do. OTL Recommendations?
jellycakes012 #6
This is so sad but good! Please do make a sequel!
My heart ;__; </3

...should I really make a sequel or another ending? Gosh, you lovely commenters can manipulate me always! ;-;
agree with saae, I thought you will make 2min hapy, but no~ T_T
still, your story is amazing :'D but I still have this hope you will update with happy ending 2min :)
saae #10
I honestly read this long ago but i forgot to comment, but now that i saw an update, i read it again and GOSH!!! I just can't with the angst T_______T It's so heartbreaking my chest hurts... and i was kinda thought that you finally posted another chapter where 2MIN would have their happy ending (finally), but i was wrong, haha...
I just want to say that this fic truly affects me emotionally which is actually good coz that's what a good angsty fics should do to you. But i'm still (not so) secretly hope for 2MIN's happy ending together coz they deserve it (despite what other people said about their age differences). LOL, i just can't stand to see my bias' heart got broken T~T