Down the River, Floating

Because the World Tells Us So




We woke up seeing each other's faces every morning.


We kissed each other’s lips before we sleep and after we wake up, leaving us feeling giddy and smiling all day.


We whispered ‘I love you’ close to our ears every day.


We cooked breakfast together, no matter how bad I am in the kitchen.


We lied on the sofa next to each other watching Scrubs every weekend.


We went outside our apartment hand in hand, only unclasping when I go to school and you head to your work.


We ate ice cream every time you fetch me from school as a reward for me not sneaking out of the class.


We talked about the moment when we first met and how we were each other’s first love. Always.


We sneaked at my school's field every Wednesday so we can play soccer, the game you used to play when you were a teen.


We hid from my parents every time they visit our dorm, which you provided and an expensive one, not knowing that you

live with me.


We sang at the 24-hour karaoke spot 3 blocks away from our dorm every Wednesday, even if your singing is terrible and you said that your throat was not feeling well.


We called each other’s phone during my class’ break time, me sneaking into the janitor’s closet and you going on the office

building’s rooftop.


We met some nice people who accepted our relationship like Key, Amber, Krystal, Jonghyun and Onew.


We hanged out with our friends, especially with Key and Krystal.


We started to openly show that we are together -- from your officemates to my classmates, not caring what they might



We cleaned my wounds silently when my seniors from school bullied me and called me a .


We faced inevitably the lecture from my parents, saying that our relationship is not acceptable because you're 18 years

older than me.


We went together at my school’s prom but was kicked out because the principal told us that we were ‘shameless’.


We shut the judging looks of the people around us.


We flinch whenever someone calls you a e.


We noticed how our relationship affected the way your officemates communicate with you.


We tried to ignore how mean the people were from my school.


We encountered an old man who told us, "Being gay is a sin!".


We fought at things that we should not even bother.


We cried at how hard the people around us are being.


We questioned our relationship if it's going to work.


We slept not facing each other unconsciously.


We ate breakfast separately since you went to work earlier than the usual.


We stopped the movie marathons on weekends.


We no longer went outside with our hands clasped, afraid that people will see.


We started ordering fastfoods for dessert since you have no time left for work.


We talked to each other less since my final exams were coming.


We called each other no more during breaks.


We grew tired of talking and singing when we were in your car.


We knew that you always came home late because you drank too much from the bar with your office mates.


We felt that our kisses lost its spark – it became more of a habit.


We tried to tolerate that you no longer went home everyday.


We bickered at how your shoes dirtied the mat when you didn’t come home for 3 days without any reminders or calls.


We felt horror-stricken when I saw you with Krystal in the café who you pecked lips with.


We trashed around our dormitory, arguing who is right or wrong.


We lived no longer with each other – I came back at  my parents’ house while you stayed at the dorm.


We needed the comfort of being together for 8 days.


We swallowed our breaths when you finally showed up at our house, kneeling and crying.


We apologized to each other, accepting all that happened between us be in the past.


We lived again in the dorm, doing the things we used to do.


We went out again hand-in-hand but still afraid what the people might say and do.


We kept from one another the feeling that things were not the same.


We argued again when you didn’t come home one night.


We grew tired of each other and how the people are treating us.


We cried every night, not knowing what to do.


We decided to let each other go and try something new.


We showed that we were happy without each other, but I died everyday without you.


We stopped seeing each other when I moved to China and to start something new.


We lived independently, me trying to think less of anything about you.


We tried to move on with our new lives after 5 years – you were the CEO of your own cellphone company and I worked as a bartender.


We decided to meet each other again.




 ‘We’ eventually turned into an ‘I’.



I stand on a platform of the church, wearing the best suit I have.


I see you smile with warmth that can send shivers down my spine.


I notice your gaze emitting love and care that would probably last forever.


I hear the priest talk in the background while tears threaten to fall and a lump started to build up in my throat.


I shut everything around me, only noticing your presence.


I shake my head at how lovingly and seemingly dreamy you said your vows in front of the many people witnessing this



I blink my eyes to prevent the tears as the priest asks you the question.


I shiver at how the words “I do” rolled off from your mouth sweetly.


I stand weakly when the priest asks another question.


I feel crying when Krystal’s voice replied, “I do.”


I automatically clapped my hands along with the many people clapping when you kissed her.


I die inside, realizing it is too late to make you love me again as I stand here as your best man.


I smile inwardly, promising that I will let you go.



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uyuu17 #1
Author ssi, just make 2min get back together TT
ilovekorea #2
So heartbreaking..
This breaks my heart in so many ways. I love the way it's written.
Ooh ooh I know!! Krystal's and Taes marriage goes downhill and 2min is together again!!! 
To my lovely readers who wish for a sequel: If I will do a sequel (not promising that I will!), what would it be about? I think this is already finished. Haha! I don't know what to do. OTL Recommendations?
jellycakes012 #6
This is so sad but good! Please do make a sequel!
My heart ;__; </3

...should I really make a sequel or another ending? Gosh, you lovely commenters can manipulate me always! ;-;
agree with saae, I thought you will make 2min hapy, but no~ T_T
still, your story is amazing :'D but I still have this hope you will update with happy ending 2min :)
saae #10
I honestly read this long ago but i forgot to comment, but now that i saw an update, i read it again and GOSH!!! I just can't with the angst T_______T It's so heartbreaking my chest hurts... and i was kinda thought that you finally posted another chapter where 2MIN would have their happy ending (finally), but i was wrong, haha...
I just want to say that this fic truly affects me emotionally which is actually good coz that's what a good angsty fics should do to you. But i'm still (not so) secretly hope for 2MIN's happy ending together coz they deserve it (despite what other people said about their age differences). LOL, i just can't stand to see my bias' heart got broken T~T