Can't Let You Ruin Me

If Happily Ever After Did Exist... {Hiatus}


~Park AeCha's P.O.V.~


     I didn’t have any sleep last night. Not because JiHoo wasn’t here but because of the secrets he might know about me, about A.N.G.E.L.S. He must be questioned about it, alone. Looking back at the gleaming, ocean necklace, faded memories come back. JiHoo and Hyo came to class a bit later than usual and I noticed the only time we had was lunch.

     “Hey AeCha and Nana~” It was the usual, happy Lina.

     We all planned to meet except I didn’t see SoYoung.

     “What’s up SoYoung? Where’s Lina,” questioned Nana.

      “Lina has a meeting at the fashion club and she couldn’t come. Ooooh! Nice nails! Do you mind doing mine next GaYun?” SoYoung was the next fashionsta beside Lina and Nana. GaYun was the designer helping every fashion need in A.N.G.E.L.S.

     “Sure, just let me finish Nana’s.” GaYun was in deep thought at the design she was placing on the delicate French nails.

      I notice JiHoo coming into the class with Hyo. It was now or never. Standing up, I pull JiHoo out to the rooftop. Taking out the keys to the rooftop and opening the door to foggy atmosphere, I push JiHoo in. The wet rooftop had a cold wind of autumn, but it didn’t make me shiver even thought it might be about 45 degrees Fahrenheit out here. I lock the door once I’m out and I give my biggest death glare at JiHoo, who just had the biggest smirk I ever saw.

    “Start explaining.” I hope he gets what I’m talking about or else I’m going to strangle him.

    “What are you talking about,” he replied looking away.

     Now I really want to hurt him bad. “Do play dumb with me! You know what I’m talking about.”

    “No I don’t. A little explanation please?”

     I raise the necklace at him and started my questions. “Who gave you this? How do you know my real name? How do you know I have nightmare every night. What else do you know about me? And don’t say ‘You just know’!”

     “Calm down would you? It’s not a big deal that I know.”

     “NOT A BIG DEAL?! Are you crazy? If everyone knows the truth, my friends will be in danger! Now answer my questions!” I was furious. I needed the answer today and quick.

      JiHoo starred at me with those eyes that I know I saw before. But, I just couldn’t catch that memory. Those hazel brown eyes reminded me of the crunchy auburn leaves in autumn, which quietly drops to the ground that once held a lot of dead people.

      “I know that necklace belongs to your mom that died on your first birthday. The jewel on it is the reminder of your unnie. Your real name is Jin Lucia, born on October 31st. You have nightmares ever since your mom died because it gets you ready for the danger ahead in your life. And… you are a half-demon and half-angel… Anything else you want me to explain?”

       I was shocked. More than shocked. Words couldn’t explain the way I felt. He knew so much about me that it made my jaws drop to the ground.

      “How… How do you know all this?” I was scared that he might know more. The wrong people should not know this; even though I don’t know if he is the right person to know this.

      “My mom told it to me. Your mom and my mom were really close friends in the past before you know what…” JiHoo didn’t look at me this time. Instead, he looked the horizon that was full with mysterious thick fog.

      “You know my real father died in the battle?”

       I felt bad. My family was always the cause of tragedy and I was the king of the whole plan in this chess game. All I could say was this: “Are you scared of me?”

      “Of course not, Lu. I love you too much to hate you. I must protect you from anything that’ll hurt you and I’ll make sure you never cry. You know why? Cause I love you,” he looked back at me with this sad smile.

      “I don’t believe in this thing you call love. So stop it with that stupid nonsense. Why don’t you forget this whole thing and I’ll talk to KyungMi unnie so you can live a normal life,” I replied.

     “No. I can’t do that. I’m in too deep Lu. I’ve been told about you and your history for years and all that came into my mind was that I wanted to help this girl. Coming here, I just knew that I feel in love with you. Please, I can’t leave now.”

     “Would you just shut it with that stupid love stuff,” I screamed. “That feeling you’re experiencing is pity and I don’t need it. And I know that you’re also scared of all this so just leave it.”

      I was ready to leave. All my answers were collected and my plan was ready to be installed. I need him out of this thought. He must stop getting in my way before something bad happens and I’m sure it won’t give out a good vibe. I started to twist the frozen knob until I heard JiHoo’s last words: “I’ll never give up on you, I promise you that.”

      I’ll prove him wrong. I’ll make sure that he goes back to the normal life everyone has and forgets that this every happened. I have enough people on my danger list. I can’t have him ruin me. 


Author's Note:

Hello~ Sorry for this late update >.<

I've been on a semi-hiatus not too long ago and I've been busy with the new grachics shops I've been working at. 

Now, I'll try to update more since the "dark months" are here.  (YAY! MORE INSPIRATION FOR ME~)

Please tell me what you think and I know this is a short chpater. I'll try to write more next time. :)

Plus, I'm editing the story at the moment cause I saw many mistakes and I think I wrote too babyish in the previous chapters. 

But, I shall still write. ^-^*

Like, subcribe, and comment.  <3 <3 <3

Thanks so much!!! <3



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Thx every1 4 u sweet and awesome support!!! XD


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Chapter 5: asdfghjkl. I need to read more. xD
anyways, it's really goood! ^~^
I hope you update soon! :D
jamyung #2
Chapter 8: this is good
update soon
can't wait
Woah, this is really good! I hope you can updater soon. ^^
Wooow Alice this sounds soooo interesting ^^ your writig is amazing :D I can't wait till I have more time so I can read all of the chapters !!
What I read was brilliant, so interesting ^^ Hwaiting :D
lilcandycane #5
this update is not an update
i just edited some things :D
kellen_1825 #6
Kyahhhhhhhhh this us really amazing and Interesting GOSH. LOVE IT!!!! I missed you saeng goodluck in your school stuffs too. We can do it. hwaiting LOVE yah!!!
lilcandycane #7
Thx 4 the sweet wonderful updates everyone~~~
<3 u all :D (as friends just in case some1's mind is negative here -o+)
ill try 2 update asap~
cant wait til my exams and graduation is done XD
ill be updating more during the break <3

@crazygirl157 - i'll be answering ur mysterious questions on my upcoming updates ^^ so i hope u look 4ward 2 it ^^ ill try 2 update as soon as my regents exams r finished XD

@AnjCSimle14 - i wish 2 see them MC's together in real life 2~~~~ thx 2 imagination *hands flying around* we can imagine them 2gether~~~ XD thx 4 the good luck! ill try my best on my exams :D FIGHTING!!!! <3
OMG!!!!! she has magical powers? cool!!!! and wats with jihoo? how does he now? ottoke??? well update soon saengie! the updates were AWESOME as always, so update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333