Chapter 2

You are beautiful


"You want to know why I am here with you and not with these girls?" he said throwing all the magazines and newspapers on the floor.

"This one, he said picking up the magazine, you think she is pretty right, makeup noonas hate her cause it takes them hours to make her look half way decent. And this one,he said taking up another magazine, would pay me to have with her, and her sister wanted me so that she could get to Jiyong. I want you to understand that none of these girls can hold a candle to you.And all these girls are after my money and fame. You own such a strong personality,and believe me when i say you are BEAUTIFUL. Your laugh to me is like music, when I see you asleep there is nothing more peaceful for me. I love how when I got sick you took care off me so well. I love how you look when your eyes turn hazel in the sun.I love how amazing you look in wearing t-shirts. All these girls want to be with T.O.P,none of them are willing to accept Choi Seung Hyun. And then you come along wanting only Choi Seung Hyun and willing to accept me even i became bald or had wrinkles. You are precious to me. And i wouldn't leave you for anything or anyone in the world. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH."

You ran to him and kissed his soft lips. He tasted of cigarettes, for that moment nothing mattered to you except the fact that Choi Seung Hyun wouldn't leave you like how other did before him,he was here to stay.

"Hyunnie,I LOVE YOU, and I am sorry for acting like an idiot, but i was soo scared.I thought you were going to leave me..."

"Whether you like it or not i am here to stay.."  your boyfriend said.

You then felt something cold against your wrist, and over there you saw a silver bracelet with pinkinsh purple stones.

"I got that for from Japan, I was waiting for the right moment to give it to you." he said.

"It is beautiful, jagiya !! "



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301 views!! im soo happy!! btw, how many of ship G-ri/Nyongtory?


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ahh! so cute!!!!
@fireblaze192 : thank u <3
@averikhun: thank you! ^^
@kioko_hihara: Arigatou gozaimasu!! ^^
i will be writing more!!!

@weyoungbe Thank You!!!

@prncsjaz: Thank you!! My next stories will be longer!
so cute and sweet! I enjoyed reading this, I wish you would add more.
weyoungbe #8
Cute, I enjoy read the fanfic :)
kyaaaah! kawaii desu nee,new subbie here author-san! you should write more stories! gambaremasu! ^.^
Thank you!! I will be writing soon. Have to finish some exams first.