Chapter 1

You are beautiful

The front door clicks open. "Hey baby! How are you?"  the voice of your boyfriend greets you. When you don't reply to him, he comes and gives you a back hug and kisses you on your cheeks, you push him away rather rudely.

"Sweety, what hapenned?? Why are acting like this? Did I do anything?"

"What hapenned between you and Shin min ah?"

"What? Where is this coming from?"

You throw a magazine on  floor.

"Seung hyun, I know she is perfect, beautiful, gorgeous and honestly she will be better accepted as your girlfriend than me.  I know I am fat, overweight, ugly and i know i am acting like a right now-"

He walks out of the house banging the front door on his way out. You break down, wondering why did you even bother getting into all this.Why,you asked yourself,did you say yes to Big Bang's T.O.P ?  He is perfect, you are nothing in front of him. You were just a stupid girl for getting yourself into all this.You willl do great damage to his career by being his girlfriend, it was only perfect people like Shin Min Ah who deserved someone perfect like Choi Seung Hyun.

You were awakened from your  thoughts by the sound of the door opening.Seunghyun came in with around fifty newspapers and magzines in his hands.He reeked of cigarettes.

"You want to know why I am here with you and not with these girls?" he said throwing all the magazines and newespapers on the floor.

So this is the end of chapter one.Sorry if it dissappointed you. 

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301 views!! im soo happy!! btw, how many of ship G-ri/Nyongtory?


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ahh! so cute!!!!
@fireblaze192 : thank u <3
@averikhun: thank you! ^^
@kioko_hihara: Arigatou gozaimasu!! ^^
i will be writing more!!!

@weyoungbe Thank You!!!

@prncsjaz: Thank you!! My next stories will be longer!
so cute and sweet! I enjoyed reading this, I wish you would add more.
weyoungbe #8
Cute, I enjoy read the fanfic :)
kyaaaah! kawaii desu nee,new subbie here author-san! you should write more stories! gambaremasu! ^.^
Thank you!! I will be writing soon. Have to finish some exams first.