Foreign Aid

Wherever You Go

Today, Haneul and I were going to see the boys come back on Inkigayo. We weren't able to see their comeback stages for the other three main music programs because we were so busy doing other things, like visiting their dorm and planning out our next move. I had recently found out that one of our unnies had scored a job at a telephone company. The entire community rejoiced, because that meant that we were now able to send SMS text messages to the boys. That unnie, Kim Hyoyoon, was one of our close friends. She was the one who had gotten me places in the sasaeng community in the first place. See, she and Haneul were neighbors before she went off to college. I don't know how she graduated, since being one of us takes a lot of time and money. Go figure.

So, here we were, queuing in line for the music show like always, but then, we spotted them. Or, rather, I spotted them. Two clueless-as- foreigners trying to figure out how to get into the SBS building. A smile crept over my face. Nudging Haneul, I made a motion towards them. She nodded her head and we quickly understood what the other was thinking. Since they were foreigners, chances are, they'd get special privilages, such as seats closer to the stage and maybe even passes to meet the artists backstage if they're lucky. We, the Korean fans, don't get those perks. However, if we do manage to befriend them, we can usually tag along. Other sasaengs I know have done it and have been rewarded greatly for their efforts. All we have to do is walk over, pretend like we care and then, bam! We have ourselves a way to get closer to our true loves.

Walking, or rather, sauntering, over towards them, I took the initiative and greeted them in English. Thank goodness that I had two cousins who lived in the States. All they could speak was English and I picked up a lot of English terms when they visited us this holiday season. Haneul wasn't so lucky, but she knew most basic terms, so she could still understand it. "Do you need help entering?" I asked confidently, wearing a genuine smile on my face. The girls must have thought I was naturally happy to help them out, since they nodded gratefully like they just won the lottery. This was easier than I thought. "Well, just stand with us. We're part of the official fanclub, so you'll definitely get in if you're with us!" I explained, trying to hook them in.

"Really? Wow, thank you so much, you guys," gushed one of the girls. She was pretty; thin, blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect complexion. In other words, she was everything I hated. Her friend was the opposite, but equally attractive. She was a black American, shorter in stature, had big, brown, doe eyes and perfect, even white teeth. Their existence made me want to punch them in the face, but I know that they'd stand out to the boys. As they stood there grinning at us like a bunch of dimwits, Haneul and I glanced at each other knowingly and nodded. We stood in line with them, offering to take them around Seoul, give them pointers in Korean and even told them that we'd try to get them to meet B.A.P. Of course, the only thing we'd actually try to do was the latter.

After some warm introductions, Haneul and I learned that their names were Ashley Dale and Brittany Smith. Such typical...foreigner names. Another hour passed before the staff finally decided to let us into the venue. When it was our turn to be up, Haneul and I took this opportunity to let our new foreign friends shine. We both explained how they had traveled so far from America just to get an opportunity to experience the boys live. To be honest, we really tried to make a big sob story out of it. Thankfully, our dramatic acting convinced the staff member to send us to the front and center. Leading our overjoyed companions, we waited for the boys to come out.

It took another two hours of waiting before the boys came out to perform. When the lights dimmed, I momentarily forgot about the foreigners, Haneul and even about what I came there to do. Just the sheer presence of standing in the crowd cheering them on seemed to make me feel energized. The immense amount of pride I sensed was these six charismatic boys graced the stage was overwhelming. I must have been one of the loudest in the audience to scream or something, because Daehyun's beautiful eyes kept looking over at me. I thought about how I slept with his boxers on last night. Was it just me, or was there a special connection between us now? Did he feel it too? With every second that passed by, I felt our bond growing stronger and stronger.

The song ended and it took every single ounce of my self control not to just run up onstage and grab Daehyun and never let go. I didn't do it for various reasons. Obviously, that would just freak him out a lot and the security and I wouldn't exactly get along well. Not to mention that it would break one of our community's rules. I didn't even want to think about what they'd do to me if I broke one of their rules. I've seen what happens to other girls and it is NOT pretty. None of us had anything to do there anymore, so the four of us left.

That was when Haneul had a great idea. "You want to see B.A.P up close?" she asked, getting that mischievous glint in her eye. Her gaze flickered over to one of the few sasaeng taxis that were parked on the curb waiting for customers. The blonde one, Ashley, grinned. "We totally would! But how?" I joined in, mentally thanking Haneul for bringing it up. "Well, we just take a taxi and go! It's that simple," I explained. Brittany's eyes widened and she already started heading towards the taxis. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"But..." I started, trying to look pitiful. "We're running quite low on money. I don't think we can afford a taxi...but we are friends, right?" I looked at Brittany expectantly, raising an eyebrow. She nodded like she was waiting for me to finish. I continued, "Since we're friends and we ARE helping you out, we need money to pay for a taxi. It's a win-win situation, really. You get to be close to the boys and we have means of transportation. So, do you get what I'm saying?" Haneul's eyes were boring into Ashley's. Thankfully, the oblivious foreigner nodded. "Of course," she agreed. "It seems fair."

What luck! We already knew what to do after we get into the taxi. Telling the nice ahjussi to drive 'the usual,' (in Korean, of course. If these girls knew what we did on a regular basis, they'd probably freak out) he nodded knowingly and drove up the street to where the boys' black van waited. I could make out Zelo's tall stature inside the back of the van, bopping along to whatever music he was playing. Our taxi drove closer, much to the foreigners' pleasure. They hurriedly started to snap pictures. When Himchan, the last member, boarded the van, it was go time. The driver ahjussi expertly kept its distance from the van, as not to arouse suspicion, but followed it close enough to tell where it was going.

Looks like it was headed to a restaurant. Perfect, I was getting hungry. It wasn't anything special, just your typical Korean restaurant that served bulgogi, samgyupsal and whatever standared Korean food you could think of. The girls paid for the taxi and we exited. It was a bit crowded, but that was alright. Choosing a spot near the door, we watched as the boys came in. Daehyun's flawless physique stunned me senseless and for most of the meal, I couldn't help but stare at him. Not like Haneul was any better. We didn't even pay attention to the English gibberish that our two companions were chattering about. I let them chatter. They were our personal ATMs for the day anyways.

Daehyun and I made eye contact exactly fourteen times during the meal. I counted. I think he knows that we're somehow connected. It was like...he couldn't keep his eyes off me. Or maybe it was the other way around. He also kept on squirming in his seat. Was this love? I'm pretty sure it was. He even ate more than usual today! After the boys are done with their meal, I think I'll take another souvenir or something. Maybe Daehyun will leave behind his napkin for me to take. If he does, I'd be convinced that we have something special going on. I'm going to treasure this day more than any other day and use it as a learning experience. Looks like the foreign fans do have use to people like me after all. I wish we had more of them to manipulate. They seemed almost too good to be true.

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Ooh, I hope I'm using this correctly. Hi, guys! I will try to have the next chapter up by this Friday, so please look forward to it!


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saibear12 #1
This is really interesting. Happy to log in and see you wrote a little more....damn creepy fan. Sleeping in his boxers *shudder*