Day 2. 예기치 않게 기대하고 . (Part 1)

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Early morning shopping. Not one of Jiyoung's favorites.

Jiyoung wrote down her shopping list, including a week-long supply of kimbap and more kimchi ingredients. She really didn't buy spending more for kimbap. Who knows, he might come back for more. She tapped her pen and huffed out a sigh.  Why is she thinking of him anyway?

She grabbed her budget from the funds and headed outside, frowning. Well, at least the kimbap didn't go to waste. It was worthwhile, she thought. She slipped on her favorite shoes, and ran downstairs. She positioned herself on her bike, and pedalled to the market.

Small amounts of sweat trickled down her head, while riding under the scorching sun at this early hour. She wiped them off with the back of her hand, then she passed by a cold drinks vending machine.

"I guess a cold drink won't hurt." she muttered to herself. She decided for some Pepsi, got one, and went on her way.

Having a cold soda at this early morning isn't healthy, but Jiyoung didn't mind anyways. It's worth risking. Just a few more meters before she reaches the market, she bumped into another bicycle, a much larger and manlier one. Jiyoung fell onto the ground with a thud.

"Are you alright?" the rider of the other bicycle said, his face not being very clear with the bright sun behind him. He offered a hand to help her up. Jiyoung held her back, the pain was quite unbearable. She hastily took his hand and stood up, slightly limping to position in her bike.

"I'm so sorry, miss. Let me take you out to lunch as an apology." he smiled as Jiyoung stood up. His face was cleared. Jiyoung looked straight into another cute guy, with just the perfect eyes. "Hi, I'm Onew." he smiled. (ahhh the clichè-ness, it burrrrns) "...well, at least that's what you should be calling me for now. And you would be...?"

Jiyoung looked straight and stared into empty space. What's up with me these days. To see such cute guys 2 days in a row...she thought. She must be very lucky. She stiffened out a giggle. I wonder how the next one will look. I shall see tomorrow.~

"Uh, miss?"

"I-It's Jiyoung. Pleasure to meet you." she offered out a hand for him to shake.

"Pleasure's all mine.~" Onew said as he shook her hand. Then he turned to her bicycle, then to the market a few meters away. "Off for some shopping?" he said. She nodded.

"Then let me assist you." he proposed.

Jiyoung shrugged, "Well, whatever floats your boat."

"My boat flies.~" Onew said, and giggled.


It felt weird, having such a cute guy following you in the store. People turned heads when they catch a glimpse of Onew.

"Is he an actor?...Is he a model?..." Jiyoung heard the people mutter. Onew was just ignorning them, humming a happy tune. She looked into her shopping list. "Let's see here..."

"...kimbap." Onew said from her shoulder, looking into the list. She turned away and stuffed it in her pocket. I guess I'll have to memorize my shopping list next time. And so they headed to the fresh foods aisle, where the kimbap was. Jiyoung's eyes were fixated onto the kimbap, which appears to be the last one. She was about to get it, when another hand swiped it away. "Wha--"

She turned to see that the person who got it was the same guy in her house yesterday.

"Oh, were you about to get this?~" Taemin said.

"Yes, now give it...back..." Onew said from behind her, who looked a little shocked.

"Oh, hi, Onew!~"

Jiyoung's eyes widened.

" know each other?"

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Chapter 2: CLASH!! XD please update!!!
miggykcy #2
Chapter 2: Wow! A new story of karavand shinee, can't wait to read another chapter.
Please update!!!Love your story~