Day 1. 초기 소원.

Watch My Life In HD

Jiyoung awoke by the sound of something banging loudly downstairs. She had thought that her house was spotted offguard. Jiyoung headed downstairs reluctantly, with a few small things in her mind. Might it be a burglar? Or a kidnapper? She screamed in her mind. She grabbed her heavy schoolbag to use it as a weapon against the intruder. She turned, and saw that her window and blinds were open. Now she was curious.

It was fairly dark downstairs, with just faint moonlight lighting up the place. Jiyoung looked pretty scared, considering that it was the first time happening to her. She leaned onto the wall on her back, and heard sounds from the kitchen. She slowly crept up, and saw a tall figure, a man who appears to be eating something from her fridge. She placed her hand onto the light switch and aimed for a surprise. On three! she said in her mind. One, two... "a-achoo!"

The figure turned to see who sneezed. Jiyoung blushed, and facepalmed herself in her mind. She was already sure that the figure will approach her. The figure was already a hair's breadth away from Jiyoung, so she decided to charge. She pushed the light switch, then as the lights , her schoolbag has had its place on the intruder's head. Jiyoung bashed the intruder continuously, closing her eyes in fear.

"H-Hey! Stop! Stop!" the man said, defending himself with his arms.

Jiyoung didn't even think about stopping, and smashed the man with all her might. The man smirked and got hold of her wrist, completely stopping her puny, girly attacks. She slowly opened one eye to see who it was, then suddenly opened the other one. She blinked in amusement, just to know that her eyes have met with a face of a super cute boy...with some food stains on his shirt.

"Annyeong, little lady~" he said, and grabbed another kimbap from your table. The way that his cheeks puffed when he was eating is just cute. "I'm Taemin. Nice choice of food, by the way." he said while chewing.

Her face was astonished. To see such a cute guy, intruding in her home...with her all alone, jaw dropped. She stared at him longingly as he made his way eating the kimbap. He then turned to her and smiled, "What's your name?~"

"J-Ji..." she managed to stutter out.

"Ji...?" Taemin said, and grabbed another, still holding her wrist.


"Jiyoung. That's a nice name." he said.

She shook her head to wake up from her trance. as soon as Taemin was about to get another kimbap, she went behind him and pushed him out.

"Out, out! Wh-Why are you in my house anyway?!" she screamed, while they were on her lawn.

"...'cause I'm hungry. And you did look like a nice girl so..." he scratched the back of his head and smiled cutely.

"Wait, how were you able to go inside?" Jiyoung wondered, everything was locked.

"I, well...passed through your room window.~" he said.

"Ah." she said, and remembered her open window. "I shouldn have had placed a lock there...I felt too secure..." she said, and facepalmed. It must have been embarrassing that such a cute guy like him had seen her sleeping, in quite a weird position, to add. Plus, he was the first guy to ever enter her sanctuary, her room.

Jiyoung sighed and laid a hand on Taemin's shoulder. "You shouldn't really be running into other people's houses, you know." she went back inside her house, then came out with a container smelling like kimbap. She handed it over to him.

"Is this really for me?! Wow, thanks!" he said, before putting on a cheeky grin.

Jiyoung blushed and crossed her arms. "Now leave before I call the cops."

Taemin smiled and saluted, "Roger that! Thanks, dear!" he said before running off.

"And don't ever visit my house again, okay?" she shouted from her lawn, hoping he could hear.

She went inside her house, locked everything, and sighed.

"I sure wished that he had stayed longer."


Aaaand. Done with Chapter 1. What do you think?

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Chapter 2: CLASH!! XD please update!!!
miggykcy #2
Chapter 2: Wow! A new story of karavand shinee, can't wait to read another chapter.
Please update!!!Love your story~