Suprise Morning before JunHyungs Date(?)

A sad beginning. a Happy Ending?

Im speechless:  keke~

This has nothing to do with the story but i cant help myself:


" Hey, _____-sshi, wake up." whisphered a familiar voice. I woke up and saw Yoseob. "Good Morning Yoseob-oppa. Wht is it?" " Lets wake up the others by scaring them! :D" He said happily and egarly.  "Umm..... Who exactly are we gonna wake up Yoseob?" " We're waking p everybody!! keke~ well except for JunHyung who's already awake and making breakfast."

"Wanna wake them up with me?" Yoseob asked with puppy eyes. "OMG~ Yoseob is so adorable :3" I thought, "Of course i will. :D" I said. "YAY!" Yoseob said quietly.

"Who do you  wanna wake up first?" I asked. "Uhhh~, lets wake up kikwang first, then Dunjoon, Then Doowoon and then Hyunseung last." " Kks~"

"how would u wanna wake up kikwang?" I asked " lets wake him up with rubber sipders!!! :3 We'll throw it at him. Try to aim at his face. okay lets start. :D"  "O____O so evil, but me likely the idea ^.^" I thought to myself.  As we opened the door. We saw Kikwang-oppa sleeping on his bed, his face facing the ceiling. Yoseob started throwing, first at his side and second at this face. I started throwing as well. First few hits, kikwang didn't care much but just slept on. Then I threw one tht landed on his lips.  Kikwang opened his eyes and screamed. "WTF! Spiders ewwww~, oh wait they're fake. O__O" He looked at us, and we ran.....far(-ish) to the living room. Kikwang glared and slammed the door. Yoseob and I laughed as we saw Kikwangs angry face.  Next it was Dunjoon. (kekeke~ Yoseob had sumthing special for him.)

"Since Dunjoon's bed is high,we can hide. We'r going to use  air horns(, the one i bought is loud enough not to hurt his ears and is too quit to hear if the doors are closed. (kewl huh?) Here (tosses one to u) Shhhh~" We opened the door slowly, vvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy slowly and saw the leader asleep.  Yoseob went to the other side of the bed while i hid on the other side. I sliently closed the door and went bck to hiding. 1......2.......3....... * BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ( authors note: lol  i forgot how an air horn sounds like)* We hid to the side and Dujoon  woke up as fast as he could  and tried to find who did it and saw no one. Yoseob crawled all the way to my side and we ran to the door and opened it. Dujoon, amazed and still shocked said nothing.... I waved at him and closed the door.  Me and Yoseob laughed our butts off after I closed the doors.

< Yoseob POV>

"KWAHH~~ this is so fun, I havent had this fun since.......SINCE NEVER! This morning has been so fun with ________-sshi.We are gonna have a blast waking up Doowoon next." I thought "Guess wht we're going to do with Doowoon,  _____-sshi." I said to _______-sshi. She replied: "uhhh~ scream in his ears?" "Nope." i said "Uhhh~, tickle him?" "he's a heavy sleeper so i dont think thts going to work sadly~" "What is it then?"She asked. " We are going to throw him with the left over rubber spiders and addition to it, we r going to use wooden snakes."( I said.  She was suprised how far i can go. But she smiled excitedly. So it was okay.

We sneaked in to Doowoon's bed. He was fast asleep snoring happily. :D hugging his pillow(awww~ XD). We closed the door and put the wooden snakes right at his face and round the bed. Then we started throwing. "Who wakes up Doowoon first wins!! >.<" I whisphered to _______-sshi. "Okies" She replied.  We started throwing the spiders. Suprisingy, when we threw it,  he didnt budge. Not one inche. TT-TT Soon _______-sshi threw one and hit the back of Doojoon's head lightly, and he woke up and looked at us. " HYUNG~!!!!!" He yelled. We ran away giggling.

Next was HyunSeung-Hyung. I asked her what she wanted to do to HyunSeung since i did the last three.   She thought and thought. I waited and waited jumping up and down. She finally said to use megafones to wake him up since she saw 2 of them on the table in the living room. (  We got the megafones and walked into his room. HyunSeung was sleeping soundly. I saw _______-sshi staring at him with a happy calm smile. "My Savior." She whisphered "Wha?" I said asking  her to repeat with a pouting face.  She simply smiled and said it was nothing. "Okies, What do u wanna say in the megafone ______-sshi?" She said " Lets say WAKE UP OPPA!!! Together? After tht we say gibberish into the megafones. What about tht?" " Sounds fun :3" I said.  "Lets start. 1.....2......3! WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE   UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP           OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Starts gibberish) " akfnasfgadug;jnad lkgbodj;kgnadojg;nadogkldsgnajdlfdjnsg k;djsnoikngsjknf;lg;ksdlgmjgoieawrih 389ruhenjsg  ksdvns;flkgdsglds (lolz) " "ISH-" Hyunseung screamed "Why are u in my room Yoseob, ______-sshi?!" We ran away...... he followed, he caught _______-sshi by hugging her and let go after she struggled. " Hmm~ did i just saw HyunSeung blush?"

"BREAKFAST TIME!!!!" JunHyung yelled

Hehe~ next chapter is  JunHyung's plan. kekeke~






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Nice story!!!
Chapter 33: Wow this is impressive! But I feel bad for junhyun.♥.
nice fic~!
Wow! My real name is Natasha!!!
AznAmericangirl #5
Yannna #6
oh yeah a sequel!!!
yes do a sequel pls
AznAmericangirl #8
well i got it off of LEETEUKS twitter picture. and CONSIDENTLY it was ur twitter picture as well ^ ^
kpoplive #9
hey! that's my picture!!! why'd you put it there?<br />
it's my twitter picture too...