A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.
"TaeAh-shi, where have you been?" Ghun asked as you walked up to him.
You looked at him, silent.
"Where's Haewon-shi? Wasn't he with you?" he asked as you could see him eyeing behind you.
"Didn't both of you went to see the doctor?" he continued.
"We did...," you lied before you paused.
You didn't know where Haewon is exactly. He left you in the room alone and that was the last time that you saw him.
You scratched your head slightly, "Err... And, I think he went out for some fresh air, I guess," you lied.
"Are you ok?" he continued as he stood up from his seat and started walking towards you.
Your mind was on a crazy rampage, as it tries to organize all of the happenings that had happened. The date, the kiss, the phone call, the revelation and now, the confession.
"Ghun-shi, you have no idea what I'm feeling right now," you thought to yourself as you looked at him coming closer to you.
"I'm ok," you replied as you faked a smile.
He wrapped his arms around you and he pulled you in for a hug, "Come, let me hug you, let me comfort you," he said as he tightens his hug on you.
You felt his warm body pressing against your body as you rested your head on his shoulders.
"Ghun-shi, I'm just so tired," you said as you close your eyes and relaxed your body.
"Let's go home, shall we?" he replied, whispering into your ears.
You lifted your head and briefly pulled away from you, "But I can't leave my parents here," you replied as he some of your hair behind your ear.
"I'm sure they'll understand," he said as he cupped your face with his hand, "Shall we go and inform them now?" he continued, slipping his hands in between yours.
- - -
"Don't worry about your dad and I, dear. Why don't you head of home, first?" your mom said as she cupped your face.
"But omma," you replied as you looked at her.
"Dear, could you please send her home?" she said, ignoring you as she looked at Ghun with a smile.
He smiled and nodded in agreement, "Let's go, shall we?" he said as he winked at you.
- - -
"Are you alright, TaeAh-shi?" he asked, as he stopped the car at a junction.
You've been looking at your phone, texting and dialing some numbers.
He cupped your face and lifted it up so that he would be able to see your face and look into your eyes.
"You've been looking so restless since the start of the ride," he said.
"You know," he continued, "I love you and I'm willing to share the burden with you... for the rest of my life," he added as he smiled.
You rolled your eyes as you turned your head to look out of the window.
"Ghun-shi, should I tell you the truth of what happened earlier?" you thought.
"Ghun-shi," you said softly.
He smiled as he stepped on the paddle upon seeing the green light, "Yes?" he replied.
You adjusted you seating posture and cleared your throat, "I lied to you about Haewon's whereabouts. We didn't see the doctor actually. He brought me somewhere else," you said, "And..." you continued, "He confessed to me," you added.
"And, I've been texting him and calling him... But he's not answering them or even replying back to my messages," you said, looking worried.
He looked at you as his eyes widen in surprised, "He confessed to you?" he asked.
You nodded in agreement as he continued, "Aish, why couldn't he just say it in front of me?"
You nudged him slightly on his shoulders, "You silly fool, cause you're his hyung and you like me too," you replied.
"No, no, that's incorrect. I don't like you," he said as he cleared his throat, "I love you," he continued.
You rolled your eyes with dismay, "Whatever," you said as you looked away from him.
"Awww... Come on, gorgeous. I love you," he asked as he placed a hand on yours.
Wanting to make him slightly annoyed, you said, "Maybe if I had met Haewon-shi first, I could have fallen in love with him instead."
He faked a laugh, "I'll never fall for that, TaeAh-shi. I know you doing it just to annoy me. You're lucky to have met me first," he replied sarcastically.
Ignoring him, "I'm just afraid that Haewon would do something bad. Do you think he'll kill himself?" you said as you looked at him.
"Haewon is not that kind of guy. He'll think it through. He won't act irrationally," he replied.
"Could you give him a call instead?" you asked.
"He's a big boy, you don't have to worry about him," he continued, "Now, worry about me. I'm lovesick for you," he added sarcastically.
"Oh why you," you uttered underneath your breath.
Annoyed, "Maybe I show give him a chance, hmmm... Could you please stop there?" you asked as you pointed to a nearby bus-stop.
He looked at you, confused, "What for?" he asked.
"I want to take the bus back to the hospital and look for Haewon. I'm going to tell him that I'm going to give him a chance at winning my heart," you replied, sarcastically.
You just wanted to annoy Ghun and wanted to see what his reactions were. You could see his eyes widen in shocked as he stepped deeper onto the paddle, making the car accelerate faster, missing the stop.
"No way!" he exclaimed, "You're mine," he continued.
You laughed at his reactions, "Got cha," you replied as you smirked at him.
He slowed down the car and looked at you with an intense gaze, "I'll never let anyone else have you," he said, "I worked so hard and waited so long to make you mine," he continued.
Pretending, "Aish, you scaring me, Ghun-shi," you said as you chuckled.
"You know... Haewon's very persistent, just like you," you continued.
You looked at Ghun as he had an unhappy look on his face. You chuckled at the thought of Ghun being that way because he jealous and hurt at the same time.
"Come on, I was just teasing you," you said.
There weren't any changes to his look.
You sighed, "I don't love him, ok. But I'm just worried about what he'll do to himself. And... You don't have to get all emotional with me," you said as you placed your hand on his, "Like I've said before, you're enough for me," you continued.
You could see his face brightening up bit by bit upon your words and your touch.
He looked at you, "Does that mean that you love me too?" he asked cheekily.
You smacked your forehead lightly, "Not again," you thought.
You sighed, "I just want to go home, right now, ok?" you added as you see him smiling at you.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/