A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.
"TaeAh-shi," he said, finally pulling away from what seemingly, seemed to be such a long passionate kiss.
He looked at you with loving eyes, "I love you, TaeAh-shi," he said as he some of your hair behind your ears.
He kissed you on your cheeks as he wrapped his hands around you, pulling you in for a hug. You felt his warm body pressing onto yours as you rested your head on his shoulders.
You could feel him kissing your neck lightly, "TaeAh-shi, I love you so much," he whispered into your ears, "Will you please give me this chance to be yours?" he continued.
"Why is it hard for you to fall for me?" he added.
You didn't know how to answer him. You were speechless.
You lifted your head from his shoulders. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Both your mind and heart wandered in search for the answer to his question.
- - -
"I don't know what to feel right now, Ghun-shi. But my heart had been racing like a crazy maniac ever since this date began," you thought to yourself.
You looked at both yours and his reflection in the mirror. You looked at him, back facing the mirror, hands wrapped around you tightly.
Your heart raced.
"Why are you making me feeling this way, Ghun-shi?" you continued.
"Is this love? Am I falling for him?" you added, thinking about what he has done for and towards you ever since both you and he first met.
You thought about how you were quite annoyed at his antics when both you and him first met, his constant flirtations towards you, his constant touches, etc.
But as the days goes by, all those seemed to just be a thing of the past. You didn't really care much about what he did cause you are already used to it. You didn't seem to care about it.
A tingling sensation crept up your back, at the sudden thought of the kiss that both you and he shared earlier. His warm lips left a much of an impact on yours, as he made you realized that you're so special to him. 
You always thought that he was just a jerk that would just go and flirt with the girls in school. 
That was the only reason why you didn't bother to care much about him, that's why you didn't bother to reciprocate to his love.
"That was because you didn't want to get hurt," a voice in your head said.
But as you thought about it further in depth, you had never seen him with another girl.
"He just a guy... who is in love, in love with you," another voice in your head said.
He did whatever he could to get your attention on him and love. No matter how hard you resist, he'll never give up on you.
You took a deep breath and sigh. Your heart suddenly raced up even further at the thought of the possibility... that you might have fallen for him.
He made you feel really special and showed you the other side of him, humble and kind, throughout the earlier part of the date.
You have to admit that he made you think differently about him and you were touched at what he had done for you.
But, "Do I really love him?" you thought to yourself.
- - -
You could feel him kissing and on the skin on your neck, making it wet, interrupting your train of thoughts.
"Should I give him this chance?" you thought to yourself.
Wanting to speak, your phone rang, out of sudden.
You shot a look at your bag on the sofa. You tried to wriggle yourself away from his grip to answer the call but he didn't budge as he continued his work on you.
Concluding that the phone call may not be important, you decided to ignore it as you rest your head back on his shoulders. You tried to ignore it but it kept ringing and ringing non-stop. You felt slightly restless.
"Could it be something important?" you thought as you eyed the ringing phone in your bag.
As the restless-ness begins to overcome your senses, you moved your head from his shoulders and tried to push him away.
He pulled away from you, moved his hands from around you and wrapped it around your waist instead.
"TaeAh-shi," he said as he looked at you, unsatisfied.
"Ghun-shi, please. I need to answer that call," you said as you placed your hand on his bare chest.
"Do you really have too?" he asked as he looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
You pushed him away slightly," Please, it could be important," you replied.
He pulled you closer to him.
"What more important that this?" he replied as he pressed his lips against yours.
You placed your hands on his chest as you pulled your lips away from him.
"Please, I really need to answer the call," you said, looking at him, looking as pitiful as ever.
Suddenly, there was a brief silence in the room as the phone finally stopped ringing.
"See? It stopped," he said sarcastically.
You gave him a so-what look, "Please let me return that call, will you?" you replied.
He placed a hand on your face as he pressed his lips against yours, tilting your face slightly to deepen the final kiss and finally, pulling away from you and releasing his hold on you.
Freed, you walked towards the sofa, grabbed your bag and started to rummage through the contents of your bag for your phone.
- - -
"3 missed calls," says the display of your phone.
You checked to see who the missed calls were from and seemingly all 3 were from the same number, your mom's.
You quickly dialed the numbers onto your phone and placed it onto your ear as you waited for your mom to pick it up.
- - -
"Omma, its TaeAh-shi," you said over the phone.
"Oh dear, where have you been? I've been trying to reach you for the past few minutes," she replied, seemingly to be in a panic mode on the other side of the phone line.
"I'm with Ghun, omma. What's wrong?" you said as you slowly placed your bag back onto the sofa.
"Give me a moment, will you?" she replied as her voice faded.
You could hear some voices in the background.
Curious, you asked, "Omma, is everything alright?"
You waited for her to response as the voices in the background could still be heard.
You could see Ghun walking towards you with a smirk on his face. He was still shirtless, his half- body exposed and he didn't care about it.
You motioned for him to stop at where he was standing but he didn't comply as he continued to walk up to you and stood in front of you.
You took a step back and mouthed to him, "What are you trying to do?"
He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him as he had a sinister smile on his face.
Thinking that he was trying to kiss you again, you leaned back and way from him. But fortunately for you, he didn't.
He smiled and pointed downwards at you, "You're still not dressed," he mouthed.
You looked at him confused, "What is he talking about?" you thought as you looked down to see what he was referring to.
Unknowingly, you've been standing, your dress ed, exposing your semi- body, covered with just a bra and , the whole entire time while you were on the phone.
"Oh my gosh," you said, as the realization sinks in.
He chuckles as he pulled your dress together and buttons you up. Finally done, he took a step back and admired his handiwork.
You gave him a smirk and you heard your name being called on the phone.
"TaeAh-shi, are you still there, dear?" your mom said as she finally responded after a while of waiting.
"Yes, omma," you replied as you sat on sofa.
"Did Haewon call you earlier, dear? What did he tell you?" she asked.
"Huh?" you said as you scratched your head slightly, trying to recall, "Yes, he did but he didn't tell me anything," you continued.
"Oh dear, he must have not wanted to disturb you and Ghun," she replied as you saw Ghun sitting down on the floor in front of you.
You got even curious to know more, "What happened, omma? Tell me," you said, sounding slightly impatient.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/