A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.
"We are here," he said as he pointed towards the building on your right, stopping the car in front of the building at the same time.
You looked at the direction that he was pointing to. It was a high-rise, modern looking building with glass window paneling.
"So, this is your second wish? To show me some random building?" you said sarcastically.
"Patience, TaeAh-shi. Patience," he replied as he smiled at you.
"So, what are we doing here?" you asked, looking confused.
"You'll see," he said as he turned a corner and drove towards the parking area.
- - -
"Where are we heading too?" you asked, being dragged by Ghun along a long corridor stretch.
He turned to look at you and placed a finger on his lips as he smiled.
Feeling like frustrated at the thought of having to constantly guess what he'll do and where he'll bring you next, you just sighed.
After passing by, what seemed to be a never-ending stretch of doors, Ghun finally stopped to a halt at the door that was close to the end of the corridor.
He knocked on it and waited for a few seconds.
"Seems that there's no one inside," he said to you as he pulled the door handle down and pushed the door inwards.
You looked at him, confused, "Are you expecting someone to be in there?" you asked as he drags you into the room.
He dragged you towards a nearby sofa and motioned for you to sit down.
"Nope, I was hoping that it'll be empty actually," he replied as he walked towards a table at the corner of the room.
You scanned the room slowly to figure out where you are. It seemed to be of a familiar sight. 
It was too spacious for a bedroom and too small for a music hall. 
Huge mirrors that stretched throughout the entire walls in front of you. The floor-to-ceiling tinted glass windows were on the right side of the room, stretching from wall-to-wall too. The floors were out of non-slip, hard wood flooring.
You looked at Ghun as he sat in front of a desktop on the table. He had a serious look on his face but you couldn't be bothered to think about what he was trying to do.
You looked at the items around him. There were a huge set of audio equipment that includes microphones and an entertainment set. 
There wasn't any other furniture in sight expect for the sofa that you're seating on and those at Ghun's.
Out of the blue, suddenly, you phone rang.
You rummaged through your bag for your phone. You took it out and looked at the display to see whose calling.
- - -
"Oh, Haewon-shi," you said as you stood up and walked towards the windows.
"Where are you, TaeAh-shi?" he asked, sounding concern.
"In a dance studio, I think," you replied as you looked through the windows.
You realize that you were high up in one of the rooms on the building to be able to get a good and clear view of the busy streets.
"Seriously, what is Ghun up to? Why did he bring me here?" you thought.
"Who's with you?" Haewon asked.
You turned to look where Ghun was. To your surprise, you saw the back of him and he was taking off his shirt, revealing his well-defined body, broad chest and toned abs.
Surprised and unknowingly that you were still on the phone with Haewon, you said, "," as you quickly turned your head to face the windows, to hide your embarrassment.
"Are you alright?" Haewon asked from the other side of the line.
You pretended to clear your throat, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing," you lied.
"Are you busy?" he asked.
You scratched your head as you didn't know how to response to that.
If you said no, you'll get a chance to escape but if you said yes, then, you'll just had to bear with it. 
"But then again, if I said no, Ghun will be on the pitiful side cause he waited for this day for a date with me," you thought, "Arrgghhh, what should I do?" you continued.
Tired and confused, you replied, "I'm not so sure."
"Is Ghun-hyung with you? I asked your mom earlier when I dropped by your house. She told me that he took you out," he said.
You smacked your forehead lightly, "Omma, do you have to tell him that?" you thought.
"He's with me now. Do you want to speak to him?" you replied.
You slowly turn to see if it was safe for you. You sighed in relieve to see Ghun in white wife-beater top.
"No, it's ok," Haewon replied.
You headed back towards the sofa and sat down.
"I'll see with you later since you're busy now. So, bye," he continued before hanging up the phone.
"Huh? Haew...," you said before he hung up.
You just shrugged your shoulders as you leaned back onto the sofa.
- - -
Ghun was still sitting in front of the desktop. You wondered about what's this suspense is all about.
"Can I ask you something?" you asked as you looked at him.
He looked up from the desktop screen, "Sure," he replied.
You gestured your hands around, "Why are we in a dance studio?" you asked, after realizing where you were exactly.
He laughed, "Can you give me a kiss first?" he teased, pointing to his cheeks.
You frowned at him as you were slightly fuming at his response.
"Get back at him, TaeAh-shi," a voice in your mind.
"Try to leave this building. See what he'll do to stop you from leaving," the voice continued.
You paused for a while and mumbled to yourself, "I'll do just that," with a sinister smile on your face.
You stood up, adjusted your dress and strapped your bag across you. You placed your hands on your hips and stared at him.
"If you don't tell me what we are doing in this studio," you said, sternly, "Then, I leaving this place, right now," you continued as you started to walk towards the door.
"What?" you heard him said from behind.
You had a sinister smile on your face, "That's what you get for holding everything back from me," you thought as you were just a few steps from the door.
You could hear him scrambling from his seat and running towards you.
As you were about to reach out for the door handle, he pulled you back slightly and then, rushed in front of you as he blocked the door with his body.
"No, no, you can't leave," he said, with a pleading look in his eyes.
He got on his knees and clasped his hands together as he begged, "TaeAh-shi, please don't leave. It'd just take a few minutes more," he said.
You wanted to laugh at his reaction as he looked so pitiful but you had to remain composure. 
"You were supposed to be mad at him, not laugh at him," a voice said in your mind.
You crossed your arms, "So, tell me," you demanded.
He stood up and leaned on the door as he still had his hands clasped.
"Just give me a few more minutes, will you? Please? Then, I promise to tell you," he said.
You took a deep breath and sighed, "Isn't it the same, from then and now?" you asked as you stared at him.
Suddenly, a beep sound came from the desktop.
"Ok, it's done," he said, happily.
Still in your pissed off mode, arms crossed, "So?" you replied.
He walked towards you and went behind you, "Please sit down first, TaeAh-shi," he said as he pushed you towards the sofa. 
Despite still feeling slightly angry, you sat down as per instructed. He made his way in front of you and stood in the middle of the room.
He bowed.
"Do you want to know why I brought you here, TaeAh-shi?" he asked.
You sighed, "Aishh... Go on, tell me," you said as you leaned on the sofa, "Wait no, surprise me," you continued as you rolled your eyes.
He cleared his throat and smiled, "I want you to see me dance," he replied before he walked towards the desktop and clicked something on it.
"That's it?" you said, unsurprised, "Fine, let's see it," you continued.
"Can't wait, huh, gorgeous?" he teased as he stood back to his position at the center of the room.
- - -
The song, 'One In A Million' by Ne-Yo, was being played in the background as he began to strut his moves. 
"Oh my god, Ghun-shi. Is this for real?" you said as you laughed.
He began to sing along to the song and that cracked you up even further as you laughed at his eng-rish. 
“You're not a regular girl, you don't give a damn about your look, talking about I can't do it for you, but you can do it for yourself... I can be in love, but I just don't know, baby one thing is for certain, whatever you do it's working, all the girls don't matter, in your presence can't do what you do. There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you,” he sang.
He didn't even bothered to correct his words as he continued, seemingly enjoying your attention on him.
As the song reached to its end, another song played, and another, and another, etc.
From the cheesy hand gestures, to the dramatic and dynamic body movements, down to the y body wave, he did all he could to make you laugh, sneer, all-in-all, making you uncomfortable excited.
As he moved, you couldn't stop looking at him as your heart raced as fast as ever. 
"What is this feeling?" you thought to yourself as you placed one hand over your chest.
You breathed in and out slowly as you tried to slow down the rate of your heart beat.
From what seemingly, seem to be the final song, ‘Hey Daddy' by Usher, already sweaty and hot, he took off his top and threw it into a corner.
You turned your head away, surprised, "What are you doing?" you asked.
He didn't answered but you could briefly see from the corner that he was walking towards you and sat beside you on the sofa.
Already feeling uncomfortable but excited at the same time, you shifted your body slightly so that you weren't facing him. You could see him placing his hands on your shoulders as he tried to make you look at him.
“I just wanna get your attention, I really wanna be all up in your head...” he sang.
He pulled you closer to him as he cupped your face with one hand and turn it to face him as he sang along with the song. 
From the touches and on your face, he moved on to lean even closer to you, making you slightly taken aback as you tried to move away from him bit by bit.
Unknowingly, you've moved to the end of the sofa. One more move, you'll just land on the floor.
"Ghun-shi," you said as you placed your hands in front of you, signaling to him to stop.
He chuckled as he moved closer to you.
"Ouch!" you shrieked as you landed on the floor.
In pain, you turned slightly and patted the affect areas to relieve yourself of the pain.
Instead of helping out, he just looked at you from the sofa and laughed as the song finally ended.
You stared at him, "You like to see me in pain, don't you?" you said.
He chuckled, "No, I like to see you surprised," he said as he stood up from the sofa and walked towards you.
"Let me help you up, gorgeous," he said as he carried you up onto his arms, "Oh my god," he said, eyes wide as he looking at your face and then, to your body.
His gaze made you feel insecure, "You can put me down, you know. I know I'm heavy," you said as you tried to keep your embarrassment inside you.
He just smiled at you, as wide as ever, as he carried you to the center of the room.
"Who says you're heavy?" he asked as he stood static, "If you were, I just have just dropped you on the floor, again," he teased.
You frowned.
"Come on, TaeAh-shi. My love for you weighs more than anything in the world," he said as he whispered into your ears and placed his lips on your cheek.
You nearly blushed but you covered your face as you pretended to sneeze.
"Is it still hurting? Are you able to stand now?" he asked, looking at you, still holding you in his arms.
You just nodded in agreement as you were too speechless to say anything.
He slowly let down your feet and the rest of your body next as you gained your composure, standing upright.
"Wait here," he said.
You looked at him and place one hand on your hips, "Again?" you said.
He smiled as he headed towards the table. As he walked back towards you, you could see that he was holding onto something.
"What are you holding?" you asked, curious.
"A stopwatch?" he replied as he stood in front of you and showed you the item.
You looked at him confused, "What do you need a stopwatch for?" you asked.
"You'll see," he said as he pulled you to him and place his hands, and the stopwatch, around your waist.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/