03 /// NOTE TO YOU

A very small degree of HOPE is sufficient to cause the birth of LOVE.


Ghun loves how your attention is affixed onto him. Upon noticing that you’re looking at him with dismay, he placed his fingers on his lips and blew a kiss towards you.
He wanted badly to kiss you the other day at the school cafeteria. He was in the mood as he held your face near his. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the guts too.
“I will not ruin this first kiss with her,” he said to himself, “I’ll wait for it.”
Disgusted, you rolled your eyes once again and turned your head back towards your paper.
As you managed to somehow figure out a solution for the same mathematical question that you were at 10 minutes ago, you felt a tap on your right shoulder. Someone was signaling you from behind. You turned.
“TaeAh-shi, this is for you,” Yoora said, as she handed you a small folded note.
“Huh? Who is it from?” you asked, confused.
“You know who,” Yoora replied, pointing towards across the room.
As you turned back towards your desk, you didn’t look for the sender of the note. You know who the note was from. You opened the piece of note to reveal a short message.
“I love you, TaeAh,” was written on that note.
Looking un-amused, you looked up towards him and frowned in disapproval. Already knowing what to expect from you, Ghun smiled in happiness. You looked at him, again, that’s enough for him to squeal within himself like a little fan boy.
You looked at the note on your hand again. It reminded you of a similar incident that happened between the both of you a few weeks ago. 
“Everyone, please take your seats,” Mrs. Han said sternly.
Yoora gave you a nudge to your elbow, she winked, “Where’s your lover boy?” she asked.
You looked around as Mrs. Han began her speech. Ghun was nowhere within sight. You sigh with relieved and signaled to Yoora. 
“Today’s my lucky day,” you mouthed to her.
You continued, “He’s nowhere to be found.”
Yoora pouted at you and rolled her eyes. You had a huge smile pasted onto your face as if you just won something.
“So he was lying too, I guess,” you thought.
You turned to face Mrs. Han, who was in the midst of her speech. You adjusted your seat to better focus and listen to what she was saying.
“In this combined class, each of you will be paired up with a senior,” Mrs. Han said.
She cleared and continued, “This is to allow you as juniors to learn about the tips, tricks and shortcuts into Math. They’ll be mentoring you for two months.”
Gesturing her hands towards the entrance door, Mrs. Han said, “Now, each of you will be paired up with a senior as your mentor randomly.”
You dropped your book by accident as a stream of students walked into the classroom. There were about 15 of them, matching the numbers already in the classroom. 
You bend down slightly to pick up your book. Someone kicked on your chair from the back. You turned your head slightly.
“Look who’s here,” Yoora said, pointing towards the front smiling.
You turned to look towards the direction that Yoora was pointing. Your jaw almost dropped. He was standing there, smiling and staring at you captivatively.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you mumbled underneath your breath.
“Ghun-shi… is my senior?” you thought.
Interrupting your train of thoughts, Yoora excitedly said, “Oh my god, what if you’re paired up with him?”
“For two months? Love will brew, TaeAh-shi,” she continued.
Your eyes widen. You shook your head in disapproval. Mrs. Han has started assigning a senior to a junior randomly. You prayed hard that you won’t be paired up with him.
“Oh please, not him, not him,” you mumbled as you clasp both of your hand together.
“TaeAh, your partner will be…” Mrs. Han said as she looked at the remaining seniors standing beside her.
Ghun adjusted his body posture upon hearing your name. You could tell that he’s really hoping that Mrs. Han would pick him.
“JungHa,” Mrs. Han said, finally.
You nearly jumped up with joy. You could see the displeased look that he has on his face.
“Oh, thank you, GOD,” you said to yourself.
JungHa, a female senior, walked over towards the seat beside yours. From the corner of your eye, you saw Ghun looking at you as he walks over to sit beside a male classmate of yours. You turned to look at him, and smirked.
“Hi, TaeAh,” JungHa said, out of a sudden.
You stood up in respect for a senior and exchanged greetings with JungHa. Mrs. Han was handing out some papers and instructed everyone to start working on the questions on the paper.
You stared at the paper long and hard.
“Gosh, this is hard,” you said to yourself as you bit the tip of your pen.
Out of the blue, a familiar male voice said, “TaeAh, do you need my help?”
You turned. It was him. Ghun was standing beside just your desk. He held a book in his hands and a smile on his face.
“How did he… get here so fast?” you thought.
As you were about to respond to him, JungHa said, “Go away, Ghun. I’m her mentor.”
JungHa stood up and pushed him away. You could hear her speaking in a stern voice to him, telling him to take care of his assigned junior. 
“Wow, she’s a fierce lady,” you said, thinking about what will happen to you if you got caught in an argument with her.
JungHa walked over to you and apologize, “Sorry to the incident earlier.”
You looked at her and said, “It’s ok.”
You continued to work on the Math paper in front of you. Of course, for you, it was hard. Math wasn’t your best friend. But however with JungHa’s mentoring, you seemed to be doing fine.
“Sorry, TaeAh-shi, I’ve got to go now,” JungHa said.
Looking confused, you asked, “But… where to?” 
“I’ve got a meeting in 10 minutes time. You’ll be able to do this without me, right?” JungHa replied.
You nodded your head in agreement. You didn’t want to hold her back any longer. It seems to be a very important meeting so you gestured her to go.
“Don’t forget what I’ve taught you earlier, ok,” JungHa added.
You gestured again at her to go for she will be late for her meeting if she stays. Your eyes trailed as you watch her leave the classroom. You turned towards your desk. To your surprise, there was a small handwritten note. 
Whatever happens next happened very fast. 
Someone whispered the words, “TaeAh, I love you,” seductively into your ears as you were about to open up the handwritten note.
Someone kissed on your cheek as you were about to turn your head.
That someone was Ghun. 
He took the piece of note from your hand, opened it up entirely and as he placed it in your hands, he smiled and said, “Read it, TaeAh-shi.”
“I love you,” it states in the note.
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Chapter 50: Awwww I want a guy like Ghun to be chasing after me like that too....he's just so perfect <3
smashers7nisa #2
Hello fellow readers! Thanks for your wonderful support. In response to MilkyKaramelz's comment, I actually do have plans to write a sequel. However, updating wise, maybe not at the current point of time due to school commitments. But, please don't worry, I'm sure to make a writing comeback again. :) CHEERS TO ALL!
Can't wait! :D
Omo what will Haewon's reaction be?
:D another update!! Hehehe. The story is getting more interesting ^^
:) just finished reading you last update. hehe. great story by the way ^^ can't wait for the next update.
Haewon Yoora and Ghun and TaeAh! 8D this was unexpected! Intereting chapter indeed.
fallendrops #8
Ummm i wish haewon fall for yoora. Poor her :(
I still wish she falls for Ghun. I like this chapter. \O/