Joyride - Kihae

3 Drabbles, Donghae-centric
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  It was midnight, the sky was dark, and the roads were nearly empty. Kibum stepped down on the accelerator and reveled in the powerful rumble of the engine as the car picked up speed and started flying down the freeway. He had left the top of the convertible down, the wind roared past his ears, and rippled between the fingers of his outstretched hand. It felt like he was flying. Some people got tired of driving, but not Kibum. It was times like these that he felt the most free. Donghae was in the passenger seat, smiling and laughing infectiously. He had the radio on full blast and he was dancing and grooving to the new single, Oppa, Oppa.    Donghae sang along while popping his shirt collar and making suggestive motions with his eyebrows, "Sing with me, Bummie!"   Kibum merely smirked and added more pressure to the accelerator until the scenery became nothing more than a blur. He started weaving in and out of various lanes guided by nothing more than the glow of their headlights. Donghae let out a giant whoop and threw his head back while raising his arms up into the air. Kibum finally smiled. All he needed was a car, the open road, and the grinning fool that sat beside him.
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Chapter 3: Awww these are adorable! I love everything that is Hae centered! I need more!
I love pairings that including Donghae. Well, he's just literally sooo cute...!!!
Cute! <3