Gift - Haemin

3 Drabbles, Donghae-centric
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Empty, that's what Sungmin felt like as he stared down at the celebratory confection. It was mocking him, three tiers of pink frosted fluffiness. Its appearance was so perfect it irked him. He dug straight into it with a fork, attacking it, and started shoveling the strawberry filled chocolate cake into his mouth. The sugar coated his tongue and flooded his senses, but he didn't really taste it, it wasn't satisfying. He was just trying to fill the gap in his stomach, the void in his heart. Bite after bite, he devoured more and more cake. He didn't even chew, he just swallowed it along with his unshed tears until his stomach began to fill up, and his body began to warm up. He paused for a moment, sated, and the world finally settled, the room stopped spinning. He felt comforted for a moment, but the peace didn't last long. His body rejected the sugary cake and he ran to the bathroom until he violently purged it from his insides.   "Happy Birthday to me," he thought. "But no one else remembered."   He didn't realize how wrong he was until Donghae burst through the door with a bubbly greeting and a pink box in his hands, "Happy Birthday, Sungmin-hyung!"   Sungmin peered out from behind the bathroom door guiltily while Donghae gaped at the demolished remains of the multi-layered birthday cake. The younger man approached him with a boyish grin and opened the box in his hands. It was a small angel's food cake, topped with a pink bow. Sungmin smiled and kiss
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Chapter 3: Awww these are adorable! I love everything that is Hae centered! I need more!
I love pairings that including Donghae. Well, he's just literally sooo cute...!!!
Cute! <3