Meeting [part 2]



WARNING: I didn’t check any grammar mistakes or spelling .___________.
I will later, I am too lazy right now XD
_____________________________________________________________________________________She tried her very hardest not to go all crazy on him because he resembled a cute little kid, and he looked awfully familiar, as if she’d seen him somewhere, but where…..

“You think I am cute” he said trying to point to himself

“Well, technically I said adorable. But do you look like a cute little kid with that hat” she said taking a mental picture of this.
“Oh…” he trailed off, he had never been called a little kid by someone who weren’t s especially a CUTE little kid.

Miss your pastries” the cashier said

“Oh thank you” she said and turned her attention towards Mr.Panda Hat.

“Mr. Cute little boy with a Panda Hat, Thank you very much for those two dollars.” She bowed a ninety degree angle towards him, she always liked to be  super polite with people-especially for times like these.

“Here’s 75 cents, I’ll find you again and I’ll pay you the $1.25 for sure.” She hated owing people, “Plus I’ll buy you a meal cause you remind me of my nephew too.”

“Okay” he said, though he knew he wouldn’t ever see her again. What are the chances Seoul is huge, and well he is an idol star so it’s kind of hard for her to come in contact with him….which by the way, he’s surprised she doesn’t know him. She must live in the country side or somewhere where they don’t watch tv.

“I will find you, I mean who else would wear a panda hat with your height” her eyes twinkled as she curved her lips into a smile, “Bye bye Mr.Panda Hat” she says as she takes off with her pastries.

Two dollars isn’t even a big deal, though I wouldn’t mind seeing her again.

I Dare you to find me.

Mi Sun took another look at her watch, oh man she definitely wasted a lot of times at the bakery.
She looked down on the floor trying to recall anything she might have forgotten before she leaves, and after much though, there is nothing else on her list.

She starts to run again, and her mind stops when she crashed with another body. She groaned, and slowly lifted herself up after looking down at her victim. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat- just like that guy at the bakery….weird
She lifted herself up, and stretched her hand out to help the guy up.
“Sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going” she started she scratched her cheek in embarrassment, today was a weird day.

“Don’t worry about it, it was my fault” he said before cleaning the dust of his trousers.

She looked down to the floor once more time, hoping to pass this moment of awkwardness and took notice of a coin that lay near the guy’s feet. It was a pretty coin, it wasn’t a currency type of coin- though the gold might have stated otherwise. She reached for it, examining the different Chinese characters in it and the dragon that appeared on the other side of the coin.

“Sir, I think this is yours. It’s pretty by the way” she handed it towards admiring it even from afar. Though something felt weird when she felt the contact of his hand with hers, as he was taking the coin from her hand, it sort of lightly burned in a way as if she wasn’t suppose to touch it well now that she thought about it, it was like a tingle.

“Thank you” he said bowing with his top half, and stared at her for a bit when he walked past her to the bakery.

She turned to catch a glimpse of him, as he walked towards the bakery. It would be funny if that guy was friends with the Junho ,suddenly she clasped .

Those words were very bad, every time she said something like that “It would be funny if…..” it always happened so she never tried saying it often because if it did happen it would be too creepy an she might as well be called psychic, but that’s just weird.

She skipped towards her car- yea she was still in a great mood and walked past a car that felt like it was watching her but she brushed the thought of when she turned back and saw only the presence of a really tall, good looking guy looking at himself in the mirror as somebody nagged him from the inside of the car.
Nichkhun had driven the car like it was two fast two furious SEOUL style when  Junsu  told him they had only an 1 hours and 45minutes before their interview started. And they still had to drive to Nowon-gu which wasn’t really far since it was next to Seongbuk-gu but still dressing and make up for 6 people took a long time.

When he parked in front of the bakery, he rushed out of the door with his glasses and hat he had put on during the drive here, in case of fans. She ran towards the bakery when a presence suddenly collided with him.

He felt the back hit the pavement but not other pain came, it was lucky he didn’t get hurt, they had an interview.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted to find two kind looking eyes stare at him and long flowing hair coming out of the person. He saw a hand stretched out for him to take and when he did, he saw the face of a pretty girl.

He was used to seeing pretty people, he was an idol but something about her eyes made him feel at ease- as if everything was going to be okay.

He zoned out for a bit when he heard her voice, ““Sir, I think this is yours. It’s pretty by the way”. He looked at the lucky charm in her hand and quickly retrieved somewhere his mind nagged that this was a secret between him and Victoria so nobody else could keep it and he was glad she didn’t take it.

He thanked her, and stared at her longer than he wanted and found her smile to be quite charming but then he thought a dimple would make her cuter.  Not that he was thinking of Victoria, for that relationship was in a road of it’s own, just thinking about it gave him a headache. Victoria wasn’t ugly in fact she was one of the prettiest in the idol industry to him- since he took her manners into an account, so physically she wasn’t a problem, but in him that relationship made him shiver- it was way too awkward to start an actual relationship with her. She was just so shy, and he couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want too, besides he looked at her as a potential girlfriend but at the same time he couldn’t bear dating. He was weird he knew that.

He did  quick bow and headed to find Chansung and Junho, he couldn’t waste any more time.

Though in his mind, he couldn’t erase the image of the girl he just bumped into on top of him. With her hair showering down on her- and the scent she gave off. She smelled like strawberries- he liked strawberries.
That was shorter :D
and it’s 5:44 am 0_____________0
I am going to look like a zombie D;

Oh well COMMENTC: <3

listening to: Lucifer- SHINee

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cminutebyminute #1
Reaching the classic 3rd chapter, I think the story's been established pretty well. To move into the actual plot now would be nice. But I'm just rambling...<br />
Nice story, very good writing style - thumbs up from Denmark! :)