


Chapter 1:


Warning: Although this chapter might be a little slow, it is important to read because its first meetings :)<3

WARNING: I didn’t check any grammar mistakes or spelling .___________.
I will later, I am too lazy right now XD


" Mi sun-ah wake up!"

-no response-

" Yah!!!  Mi sun-ah, don't you know what time it is already!?”, she yelled as she roughly opened the curtains to let the light in, followed by shaking Misun  until she got a response

"Nggh, just five more minutes Sunghee pleasee" she rolled over to her side, pulling the blanket over her eyes to cover the stinging sunlight rays from the window.

" You told me to wake you up, and you know I hate to go back on my word" she crossed her arms and impatiently while tapped her foot against the floor. After a couple of minutes she stopped tapping her foot when she saw a sudden movement from under the covers.”

“ Fine you win. It’s been five minutes anyway”

She rose slowly from the bed, stretching her arms from side to side.

“Actually”, Sunghee started, “ It’s been 6 minutes but we won’t technical on this right now.”
She leaned against the wall, waiting for an answer from Mi Sun; She always had something funny to say when it came to comebacks.

“Hey, do you know five minutes can make the difference between waking up grumpy or happy” she groaned as she stood up, feeling a little dizzy from the loss of blood in her head from standing up too quickly.

“So does that mean the extra minute I gave you spares me from your grumpiness” Sunghee asked as she crossed her fingers behind; she hoped Mi Sun wasn’t in a bad mood, even though on her usual routine she was a really kind person when it came to her sleep she could get a little….dangerous.  She learned it once in their senior year, when the school had planned an overnight camping trip. She decided she would be the one to wake up Mi Sun-ah today since her mother was away on a trip and Mi Sun sometimes couldn’t wake up- since a lot of the times she arrived to school late. She remembered that morning the sun was shining and air felt fresh and cool as she walked to Mi Sun’s house. When she arrived she dove under the welcome mat below and took out the extra key Mi Sun’s family kept as an emergency key, or for times like these-  Young Ram, Mi Sun’s mother entrusted Sunghee with this set key to take care of Mi Sun when she was left alone.

            She made her way inside, walking towards Mi Sun’s room; Her room was the farthest down the hall  and even though their house consisted of two rooms, it always took a bit of time to reach her room. When she got there, she was already excited for the camping trip and she just wanted to feel bad ace* in the morning so she kicked the door open. She maneuvered her way around Mi Sun’s room from all the clothes sprawled the floor, and she started to shake Mi Sun up before she heard a high pitch tone erupt from the girl underneath and without warning she felt a light punch landing on her stomach.

            “YAH! Mi Sun-ah, you dare punch your best friend like that, YOU WANNA DIE!” she grabbed the nearest pillow and started assaulting Mi Sun as she hit her with the pillow. Suddenly, she stopped hitting her as she felt a tense aura from Mi Sun as she opened her eyes and stared at her. She gulped, Mi Sun’s eyes looked cold and empty as they stared at her- as they stared at her soul.
“The punch was a reaction, but this one goes out cause you assaulted me with a pillow” she whipped out a thick and heavy pillow from her head and hit Sunghee knocking her off the bed and a few feet next to the bed.

“Holy , Mi Sun you’re a beast-  I didn’t know you were this strong” her eyes were wide opened as she stared at Mi Sun- she really never knew Mi Sun was this strong- most of the time when she tried to get her to arm wrestle, She had always won against her- all the time….
“OMG SUNGHEE!!!” Mi sun scrambled out of the bed to reach for her best friend, “Ahck, sorry I-I didn’t know either I was just so sleepy and you hit me and I am like what who d-did that and then I went back to sleep for a second and then BAM I hit you OMGOMGOMGOMG I AM MURDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! D:”

“Aye, calm down, I am okay I am just so surprised you have strength- all this times I thought you were full of weak-sauce.”

She still laughed remembering that day; she had a bruise where Mi Sun had punched her. Nowadays, Mi Sun was a little more pleasant to wake up but still you could never be too sure.

“Anyway, Gur you need to hurry up and dress- don’t you have work today?”

“Ah, yeah I do I forgot, *sigh* I really did feel tired today” she walked dejectedly towards the closet as she prepared her clothing for the day.

“Okay I’ll be going now, I have to head back to YG, they had an emergency and I have to fill in as a stylist coordinator, So I’ll catch you later”

“Hmm,okay- thank you by the way….for waking me up, byebye” she placed her index and middle finger against the side of her forehead and send them out; this was their “cool” way of saying bye to each other- it made them feel like pirates.

She leaned against the closet when she heard the front door close, and slowly slid down to the floor.

“YG huh” she sighed, “ I wonder how he is doing..” she trailed off before she shook her head and quickly stood up changing into the clothes she was going to wear today- for at least today she didn’t want to be late to her job though she might risk it for a mille-feuille  at her favorite bakery- SEANAS

Somewhere in the other side of the city

“Ah Nichkhun-ssi, good job today see you next week!” he said as he patted Nichkun on the back.
Kamsamneeda” he bowed a 90 degree angle; Nickhun always made sure to be extra polite to the elders, and important people like this person- the director of we got married.

He waved goodbye to the director, and made a small bow as he ran off towards the exit of the building. He rubbed his wands together as he felt the chill wind encircle around him- he had forgotten to bring  a sweater. Lately the weather had been a bit… bipolar as mornings came with cold wind, and by mid-noon the heat had forced him to stay inside a building with air-conditioning.

As he headed towards the car, he spotted Victoria running towards him, flushed from the run or perhaps the cold wind had made her cheeks turn pink- whatever it was he didn’t have time to “check out” his wife- he was running late for the 2PM interview and the constant buzzing of his phone reminded him of that.

“Nichkhun-ssi,”, she started, pausing for a bit trying to catch her breath, “ Here, it’s a good luck charm from China. The fans send some to me last week for Khuntoria support and so it’s only right I give you the other half of it”

She smiled waiting for him to take it. Even though he didn’t want to, he stared at the little dent/dimple on her cheek that appeared whenever she smiled, he found it sort of cute. He laughed lightly at his own thoughts before he turned his attention to the luck charm on her hand. It was a little coin with Chinese characters in gold on top of a black background surrounded by a thin layer of gold. He grabbed to examine it and turned it over to find Dragons instead of Chinese Writings a


“ This is  pretty, thank you Victoria” he leaned towards her, trying to give her hug though it came out rather awkward as she leaned the opposite way accidently, but he brushed it off and lightly patted her back instead.

“ See you next week, text me if anything” he said as he walked towards the car a few feet away from him
“Wait, Nichkhun-ssi” he halted his steps and turned to look at her, “ I was wondering if you wanted to g-” she was interrupted by the sound of Gee playing on Nichkhun’s phone .

“Ah, sorry- the members have been texting me all day, let me just answer this really quickly” he bowed with his head as he brought his cell phone to his ear.

“What is it, I am kind of busy right now……yea I know” he responded to s as he keenly listened to what they had to say, “Ahuh….I am heading there right soon…bwoh where okay I’ll meet you up then..che that little rascal” He quickly closed off his phone and turned his attention back to Victoria, “ I am so sorry about that, what were you going to say” he made his “signature” smile, hoping it would charm Victoria- he felt so rude cutting of a girl like that.

“Anniyo, Nevermind maybe later, hope everything turns out okay” she waved towards him smiling again. He grinned back and made his way inside the car. Recently he had gotten his driver’s license and he wanted to drive alone today- without their manager or chauffer dealing with them. As he the engine and reversed the car, inside he felt good because he wasn’t in need of anyone driving him, he was independent and alone even if it’s just for a little bit- he enjoyed this.

Peace and quiet he thought, as he drove off to pick up some of the members at the dorm- and find the others who were stranded somewhere in Seongbukdong

Getting further and further away from the building, he had failed to see a disappointed Victoria watching him as he drove away.

Next time, She thought,I’ll gain the courage to ask him…Victoria fighting!  

She tightened her scarf, and looked one last time at the direction Nichkhun had taken off (a/n ahahha “Take Off” lolol I am dork XD keke) and walked back into the building to retrieve the stuff she had left behind because of the rush of catching up to Khun…she giggled and patted  her blushing cheeks at the thought of calling him Khun. I was something so intimate she hadn’t experienced before- especially because she had never been this close to a guy since her days before she became a trainee she only worried about training in China. All her life it was stretching, splits, dance- sweat and blood.

Even though it made her who it was today, she didn’t want to relive it- once was enough though she was very thankful for herJiàoshī (teachers) who worked her to the bone and made her tougher and better.

She walked outside, heading towards her manager who was impatiently tapping  his foot, leaning towards the car and loudly talking to  someone in the phone.

She yawned and looked up to the sky, stretching her arms out in front of her. She slowly exhaled, for some reason a weird feeling had commenced at the pit of her stomach- it was a heavy  feeling that shot up all the way to her heart. She didn’t know what it was, but she didn’t like it- and then she thought back to her failed attempt at asking Nichkhun to dinner, maybe it was the disappointment that finally started to sink in.

She grabbed the good luck coin and wrapped it tightly around her wrist, and kissed it as she was determined to succeed the next time.


a/n Okay this is  long .________. Lol

part 2 (next chapter) is the part where the main characters come in contact so stay tuned.
&sorry if the beginning is  slow but it’s necessary :D<3

lalalal listening to
Clazziquai- She is <3
I am in love with that song

I am hyper right now too C:
- oh summer what have you done to me XD hahaah.

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cminutebyminute #1
Reaching the classic 3rd chapter, I think the story's been established pretty well. To move into the actual plot now would be nice. But I'm just rambling...<br />
Nice story, very good writing style - thumbs up from Denmark! :)