Chapter 5

So Goodbye

As we stepped into the cafe, everyone was very concerned over Jessica. Surprisingly, the boss wasn't angry with her. Or me. Whew. Although we made a mess in the store, everyone was glad that Jessica was not hurt.

"You were so cool!" Hyoyeon praised me while everyone else nodded in agreement. Well, except Jinki hyung.

"I would have done that too you know. I just wasn't as fast," Jinki said. Uh-oh, I sense jealousy.

"It's nothing. I just did what I should. But I guess I shouldn't have punched him. I'm really sorry for the trouble. And also ruining tonight's performance," I apologised to the boss and all the staff who were affected. To be honest, I don't even know why I acted the way I did. Would I have reacted the same way if the girl in trouble was Hyoyeon? I'm sure I would, right?

Despite the mess I made, the boss decided that we should continue performing on Saturday nights. She told us that the customers feedback that they liked our voices even though the performance wasn't complete. They would love to be back in future to hear us again. Jinki and I were overjoyed. I was so worried that the boss would fire us because of what happened today. If she did, Jinki hyung is gonna kill me for sure. He pestered Hyoyeon for a long time and she went a long way to convince the boss to let us perform.

It was close to midnight when we finally left the store. "It's late, let me walk you home," I told Jessica. Is she gonna think that I am a stalker? Well, I only met her today and I act like I'm her BFF.

"No, it's alright. Hyoyeon and I stay close to each other, we can accompany each other back," Jessica rejected politely. Oh okay, I bet she thinks I'm weird.

"Oh," was all I manage to say. But thanks to Jinki hyung, we ended up walking the girls back together. Jinki hyung offered that both of us will walk them both back and in the end, Jessica and Hyoyeon agreed to it.

During the whole journey, I kept stealing glances at Jessica. She's relatively quiet, laughing at Jinki's jokes once in a while, but zoning out into her own world most of the time. Or maybe she's tired.

Soon, we reached the junction where Hyoyeon and Jessica usually parts and walk their seperate ways home. "Okay, guess we have to part from here. I'll take Hyoyeon back. Jjong, you can accompany Jessica back. I'll meet you back here after that!" Jinki hyung said with a wink. What was that wink for? Did Jessica see it? She's gonna misunderstand if she did. I quickly looked at Jessica and saw her frowning and looking at the ground. Guess she didn't see it.

Before both of us could say anything, Jinki and Hyoyeon was on their way across the road. Okay, awkward.

"They seem like a great couple don't you think?" I started and coincidentally, she said the same thing.

We both burst out laughing at the coincidence. "Yeah they sure do," she laughed, "but she refuses to admit it. Even the blind can tell that she likes him."

"Really? He doesn't admit it too but it's just too obvious isn't it? Maybe we should make them admit it," I joked.

As we walked to her house, we had some short conversation about how we met Hyoyeon and Jinki respectively and gossiped a little about these two. I wanted to know more about her too.

"Why do you have an english name?" I asked. I'm so curious yeah!

"I was born in the States," she shared, "and I grew up there. I came to Seoul only when I was 16."

"Oh really? But you can speak Korean so well," I said.

"My parents are Korean and we did learn and speak Korean when I was young, but I wasn't fluent as now. I practiced really hard for the past 4 years," she explained.

"Past 4 years... that means you're 20 this year?" I guessed. She nodded. That means she's my noona. "Well, then I guess I have to call you noona then since I'm a year younger. Jessica noona."

Soon we reached her house. "Thank you for walking me home. And earlier today. And for everything." she thanked me, bowing slightly.

"No problem. Anytime!" I said. I wished I had more time to talk to her.

She waved goodbye and turned to walk up the stairs to her unit. I stood there watching her backview and admired that pretty, but messy, ponytail of hers. It reminded me of that short moment this evening when she ran into me outside the cafe. As she reached the rooftop, she turned back, perhaps to see if I was still there. I waved goodbye and walked away.

I met Jinki hyung back at the junction. He seemed to be in high spirits. "Hyung! What was that wink earlier for?" I questioned in an annoyed tone.

"Don't tell me you don't want to spend time with her!" Jinki said. Well, I do.

"But she might misunderstand or something," I said.

"Then let it be! You like her don't you?" Jinki asked. I like her? Do I?

"How can that be! I just met her today!" I defended. Could I really like someone I just met just several hours ago?

When I got home, I threw myself on the bed and tried to shut my thoughts out and just sleep. But I couldn't.

She has been all over my mind since the moment I saw her.

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wooooo~~~ hyonew +jongsica ftw!!!!! ONEWDUBUJINKISARANGHAE! rofl! thumbs up!
nerdscandy #2
hehe i knew it was him :)
Annalise93 #3
Ooh please update!!!!