Chapter 1

So Goodbye

"No! I'll do what I want! Don't force me to do it when you know I won't be able to do it!" I shouted back at my dad.

"You are my only son! If it's not you, who is going inherit the business?" Dad raised his voice.

I hated having such conversations with him. We always end up quarrelling and shouting at each other. He will never understand. My family will never understand.

I can barely picture myself as the CEO of the company. Isn't it obvious that I can never handle all these business stuff? I can't even pass maths in school, how am I suppose to run a big business like this?

"Come back here! I'm not fini..." my dad screamed as I walked out of his room and slammed the door behind me.

I stomped into my room and plopped onto my bed. I pulled the covers over my head after putting on my headphones and blasted music as loud as I could to keep out any possible noise in the house. Voices. Persuading and forcing me to do things against my will.

I could still hear my dad's words in my head. You're my only son!

I'm only 19! I have never been the study material. I have neither the talent nor the interest. All I want to do is to be a singer.

Obviously, my family was never supportive of my dream. They felt that it was just a waste of time and it isn't a job that can keep you alive for long unless you make it big. Not that my family couldn't feed me, but I want to be independent.  To chase my dreams and live the life i want. Not being restrained by family, by anyone.

I felt a vibration in my pocket. It must be Hyung. I reached for my mobile phone and picked up the call.

"Hyung!" I greeted.

Jinki is my hyung, older by a year. Actually, a few months to be exact. We're not blood related of course, but we were close like brothers. We had the same interest in music and cliqued very well since we met in high school. Going to the noraebang is probably one of the things we do most as both of us loved singing.

"Jonghyun! I've got great news!" Jinki said excitedly.

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wooooo~~~ hyonew +jongsica ftw!!!!! ONEWDUBUJINKISARANGHAE! rofl! thumbs up!
nerdscandy #2
hehe i knew it was him :)
Annalise93 #3
Ooh please update!!!!