Hallyu Star Doing Physical Work?

It's His Personality (Shinhwa)


Hyesung’s POV

‘Uncle should have told him already.’ I said in my head as I wrote down the labels for the boxes.

“Hyesung, you have a visitor!” Someone shouted.

“Huh?” I was curious in who it was. I got up and made my way around the building.

“JUNJIN?!” I was shocked to see that it was Junjin.

“I finally found you!” He shouted as he approached me with heavy feet.

“W-Why are you here?” I asked him as I backed up.

“I should ask you that!” He said before grabbing me and pulled me away.

“Ah~ where are we going?!” I complained and tried to stop him but he was too strong. He then stopped when we were in in an empty area of the warehouse..

“Who gave you permission to quit huh~? Who gave you permission to go all the way over here to work?!” He asked me back madly.

‘He came all the way here because of that. He must be really mad at me’ I thought sadly.

“I-I’m sorry. I just though ending it like this was better.” I apologized not looking at him. His eyes were probably on fire so it was best to avoid them.

“Better? Do you really don’t want to see me that much?” He said taking my answer the wrong way.

‘No, I really wanted to see you but I was scared of this happening.’ I said in my head.

“Would there be any difference if I did see you?” I asked him as I slowly looked at him. I was surprised that his gaze wasn’t piercing through me. Instead it was a bit gloomy looking.

“Yes!” He voice dropped as he met my gaze.

“You didn’t have to quit. It wasn’t anything serious.” He said softly.

‘What? Wasn’t serious? The Junjin I know wouldn’t say this.’ I thought. I then looked away breaking out locked eyes. I saw that he was still holding onto my wrist.

“L-let go.” I said pulling my hand away, which he did let go.

“Really? Not serious at all? I kept a secret from you. I got this job because of my uncle who is your manager. Isn’t that what you hate most?” I stared at him.

“Yeah I do, but you were actually a pretty good assistant so I would just let this situation slide.” He said looking away.

‘Why are you turning soft?’ I wondered.

“Come on lets go back.” He said grabbing my hand this time. My heart was beating really fast so all I could do was follow him. Just when the reached the doors of the ware house I remember something.

“You can go back first” I said pulling my hand away.

“Why? We are going back together if not then I’m going to stay with you.” He said.

“Well, I have to work for the rest of the week. I already promised the manager so I can’t just leave.” I said to him.

“Okay then I’ll stay with you” He said stubbornly.

“Do whatever you want.” I said turning around to go back to my work place. I can see at the corner of my eye that he was following me.

‘Are you really going to stay with me the rest of the day?’ I wondered.

“I’m going to stay here for a whole week. You can’t stay here for a week, what about your schedule?” I said facing him.

“I’ll just tell him to push them back. This could be my break.” I just shook my head as I continued my way back to the work place with him beside me.

“Fine, put that aside. What are you going to do here for a week?” When I was about to carry a box Junjin immediate got in front of me and carried it.

“What are you doing?” I stared at him.

“Helping you. I will help you with your job all week.” He said. Lifting the box up.

“I could do it!” I said reaching out for it.

“No, even if I did let you, you wouldn’t be able to carry it. It’s really heavy now where does it go?”

‘Why are you being kind to me instead of yelling?’ I said. I was pretty touched by him.

“Over there.” I pointed.

“Yah, Hyesung. Is he going to work here?” Kangta whispered to me.

“I don’t know. I guess so.” I said putting my hands on my waist.

“He looks awfully familiar.” Kangta tilt his head.

“Park Choong Jae.” I said his name.

“Park Choong-… Junjin?” Kangta was surprised.

“Yeah that's him.” I said about to carry a box.

“Why is he here? Why is he doing heavy work?” Kangta shouted. When I lifted the box it was definitely heavy.

“He wanted to-“

“I said I’ll carry these!” Junjin came and snatched the box out of my hands.

“Aish~ seriously. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” I hissed.

“Ahh~ offer him these gloves. Heejun wouldn’t want to be sued for causing blisters on a  hallyu star’s hand.” Kangta said handed me some gloves.

“Oh. Is it alright for him to work here though?” I asked him.

“Of course but the pay is only for one person.” He said

“Oh, well he’s not doing this for money. He just wants me to go back to Seoul.” I glared at Junjin’s backside.

“Such good friends.” Kangta gave me a wink.

“Aish~ what are you thinking.” I shoved him.

“Nothing. I’ll bring you two lunch later okay, my treat.” He said before going back to his work.

“Okay, Se you later.” I waved.

“Do all of these boxes go over there?” Junjin ask before picking up another box.

“Yeah. Uh wait Junjin.” I said pulling his hands away from the box.

“Wear these if you are going to stubbornly stay here and work.” I said placing the gloves in his hand.

“Thanks.” He smiled. I was quite surprised by his smile. I didn’t realize that I was staring at him until a long moment. I then cleared my throat and looked away.

“Ah-hem~ don’t break anything.” I said turning around and walked away.

“I know Hyesung~” He seemed to sneered. I turned around to take a peek at him to see him walking away with another box in his arms.

“I came to a place with no signal and you still ended up finding me. You are way too determined.” I said to myself before sitting down on some boxes as I wrote down labels. I kind of felt bad for him to be doing all the hard physical work. After all he is a rich boy type and an idol. And I’m here just writing down labels. I glanced up to see that he was looking at me as well.

“What are you looking at?!” I tried threatening him.

“Princess.” He pointed at me and chuckled.

“Yah!” I shouted. He just continued on carrying the boxes.

“It’s all because of you ajusshi!” I said madly as I scribbled on the label.

“Here’s your lunch.” Kangta came over and handed me two boxes of sandwich.

“Thanks, you don’t have to buy him one.” I glared over to Junjin who was busy.

“It’s okay, it make me feel happy treating an idol a meal.” He smiled.

“Oh, I’ll treat you next time.” I said to him before he left. I slowly made my way over to Junjin with the two lunches.

“Junjin~ Are you hungry?” I asked him as he turned around.

“Oh good timing, I’m really hungry.” He smiled

“Have you eaten anything all day?” I asked him hoping that he did.

“I only ate a breakfast this morning.” He said thinking about it.

“That’s it? Then stop working and come eat. I don’t want you passing out.” I said to him.


“Don’t thank me, Kangta was the one who bought our lunch.” I said as we walked over to the small table with a few chairs.

“I meant, thanks for worrying about me.” He smiled making me embarrassed from it.

“I’m not worried about you, I just don’t want you manager yelling at me!” I thought of an excuse. The two of us sat down beside each other.

“Sandwiches? My hands are dirty, can you feed me Hyesung?” He asked happily. I just paused and stared at his happy face.

‘I’ve never seen this side of you.’ I thought. I then snapped back into the situation.

“Like in hell I would! My hands are dirty too!” I showed my hands in his face.

“Let’s go wash our hands.” I said getting up and walked away.

“Wait up!” He shouted before following me. When we arrived at the bathroom I went straight over to the sink and began washing my hands. Junjin quietly used the sink besides mines. When I was almost done rinsing the soap off on my hand Junjin out of nowhere placed his soap hands on top of mines, making them all soapy again.

“Yah! You have the other sink!” I shoved him with my elbow.

“You were washing your hands too quick so I was afraid it might still be dirty.” He clearly lied.

“You just come up wit any excuse!” I said back. I then remembered what happened last time. He thought that I was a girl. I remembered. I was so spaced out that I forgot that I was washing my hands. Just then I felt some water on my face.

“Ah~ what are you doing now?” I shouted at Junjin who splatter the water on my face.

“You were spacing out.” He said before drying his hands. I then turned the facet off and went to take a paper towel.

‘My face is all wet.” I said wiping it.

“You missed a spot.” He said helping me wipe my face.

“Uh thanks.” I said turning around to throw the paper towel away. We then went back to the table and ate our meal. This was like a late afternoon lunch. The two of us just quietly ate our sandwiches.

“Is it alright?” I asked him who had already starting the other half of the sandwich.

“Yeah, since I’m hungry, it’s alright. You?” He asked back.

“It’s good.” I said. The two of us were kind of awkward when we are alone. When we was done with both of his sandwiches I still had half left in my container.

“You seem hungry, do you want my other half?” I offered.

“No, I’m good. You eat it. You need to get more meat on your bones.” He said smirking.

“I’m serious, here have it.” I placed it in his container.

“Huh fine, if you insist princess.” He giggled.

“Junjin!” I shouted his name.

“Just get use to it.” He said back. I just wanted to snap right there at this moment but I held it in. When we were done eating we cleaned up and went back to work. The rest of the day was just us working individually. Junjin kept on glancing at me though, he wouldn’t even put my threats into consideration. Once I was done with the labels I went on and carried some smaller boxes since Junjin stop me from carrying the big ones.

“Hyesung, you’re done for the day!” Woohyuk said to me.

“Okay!” I smiled.

“Junjin, you can stop now!” I shouted. He turned around and I saw that he was sweating a lot. He just raise one finger up probably saying ‘just one more’.

“Aish, he’s ruining his image.” I said out loud. We had a few napkins left over on the table so I went to get some before making my way towards Junjin.

“If you really want to work then continue tomorrow.” I said as I waited for him to get up from placing the box down.  When he got up and looked at me I began wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

“Thanks Hyesung.” He said staring at my face as I wiped his sweat.

“I should thank you for helping me even though you had nothing to do with this.”

“Of course I did, you were my worker and will always be my worker so I can’t let you do such harsh work.” He said kindly.

“Who said that I’ll continue working for you.” I said softly as I walked away.

“Oh? Y-you have to!” He shouted.

“Come on, lets it’s getting late!” I motioned him to follow.

“Bye, Woohyuk, Kangta.” I waved to them. Junjin just followed me and gave them a small nod.

“Junjin, Can I get your autograph?” Kangta flew over like a dart with a piece of paper and a pen.

“Uh, sure.” Junjin smiled before signing the paper.

“Hey, Hyesung.” Woohyuk motioned me over.

“what?” I asked

“Is he going to be working here with you all week?” He ask

“Yeah I guess. I’m going to try to get him back to Seoul though.”

“Oh. Then I’ll bring my CD of his tomorrow so that he could sign it.” He said running off.

“Yah~ since when were you a fan of his?” I said out loud.

“Ready?” Junjin said behind me.

“Oh, yeah. Let’s go. I’m going to go back to my hotel.” I said to him.

“I’ll go with you.” He said

‘Why are you following me?’ I was confused.

“Thank you for your hard work.” I gave the rest of the workers a bow. The hotel was practically right next to Heejun’s company so it wasn’t a long walk.

“So manager told you that I was here?” I asked him. I was happy that he came all the way here for me and actually asking me to come back and work for him.

“Yeah, I was surprised that you quit.” He said trying to act tough.

“Thanks for worrying.” I couldn’t help but to smile from his kindness.

“I-I wasn’t worry.” Clearly he was lying. When we went into the hotel I went straight into the elevator expecting to separate ways with Junjin but he still followed me. I just stared at him as I pressed the button to the 6th floor.

‘Why aren’t you doing anything? Are you just following me?’ I wondered.

“Is your room on the 6th floor too?” I asked him.

“Huh?” He didn’t seem to answer but instead he seemed confused.

“I’m following you to go to your room.” He said calmly.

“What?!” I was shocked.



Do you know why Junjin was following Hyesung?

Well you can leave your guess in a comment below.

As for the real answer, you'll just have to wait for the next chapter :)

Thanks for reading~! ^-^

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SoulDragon #1
Chapter 32: Thank you so much, author-nim! Wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it.
JisuJisu #2
Chapter 32: Omg omg omg .. This story is cute and chessy from the beginning till the end ;--;
what do u call when ur bias love you back and propose u .. It's call FANTASY *sobs* ...~
U did a really good job on this one author-nim ! Someone make this fanfic into a real life drama please ~~ i cannot .,. My feeling kyahhh
anurim #3
Chapter 32: thank you so much autornim!!!!! this was my first JINSYUNG fic I´ve read!!!!! I love it!!
I loved it so much thanks for writing it!! I will read more of your stories later on in te future I promise!!!
Thanks Again :)
feelgyo #5
Chapter 32: wow, actually it's really sweet. Love it very much. And the ending is cute >.< Thank you or your fic author-nim :)
Fighting!! ^0^)9
Chapter 32: :/ it's over?...already?!!!
I really, really! :D enjoyed this/your story!
It's also very, very cring worthy! :P
Galdy42 #7
Chapter 32: So adorable! Thank you so very much for this story ^.^ Cheesy at times but just right!
Samona #8
Chapter 32: Waaahhhh, love it. Can't believe it's over already.
I already know that I'll be rereading this again soon.
Chapter 32: Wahhh it's over?? :(
This is the first ever Shinhwa fic that I read! I can't believe it's over but thank you for the great story :)
Chapter 32: this is the first fanfic who bring me to AFF and I'm going to miss it!
Good Job!! that was really cute!!