Live it for Us

Life for you ♥

--Seumi's POV--

Today, I was discharge from the hospital, since I'm living all alone in our mansion (together with my butler and maids though), My family is always on a business trip, so that means, no one will take care of me at all, since I don't like my butler and maids to take care of me. Not that I dislike them, but I'm just uncomfortable being with them. I always lock up myself in my room, doing things such as reading books, writing poetry, or practicing piano or violin. So I've decided to accept U-KISS' offer to take care of me, because I'm comfortable with them, not just because they are Kevin's friend, but also they became my friends already.

Hoon and Dongho helped me to pack my things up, while Soohyun and Eli took care of the hospital's requirements and bills (they insisted that they'll be the one to pay for the bills, I want to decline it but they kept on bugging me so I let them pay for those bills, I don't know why they want to pay bills that aren't even theirs?) 

Aj fetch the car for all of us, so that means, Kiseop is the one guarding me, he's the most protective guy amongst the others when it comes to me, and it still a mystery for me...


But I'm still worried about Alexander esp. Kibum, because of what happened to Kevin, since they are Kevin's best friends... and Kibum, *sigh* is the type of guy who doesn't care who's he's dealing with even if it's a girl or whatever... I'm scared of Kibum, because he really loves Kevin, he never let people hurt Kevin, at all! He's some sort of like Kevin's Bodyguard or what...


I'm afraid of what will happen to me if we meet. 


-- Kiseop's POV --

"Why is it so quiet?" I asked myself with my mind, "She looks like she's being bothered by something, is she worried?"  , "Maybe she's not comfortable being with me", "or she's still upset because of Kevin's loss?" urrrgghhh~~ I can't think of more possible reasons so I'll just ask her...


"Is there any problem?" I asked. She just shook her head.

I told her , "Don't you like me being with you? Do I bother you? maybe you want Eli or Hoon to be with you instead of me?" , then she suddenly looked at me and said "No" , I saw the sincerity in her eyes, what a relief I sighed.


--NO One's POV--

It's time for them to go home in Eli's mansion, since Kiseop and the others are not allowed to bring girls in their own mansions. Eli is allowed because like Seumi, his family is always on a business trip.


--Seumi's POV--

Woooahh! I was amazed with Eli's mansion, it's different with my mansion, IDK what's the difference, but we both have everything, maybe because of the warmth that I'm experiencing that made it amazing! It is full of love, I remember that Eli really loves his family, at least Eli's family always come, at least once a week, Unlike me, it takes a month.


Eli showed me my room-to-be where they will take care of me, did I mention it really fits me, then Eli broke my amazement as he said "I told them (referring to the maids) to make it perfect for a person like you" while smiling at me, I feel my heart skipped a beat in that particular moment. But I noticed Kiseop because I know he noticed my behavior towards Eli at that moment. His smile faded away, "Why?" I asked my mind, "Did I do something wrong?" 


--Kiseop's POV--

I noticed Seumi's behavior towards Eli, I'm sure that I saw her blush, yeah, she's cute whenever she blushes, but why did it feel so wrong? "Weird" I guess, She looked at me with a questioning look that didn't make sense at all... 


What's wrong? :\ I asked myself.


--Seumi's POV--

It's time for me to take a rest~ Hoon reassured that I'm fine as he went off to the other UKISS' members, just right next to my room though.

So that if anything happens, they can run quickly to my room.

They even gave me a bell so that if ever I needed them, I'll just ring it, then they'll be here any moment.

I want to sleep already so that tomorrow, I can visit the places that Kevin and I treasures.



(On the other room)

Eli and Dongho are playing video games, while Hoon, Aj and Soohyun are talking about Kevin's loss and Seumi's condition, they're just thinking of ways how to protect Seumi with all their might coz when Kevin is still alive, they would always protect him, everyone does! 


While Kiseop on the other hand is just staring at the window, thinking deeply, with a book on his hand that he was reading before.

--Kiseop's POV--

"What will happen next?" as if I'm talking to a certain someone.

... "I'll just protect her since you wanted me to do so right?"


--End of Kiseop's POV--



A/N:   Everyone! Please comment and subscribe! ^^ Sorry for not updating this~ :P Well, Let's SUPPORT U-KISS on their comeback with DORADORA!! Hoorayy~!! Love the Teaser >U< hehe, and take note: DO NOT PRE-ORDER their ALBUM, BUY IT when they started their comeback already, so that there will be a big possibility for them to WIN! =)

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Chapter 8: author-nim sequel maybe?
Poor Kevin ! ><
Thanks for the comments~ ♥ I finished this immediately because I thought nobody liked it :"( that's why there are lots of missing parts. again, Thank you! you can read my new fanfic entitled When Love Stops { }
heu :'( the ending...
omg~ i cried when i saw the first chp. HUAAAAAA~~~~~~~
this sound so sad =(
I can't think of an intro T.T I ~~ I already have my ending....... I'm weird..
Oh~This is not yet done, I started at the last part of the story..