New Life without you by my side, but within me

Life for you ♥


--Seumi's POV--


I woke up on the hospital's bed, I guess. and I saw Kiseop right beside me and started telling their names one by one,


"Kiseop (right), Eli (right side of Kiseop) , Hoon (on my left), Aj (on Hoon's left), Soohyun (right side of Eli) and Dongho (on the left side of AJ)"


everybody replied in sync "Yes?"


I smiled weakly and said "Where is he?", they know that I'm referring to Kevin.


There was silence right after I finished my question, they all looked at each other as if they're able to read each other's mind.


I'm about to break the silence but Kiseop started to talk and said "He's not here anymore."


--Kiseop's POV--


I told Seumi that "He's not here anymore"


I saw her weak smiling turned into a questioning look which made me and the others stop for a moment and think if we should tell her or not, that Kevin

is not here anymore, literally.


She then asked me the same question again, without waiting for my reply she then said "He left me here with you guys? maybe right now he's sleeping on his bed in his apartment without thinking that I'm looking for him."


I told her "No."


Then she started guessing again where Kevin could be, that only makes her looked like a desperate young girl looking for her mommy.


"at the mall? park? or the office?" she said continuously.


then she stopped already, and now having that look "where-the-hell-did-Kevin-go?" on us.


--End of Kiseop's POV--


--Seumi's POV--


I looked at them seriously because I've been asking them where did Kevin go? but looks like they won't answer me at all.


I tried to sit but failed, in pain they said "Don't force yourself" , I didn't care about what they've said and gave another try to sit, *Yes, I did it this time*


They all looked at me with worried face on them that made me feel like I'm so weak right now, but I'm not because I need to find Kevin in instant.


They stood there in silence again, with worried face it turned out that they're having a sad face already, I asked them why? but I didn't get any reply.


I'm starting to lose my temper and I shouted "What is wrong with you guys?! Don't you think you should tell me something that I NEED to know?!" I said in an angry voice.


They were all startled with my behavior and looked at me like they're too sorry to tell me what it is.


--End of Seumi's POV--


--Hoon's POV--


Now that she is mad, maybe we should tell her the truth now, because we know that she'll find it out after all, so I looked at Kiseop telling him to tell her

the truth already, but Kiseop averted his eyes on me and turned to Eli that made me look at Eli too, I know that Kiseop is trying to tell Eli that "You go tell her already" because I know Kiseop is too weak to handle this kind of situation, so Eli will tell Seumi the truth already.


--End of Hoon's POV--


--Eli's POV--


Kiseop looked at me and I know that he's telling me to tell the truth to Seumi already, because everything will worsen if didn't tell it sooner,

so I'm about to start to talk when Seumi suddenly gave us another question, looking at us begging for an answer "Please, tell me."


That made it even harder for us to tell her that "KEVIN IS GONE."


I forced a smile on my face, I started my sentence with a "Please listen carefully" and she nodded , I sighed for a moment and started telling

her the story.


I know that she's about to cry, and I know she's holding it back to make us not worry at all, but as soon as I finished my story, she then started crying, covering her face with her hands, Kiseop and Hoon started calming her.


--End of Eli's POV--


--Seumi's POV--


I'm crying not because of Kevin's loss, it's because of I'm still living my life that I shouldn't be living after all that happened, it should be

Kevin who's living his life right now and having his time with his family and friends, not ME.


Eli told me that my heart disease have gone worst, and it will kill me any time soon, but Kevin decided to offer his heart for me to have a heart transplant which is the only solution for me not to die.


I started shouting out loud "How stupid! He is so stupid!" I'm cursing on him not because I hate him, but because I love him, SO MUCH.


I started ranting saying words like "He is too stupid to give his heart for a girl who's not even his wife nor GIRLFRIEND, and he didn't care for the

consequences that he'll die and leave his loved ones sad, and leaving me in guilt because he died just for me to live. He is just too stupid,

Maybe he wanted me to live my life full of guilt and he wanted me to blame myself eternally." I cried.


Everybody started holding my hands, legs, feet to calm me, and avoid hurting myself even more.


I'm there, crying to death because of him.


--End of Seumi's POV--


--Soohyun's POV--


We stopped her already for hurting herself, and I told her that she's being childish, yes, she's being childish because he didn't care that Kevin did

it for her because he loves her so much, and it'll just make him insane to see the person he loves dying, he'll just end up throwing his life to

nothing, that's why he decided to give his life to you! I said in a fatherly like voice as if I'm scolding my daughter.


--End of Soohyun's POV--


--Seumi's POV--

Soohyun got mad because of my childish behavior, wait, I'm not childish!

I just can't think clearly yet, because of what happened, of what's happening and what will happen in the future?

I'm so confused... I can't live my life... I guess.

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Chapter 8: author-nim sequel maybe?
Poor Kevin ! ><
Thanks for the comments~ ♥ I finished this immediately because I thought nobody liked it :"( that's why there are lots of missing parts. again, Thank you! you can read my new fanfic entitled When Love Stops { }
heu :'( the ending...
omg~ i cried when i saw the first chp. HUAAAAAA~~~~~~~
this sound so sad =(
I can't think of an intro T.T I ~~ I already have my ending....... I'm weird..
Oh~This is not yet done, I started at the last part of the story..