
Will You Still Remember Me? [HIATUS*]

*Ding Dong*

"Okay class, lunch time"

"Hey So Eun! Where do you want to go to eat lunch?"

"Um.. I don't know.. How about the rooftop?"

"Okay but you go first. I need to go to the washroom"

"Okay, I will be waiting you there."

"See you later."

A bit lost, So Eun tried to find where the door which leads to the rooftop was.
She finally found it. She opened the door but closed her eyes right away because of the sunlight.
So Eun went out & couldn't stop smiling.

"Waw! It's so beautiful..."

She paused, look at the sky, then whispered with a sad smile :

"You can see it too, right oppa..."

Her hair was following the direction of the wind. Then she sensed that someone was looking at her, so she turned around & saw Kim bum.

"Oh.. Sorry, I didn't know that you were here..."

-Hope that he didn't hear me-

Suddenly you heard footsteps coming from the door, she looked at the door which opened,

"Hey Kim bum, I -…Oh! what are you doing here So Eun?"

"umm..i was waiting for Dara so we can have lunch here."

"Ah, is that so."

Kim Bum stood up & walked away.

"Um.. Kim Bum oppa right? 

He stopped walking, turned back & glared at So Eun.

"Um.. I'm sorry for having disturb you." She bowed

-Oh! Did i use wrong oppa?-

But he didn't answered back & just left with Taemin who told you bye & followed him.

-He's quite weird...- You thought while watching them leave the rooftop.

In front of the door, they saw Dara :

"Oh, isn't it Taemin oppa?" & she glanced at Kim Bum, wondering who really is.

"Hey Dara, So Eun is waiting at you on the rooftop."

"Oh thanks, Bye" She said with a smile.

"Bye" & they walking through each other & Dara went meet up So Eun.

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debielee #1
Please update...
holyjongin #2
like itttttt
I love the fact that you write in color... LITERALLY! It's genius. I've seen people use it for POVs or introductions in their foreword but I am quite pleased you actually use it in your writing. Well done!!!
can't wait for the update ^^<br />
PrincessKrystle #5
@U-Kissluva;<br />
yea i know uh~ <3<br />
and i will maybe update in 2 days ~
AHHH BUM IS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! he and soeun are amazing together! pleae update soon
PrincessKrystle #7
@madz67;<br />
i'll try to update soon ~<br />
<br />
& yup yup i know ;D <3
pls update again :]<br />
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BUM is such a HERO~!!!
PrincessKrystle #9
@sue_ada; <br />
thanks and you will see~ hehehe <3
hara_ya #10
like this stry..<br />
did kim bum have some past or wat..<br />
he look cold toward girl..<br />
update soon~