You and I [3/?]

Does he feel the same way?

“Guys hurry up or we’re gonna be late!” screamed Nichkhun from the door.


“Maybe next time,” Taec said letting go of Jay’s hand and walking out.


“W-Wait! Argh come on,” shouted Jay with his hand up in the air and looking up like asking God why life was cruel.


--------After the schedule---------


Junsu went to the toilet first, Chansung lay on the couch or what he calls it his bed beside him was Junho, Wooyoung lay on the floor and Nichkhun went to his room. Everyone was tired except for Taec whom was in the kitchen making him self something to eat.


Jay raised an eyebrow and went into the kitchen, “Why are you cooking?”


Taec smiled all teeth, “Bored, why? You want some?”


“No thanks. I’ll just eat my cereal.”


Jay went to the fridge and took out milk and grabbed him bowl and spoon and sat down on the table watching Taec cook.


“What are you cooking anyway?”


“This new recipe I found on the net. It looked yummy.”


After a couple of minutes Taec was done and he sat beside Jay. Jay could smell the food and it actually smelled nice.


Taec took a big bite of the food and smiled. He looked at Jay who was staring at the food. “You want some?” Jay just nodded, “open your mouth.”


Jay did as he was told and Taec feed him the food.


“Is it good?” Taec asked looking a bit worried.


Jay smiled, “I didn’t know you could cook this good.”


“Glad you liked it.”


“I don’t like it I love it!”


“You just love the food not the person who made it.” Taec said wittily.


There was a long awkward silence between them and Taec let out a small laugh, “I was just joking Jay.”


“Yea… I… I knew that!” Jay said punching Taec’s arm lightly.


Jay didn’t know why but he felt sad that Taec said he was just joking.


-----Taec’s POV-----


 I'm not joking I thought to myself, I wanted to grab Jay’s shoulder and tell him face to face that I, Ok Taecyeon, was in love with you, Park Jaebeom.


But if I did that I know things will he awkward between us again, and after the whole thing when Jay avoided me I never wanted to feel that way again.


Not being able to talk or be with Jay of a whole week was the worst thing that I’ve ever felt. It was like being in prison. So I’ve come to a conclusion that I’m never going to confess to Jay. If I did I know he will never speak to me again and it will ruin our friendship, and I’m not going to risk that.


--------Autor’s POV---------


Jay coulnd’t put his finger on it but he feels that Taec’s been distance. Not avoiding him but just distance, Taec usually put his arms around Jay’s shoulder or hug him for no apparent reason and Jay would say that it was gay but doesn’t really mind ‘cause he actually like it.


But now, if they talk there was this space like Taec was giving him his personal space. Jay knows he’s supposed to be happy that Taec’s not to up close and personal with him anymore, but he isn’t.


He missed Taec’s goofy self, the Taec that usually helps him with his Korean; he misses his best friend Taec.



Then one night when the rest of the members were out Jay decided that he wants to ask Taec.


“Taec, is everything okay between us?”


“Yea, of course we are. What’s up?” Taec asked looking up from his book and looking worried.


Jay let’s out a sigh, “I don’t know man, maybe it’s just me. Forget I even ask.” He was got out of the room and went into the living room switching on the television.


Taec sat down next to Jay but still there was space between them and Jay pouted.


Taec chuckled and Jay looks at him, “What?”


“Nothing,” he answered but what he wanted to say was “Why are you so cute”


“Come on Jay, tell me what’s wrong?”




“Jay I know you. And there is something wrong, you know you can tell me.”


“I don’t know Taec, it’s just that ifeellikeyourbeingdistancewithmelately.” Jay mumbled and looked down after he said that.


“What? Slow down.”


“Ifeelthatyourarebeingdistanceandiwannaknowwhy,” he mumbled again under his breath.


Taec lifted Jay’s face and looked straight into his eyes.


“Breath, and tell me slowly.”


Jay did as he was told and took breath in, “Okay, I just feel like your being a bit distance from me lately.” As he said that he felt his face burning hot.


Taec took Jay’s hand apologized, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel that way it’s just I thought you wanted more personal space to yourself.”


“I do but I don’t want that between us.”


Taec couldn’t believe Jay had said that. He came closer to Jay and hugged him. He wrapped him hands around Jay tightly and he could feel Jay smiled on his chest.


Jay felt butterflies in his stomach because he felt warm when that the taller boy hugged him and he misses it. So he hugged him back.


Taec drew small circles on Jay’s back and he felt the smaller boy’s grip loosen he looked down and saw Jay was sleeping.


He let out a small chuckled and slowly carried Jay into his room. He laid Jay down and put the covers carefully over his body.


He was about to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist.


“Jay…” Taec said eyes wide open.




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Chapter 3: waah amazing i loved it so much
update soon please
o can't wait
SHINee4ever5 #2
!!!!! Update soon, please ^^!!!!
cminutebyminute #3
p00p22 #4
auhhhhhhhh i must find out y taec must stay!~!! goes on wikipedia AHHHHHHHHHHHH its not therer!~
p00p22 #5
i wiilll start reading this *reads*
dibzzter #7
@JapKorenglish @lovelylove Thanks for the comment!!!! :D