Does he feel the same way?

Does he feel the same way?

--Taecyeon’s POV--

After months of training we finally had a day for ourselves. But why is it that I don’t feel like doing anything nowadays. I don’t have to energy to go back to my house and talk with my family or friends. I just wanted to be here beside my members.

Well not really my members but this one particular person. It was Park Jaebeom. I don’t know why but I have this feeling of needing to protect him. Although he was strong and I know he could pick a fight on his own it’s just that I don’t want to see him hurt.

Whenever I’m sad he would be there to cheer me up. He was my best friend. But deep down in my heart I always wanted it to be more than just friends. I wanted to be the only one in his mind, the one that he would think of whenever he hear the word ‘traffic light’, the one he thinks about before he goes to sleep, I wanted to be his everything.

I knew he wouldn’t have the same feeling as I have.


--Jaebeom’s POV—

The other members went back to their home town, the only ones left were Nichkhun, Taecyeon and me. As our homes are far far away from Korea we planned on not going back, and just hanging out together.

It was nice just the three of us. The two of them have helped me with my Korean since the first time I was at JYP. Especially Taecyeon. He’s always been by my side and I was thankful to him for that.

--Nobody’s POV--

“I am going out guys.” Nichkhun called out.

“What I thought we were gonna hang out together!” Jaebeom called out.

“I know! I’m sorry about this but I have an appointment with a friend of mine.” Nichkhun said as he walked out the door and a loud thud was heard echoing in their dorm.

“Some friend he is!” mumble Jaebeom under his breath.

Taecyeon came from the kitchen and sat next to Jaebeom. “Let him be Jay. He has needs to you know.”

Jaebeom looked confused, “What do you mean by his needs?”

Taecyeon let out a chuckled, “Nothing, forget I said anything. Let’s just watch a movie, okay?”

“Fine!” he answered.

As they watched the movie Taecyeon could feel that Jaebeom was shivering a bit. “Are you cold?”

“Sort of I think I just go and get a blanket.”

Just as he was about to get up he felt strong grip on his wrist. “Come here, I’ll keep you warm,” Taecyeon said and pulled Jaebeom closer to him, “better?” he asked smiling down looking at Jaebeom’s flustered face.

“Wh-What are you doing?”

“You said you were cold right, so I’ll just keep you warm.”

“Taec if the members see us like this it would be so weird.”

“Thank god they're not here then.”

Jaebeom wanted to question him again but he knew he would lose so he just acted the heat from the tall man. He laid his head on Taecyeon’s chest and he could hear the slow breathing of the younger man. He felt comfortable lying beside Taecyeon.

Jaebeom wasn’t really concentrating on the movie, he didn’t even know what was on. He was to into listening to Taacyeon’s heartbeat. I was like a lullaby to him. As time passed he felt that his eyes were getting heavier and not long he found himself sleeping in the arms of a giant.

After the movie ended Taecyeon looked down and saw that Jaebeom was now sound asleep.


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Chapter 3: waah amazing i loved it so much
update soon please
o can't wait
SHINee4ever5 #2
!!!!! Update soon, please ^^!!!!
cminutebyminute #3
p00p22 #4
auhhhhhhhh i must find out y taec must stay!~!! goes on wikipedia AHHHHHHHHHHHH its not therer!~
p00p22 #5
i wiilll start reading this *reads*
dibzzter #7
@JapKorenglish @lovelylove Thanks for the comment!!!! :D