You and I [2/?]

Does he feel the same way?


He switched off the television and gently lifted the smaller boy into his room, he laid Jay and crawled onto the bed. Using his pointer finger he traced the outline of the leader's face. He was always fond by the beauty of the older man, His finger trailed down Jay's nose bridge then he stopped when he touched the smaller man's slighty parted lips.

It was like he was hypnotized, he moved closer and closer then suddenly Jay's eyes flung open.
Jay has been avoiding Taec for about a week now, and he know Tace sense’s it. He just can’t pull himself and be alone with Taec anymore, he doesn’t know why but he feels weird everything they’re alone. Especially after that night. 

Jay wakes up and the first thing he was a pair of eyes in front of him staring straight at him. He quickly backs away. “Taec! Is that you?” he asked sounding insecure. 

“Yeah, It’s just me Jay don’t worry,” he said slightly squeezing Jay’s arm. He felt Jay relaxed abit and he smiled. 

“What the hell were you doing?” he asked while rubbing his eyes

“Nothing just watching you sleep that’s all.” 

“Man! That sound so gay!” he chuckled 

“Sorry,” Jay could see that his comment hurt Taec and he didn’t understood why. Taec should know that he was just playing around.

“Hey man, look I was just playing around you know that right?”

Taec looked up and smiled, “I know, it’s just I don’t know Jay. I feel that whenever I’m arou-“

Just then Junho came rushing into the room. “Hey Taec! What are you doing here? Why aren’t you a sleep?” 

“Oh, I was about to I was just checking on Jay.”

“Okay cool.” He jumped on his bed and hugged his pillow.

“I think I should head back to my room, bye guys good night.”

“Night” Junho answered but Jay just sat there looking at the blank wall. 

What was Taec going to say before, whenever he was around whom? Taec’s words played inside his head the whole night and it scared him. Why does he even care about what Taec was about to say. 

So up until now he still haven’t confronted Taec. He didn’t want to hear what Taec has to say. During luch they had it together Jay sat at the far end on the left and Taec sat at the far end on the right, 

Jay just stared at his food and eat, he didn’t want to lift his head because he knows that Taec was looking at his. 

The other member also felt the tension between them, and it was getting annoying for them. 

Khun slammed his spoon on the table and said, “Okay! Stop it already. Jay you’re the leader here, your not suppose to be acting like this. We have an interview after this and I don’t want the people there sensing what I’m sensing right now. It’s too awkward and then the fans will know and more rumors will go around. So just STOP IT!” 

There was a long silence after Khun talked, Jay looked up and he knew he was wrong. He wanted to punch himself for making s feel that way. They were like his brothers and he needed to stop this.

“I’m sorry guys.” He said with pleading eyes. He stood up and walked towards Taec, “Taec, sorry man if ive been acting weird.”

Taec stood up looked into Jay’s eyes and hugged him, “It’s okay man.”

The rest of the members let out a sigh of relief. 

When they were on the way to the interview the members asked Taec and Jay to sit together at the back of the van to sort out stuff. 

“I told you guys we’re cool now,” Jay sounded annoyed

“Well if you guys are ‘cool’ then sit together!” shouted Junsu from the front.

They felt awkward sitting together and stared at the window for most of the trip.

Junho was sitting infornt of them with Chansung and Wooyoung. Junho turned around and said, “I thought you guys were ‘cool’ why aren’t you talking?”

Jay wanted to punch Junho that time but he knew that Chansung would kill him if he touched Junho.

Jay rolled his eyes and turned towards Taec, “So umm… Taec what’s new?”

“Well… aa… I fell down while running up the stairs last night.” He chuckled

“Don’t you always do that, I told you to just ride the lift so you won’t have to hurt yourself countless times!”

Jay sounded like a mother but Taec likes it. He feels that whenever Jay scolded him it’s his way of telling him that he cares for him. 

After Junho saw they were talking again he turned back to the front and played a game with Chansung.

The tension between Taec and Jay has now lessened and they were being their old self again. Playing jokes at each other and talking like they used to be.

After a couple of weeks the words that Taec wanted to say was still in Jay’s head and he now really wanted to know what it was about.

“Taec can I ask you something?” Jay asked sitting on Taec’s chair in his room. 

“Yea, sure man shoot,” Taec said while laying on his back reading a manga on his bed.

“What were you about to say that night, you know when Junho suddenly came in.”

“Oh that, that’s emm… N-Nothing,” Taec fell from his bed and stood up, “Just forget it okay.” He said and walks out of the room.

“Come on! Tell me please, it’s been bugging me. I can’t sleep well and I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s driving me crazy!” Jay stopped and closed his mouth, he couldn’t believe that he just said that.

Taec came back into the room and saw Jay sitting on his chair and closing his mouth, and he thought it was so cute. “It drives you what Jay?” he asked with that grin on his face.

“N-Nothing! You heard wrong,” he said standing up and was about to go out

Taec grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to himself and whispered into his ears, “Don’t you want to know?” 

Jay could feel Taec hot breath on his neck and that sent chills down his spine. His heart was pounding hard and he was afraid that it would burst out.
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Chapter 3: waah amazing i loved it so much
update soon please
o can't wait
SHINee4ever5 #2
!!!!! Update soon, please ^^!!!!
cminutebyminute #3
p00p22 #4
auhhhhhhhh i must find out y taec must stay!~!! goes on wikipedia AHHHHHHHHHHHH its not therer!~
p00p22 #5
i wiilll start reading this *reads*
dibzzter #7
@JapKorenglish @lovelylove Thanks for the comment!!!! :D