Chapter 17: Birthday

Sent For You

Haewon’s POV

She stretched her arms and slowly opened her eyes. The sun was shining brightly.

It’s a beautiful day. My special day.

Suddenly a smile crept on her face. Is he awake? He must be.

She sat up and fixed her hair. Shall I look at the mirror?

She fixed her bangs and got rid of her morning glories. Much better.

She slowly looked outside looking for Luhan. But he wasn’t there.

“Luhan? Are you there?” she was waiting for a reply but nothing.

She came out to the living room and it was empty. His blanket and pillow were well arranged too.

She sat down in the couch pure disappointed. Why would he leave before 8 in the morning without telling me? Today is even my birthday! He pisses me off!


Luhan panted as he was nearing the apartment. Geez, I hope she isn’t awake.

I have been through a lot just to get this. I even knocked at the store before it could open so that they could sell me this.

He took a deep breath before going inside.

He looked at the living room and she isn’t there. Good.

“Ahem.” He suddenly heard.

He looked at the kitchen and saw her sitting there with her arms crossed.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

“Uhhmmm fresh air….” she scoffed.

“You’re such a bad liar! I thought you were escaping your punishment or something…”

“No of course not! Why would I? It’s your birthday!”

“Then you just can’t go out and not tell me! I don’t like worrying!”

“You worry about me?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”


Haewon went out of her room already dressed for work. Luhan on the other hand was wearing his shoes when Haewon walked pass by him.

“Yah! Heawonie! Wait for me!”

Heawonie? She felt herself blush upon hearing Luhan call her name.

“Are you still angry about earlier?”

She glanced and him and stuck her tongue out.

She can’t resist me.  He thought.


When they entered the café the lights were turned off. “What’s going on?”

Suddenly a cake with candles slowly came out form the dark.

“Happy Birthday to you!” the four suddenly started singing

Haewon gapped her lips in shock.

“You guys!”

They all hugged Haewon as the lights were .

“Happy birthday unnie!”

“Happy birthday noona!”

Haewon felt her tears run down her cheeks.

“Come on make a wish noona!” Jino asked

Haewon closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Luhan was beside her and watched her peacefully make her wish. He was smiling with her till he saw a flash in the corner of his eyes.

He looked at Joon and Cai who were grinning at him.

“Yah!” he mouthed.

The two made a peace sign and giggled.

When Haewon opened her eyes she started crying again.

“Awww, noona stop crying it’s you birthday!”

She wiped her tears and pinched Joon’s cheeks.

“Sorry, it’s just that no one has done this for me except for my grandma, I just suddenly miss her…”

“Noona gwenchana! We’ll be here on your every birthday!” Jino said which made her cry more.

“Unnie, since it’s your birthday our manager gave us the whole day off!”


“Where should we go???”

“The Zoo!!!!” Joon said like a five year old kid.      


short update....

so i guess it's safe to say I'm back???

hehehe, no changed chapters by the way.

and i did think of it but no, i'm not abandoning this story :D

it's sembreak and i guess i'll be updating more?

maybe :D

I'll be updating tommorow...

and maybe with a poster i made myself to tag along ^_^

don't give up on me :)



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maulinanada #1
Chapter 17: Ahh so cute and this is already 2014 :c hope you update soon
Chapter 17: Oh... You're on hiatus? Hope you'll be back soon
Chapter 11: Good thing Luhan cane at the right time and moment.. If not, idk what will happen to her.
Chapter 10: Aigoo.. Gold digger..
Luhan, I know you're hurt but please don't be a j*rk.
Chapter 9: Miina already replaced Luhan? That fast? Wow. Just wow.
Chapter 3: It's an angel thing!? What?! Explanation please. So he'll go back, not fully as the singer Luhan but just a normal human being? Because wilbert said he better not be killed.
Chapter 2: He will be stronger of course. Luhan can't die, he'll come back soon after his mission.
Chapter 1: Miina is obviously using Luhan. Like Tao said, she's making Luhan her human ATM. How can he be so blind to not see that?

They're driver should've checked the car first before he drive EXO off.. But if he do, then the plot will be ruin :)
Interesting plot... *subscribe* btw, Luhan really looks like an Angel sent from above.
LeeRose #10
:( aaaww