
More Than a Fan Girl

As they broke away, Woohyun spots Jin Ae straight at him. Jin Ae's eyes were full of emotion as water starts to puddle up. She could feel the hot tears rolling down her cheeks. 

How could he? 

"How could you?" Jin Ae said in a low voice. 

"Jin Ae," He said pushing the girl to the side, "let me explain." 

"How long?"  Her voice was hoarse and cracked a bit. 

He slowly walk towards her, "Listen, it's not what it seems. Let's walk outside and let me exp-"

"Answer the damn question!" Jin Ae yelled, balling up her fist. She could feel her knuckles turn white as her fingernails dig into the palm of her hand. 

"For a while now." 

"A while?" 

He looked into her eyes, feeling the pain she's going through, "2 months." He said softly. 

As soon as he said that, her heart felt as if someone stabbed it a billion times. More tears flooded her eyes, making her sight become blurry. 

"So all this time, you were with her? What is she to you? I thought you loved me." She spoke the last part of her sentence in a whisper. 

With all of her strength, she rip off the necklace Woohyun gave her and threw it to the floor. 

She stares at the jewlry on the surface of the ground, to afraid to see his expression. "I never thought you would ever do this to me. I'll pack my bags and move out. I never want to see you again." 

Even though she was in heels, Jin Ae ran away from him. She could feel everyone's eye balls looking in her direction. More tears starts to form and trail down her cheeks and it continues down her neck. Someone grabbed her arm and she jerk away from the person. But the person wasn't going to give up. He continues to grab her arms as she tries to struggle away. 

"Let me go!" She screamed. 

"Hey, hey. It's me." The tone of Seungri's voice was full of concern, "Calm down, please. You're making a scene." 

Jin Ae quickly wraps her arms around Seungri's waist and sobbed into his chest. He didn't say anything but rub her back and pulled her closer. 

"Can you take me to your place? I can't sleep in the apartment." 

"Would you like to leave now?" He said in a low calming voice. He continues to rub her back, letting the warmth of his hand seep through the fabric of her dress. 

She couldn't find her voice so she silently nods her head. Without saying a word, he grabs her hand and walks her towards the exit. 

"Wait!" Jin Ae could recogonize the voice from miles away. Of course that voice belonged to Woohyun. 

"Hurry, let's leave." Jin Ae said, pulling the sleeve of Seungri's shirt.

They quickly walk through the crowded ball room, bumping into a few people and stepping on their feets. But Jin Ae could care less about her manners. All she wanted was to get away. 

"Jin Ae!" Woohyun yelled. 

Finally, they reached the door and pushed it open. The cool air brushes against the warmth of her skin, sending tiny shivers down her spine. As Jin Ae and Seungri reaches their car, Woohyun caught up and grabbed her wrist.

"I'll take her home." Woohyun was breathless, almost panting. She could see a drop of sweat on his forehead. 

Seungri glared at Woohyun, "I don't think so. She chose to stay with me tonight, so I suggest you back off." 

Seungri eyes could probably send daggers. He was a bit taller than Woohyun and much more built. If they got into a fight, no doubt Seungri would win the match. 

Ignoring Seungri's death stare, Woohyun turns to Jin Ae, "Please let me explain. "

She shakes her head and harshly pulled her wrist away from him. "I don't want to hear it. I trusted you and now you betrayed me." She turns away from Woohyun to face Seungri, "Let's go." 

Seungri helped her into the car and put on her seat belt. Woohyun was still standing there motionless. She didn't look at him and kept her gaze foward. The engine starts and they drove away. 

But in the review mirror, she could still see the man that she loved in the same position like a statue. 

She knew that he was in pain, but so was she. 


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Chapter 44: Authornim please comeback and finish this story. I don't want Woohyun being sad.
Chapter 44: nooooo... it's your baby woohyuuuuun....
Chapter 44: aish. its your baby, woohyun!!!
Chapter 44: you're killing me with this angst
Inspirite002 #5
Chapter 43: Omfg what's going to happen?!?!?!?
Chapter 43: Aigoooo complicated... Complicated...
Chapter 42: Ahhh so complicated
pandagirl95 #8
Chapter 42: Noooooo woohyun *sobbs* why can't he man up already?
Chapter 42: Woohyun, you should take the responsibility.. ah, it gets more complicated..
Inspirite002 #10
Chapter 42: AHHHHHH!!!!!