
Rise & Worship

The main lobby of the church was dark. Han Geng had never stepped in a church in his life, so he had no idea where he was going or what he should be looking for.

"Ahhh, this is hopeless..." he muttered in Chinese, looking down at the slip of paper he had taken from the flyer. What the hell was a parish office? What time was it now? Was he even supposed to be in here?

"Yah! Hankyung? What the hell are you doing in a church, of all places?" The familiar voice of a certain Kim Heechul came up from behind, dripped with slight annoyance and heavy breath from the walking. Han Geng frowned at the name chosen for him by Heechul, taking a mental note to use as much of a Northern Chinese accent as he could when saying Heechul's name. Glaring, he turned around to face Heechul, holding up the flyer as he approached him.

"This. This is why I'm in a Church of all places. I-I need a job. I-I'm not..." he paused, looking for the words he wanted in the back of his mind, "...I'm not going to be homeless like you." Han Geng frowned, turning back around in search of a map of some kind. Heechul seemed to ignore most of his words, walking up to Han Geng and redirecting him towards the door.

"Look. Hankyung. You don't need a job. At least not yet. You have me to help you get through this, trust me," Heechul smiled smugly, obviously very confident in what he considered to be helping others.

Han Geng frowned but let Heechul guide him. It wasn't very smart of him to go out job searching right after he practically smashed his head open, so he should stick to Heechul for a little while. Glancing to his left, he took in Heechul's image for the second time since he had met him. The constant gleam in Heechul's eyes worried Han Geng. His suspicions, already large, constantly grew in Heechul's presence.

Han Geng, still on a mission to find his luggage, continued looking up and down the street, while Heechul took a break to watch a young man across the street play his violin for money. As Han Geng came up behind him, panting, Heechul pointed to the musical genius across the street.

"Now Hankyung. If you had a talent like him, everything would be different. You'd be getting easy money. Look at how much that kid has in his case..." Heechul trailed off, looking at the money in the violin case lying at the feet of the boy. The kid looked to be only 16 or 17. As usual, a plan to steal the money quickly formulated in Heechul's mind, but just before he was about to execute the plan he felt to be genius, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Heechul, I can't find my luggage, let's just head back to---- What are you doing?" Heechul's foot was past the curb, pointing in the direction of the young violin player. Heechul froze and turned around, smirking.

"Well we need money, don't we? I know I do, and this is the fastest way to get some, alright?" Heechul smirked at Han Geng, obviously viewing him as foolish. "You don't know what you're going to be doing yet, so just let me handle everything," the glint in Heechul's eyes grew brighter and Han Geng's eyes regrettably reflected it. Heechul was right. In the short time Han Geng had known him, he always seemed to be.



okay so this is short

but i've been not publishing this for a while and i feel bad about not updating last weekend because i was sick.

i hope you enjoy it! <3

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Aki_Hikari #1
I understand but I'm sad... ;(
followurdestiny #2
ohhh Heechul is trouble! XD... looking forward to more!
Don't worry, I hope you feel all better now!
Aki_Hikari #3
I can see SiHanChul here so I just wait for their meeting ^.^
ninjaahedgehog #4
@followurdestiny: thank you~ <3 i plan on updating sometime this week! (:
@sihanfan096: thank you so much x3 i'm not sure if they're all gonna appear or not, but they might. c: donghae and hyukjae have already made an appearance, but they're a bit more sneaky (:
followurdestiny #5
I saw this story on Deviantart before, but now it's updated! Looking forward to more! And see if Han Geng will find his place in Korea :-)