
Rise & Worship

Heechul came running up from behind, panting and sweating like crazy. Han Geng had gotten pretty far in the short amount of time he had run, and Heechul was definitely not in top condition. Looking at Han Geng, he cringed. Blood was flowing steadily from the wound on his head, forming a small puddle on the sidewalk. Heechul swore silently, looking around for some sort of answer to the problem in front of him. Taking a few steps to his right, Heechul grabbed a few napkins from a nearby street vendor and pressed them against the wound. Feeling the warm liquid quickly seep through the napkins, Heechul began panicking. He wasn't a doctor, but there had to be something he could do for the man he considered to be his new partner in crime.

The foreigner's eyes fluttered open to see a scene that was unfamiliar to him. Where was he? What had happened to him? Reaching up to move his hair from his forehead, he felt dried blood, and a knife of pain in the side of his head reminded him of the events. Looking to his left, he saw Heechul. The strange man that had gotten him into this mess. Glancing to his right, he saw the same brick walls and trash cans of the alley he had been in earlier. Turning his head back to Heechul, he blinked to make sure what he was seeing wasn't a lie. Heechul looked up from petting his cat and made eye contact with Han Geng.

"You're awake."


"I said you're awake, ." Heechul pushed Han Geng lightly, smirking casually. Han Geng frowned after figuring out what Heechul said, and scooted slightly away from him.

"What? Are you afraid of the man who practically saved you from bleeding to death?" Heechul returned his frown disapprovingly. Han Geng ignored him, and after glancing around a few more times, he noticed the absence of something important.

"Um... Heechul-sshi?"


"W-where's my luggage..?"

"Oh... uhh..."

Han Geng stood up abruptly at this respond, getting the implied message that Heechul had forgotten to grab his luggage.

"Damnit, Kim Heechul..." he muttered to himself, stalking out of the alley. Which way had he run? Turning to the left, he noticed the familiar atmosphere, so he began walking in that direction, albeit rather slowly due to his still trembling legs. After taking a few steps, he already needed a rest. Stopping in his walk, he looked to the side and saw a flyer. Walking over to it, he read the advertisement after pulling out his Chinese-Korean dictionary.

"Positions available at Rebirth Protestant Church. No experience needed. Call this number or visit this address for more information..." Han Geng cocked his head, looking at the address. He needed a job, so it was worth a shot, even if he wasn't a Christian.

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Aki_Hikari #1
I understand but I'm sad... ;(
followurdestiny #2
ohhh Heechul is trouble! XD... looking forward to more!
Don't worry, I hope you feel all better now!
Aki_Hikari #3
I can see SiHanChul here so I just wait for their meeting ^.^
ninjaahedgehog #4
@followurdestiny: thank you~ <3 i plan on updating sometime this week! (:
@sihanfan096: thank you so much x3 i'm not sure if they're all gonna appear or not, but they might. c: donghae and hyukjae have already made an appearance, but they're a bit more sneaky (:
followurdestiny #5
I saw this story on Deviantart before, but now it's updated! Looking forward to more! And see if Han Geng will find his place in Korea :-)