
Rise & Worship

"There we go! A couple more flyers, and we'll be all done!" Siwon grinned, looking proudly upon the flyer for the last few church positions. Kyuhyun came up next to him from a nearby storefront and smiled along with him.

"Hyung-nim, what if nobody wants the job? I mean... we could all just double up..."

Siwon shook his head.

"Somebody out there needs this job, Kyuhyun. I'm not going to deny anyone that opportunity," Siwon smiled and patted Kyuhyun on the back.

"Come on. Let's finish up here."

Han Geng awoke to a blinding light coming from his right. He also felt an unfamilar, not to mention uncomfortable, weight on his arm. Sitting up against the brick wall behind him, Han Geng groaned and rubbed his eyes. There was a persistent pain in his lower back, and his head was spinning. Opening his eyes, his surroundings took him by surprise. This wasn't all a crazy dream like he wanted to believe. Glancing to his left, he saw his own luggage leaned up against him and Heechul leaning on the luggage. Han Geng jumped at the sight of him, causing Heechul to stir. Panicking, Han Geng quickly pretended to be asleep just as Heechul began to rise. Yawning, Heechul stood up and took a few steps around as he stretched. As if sensing his awakening, Heebum trotted up next to him, walking all over his feet.

"Well hello, Heebum~~" Heechul smiled and pet Heebum, earning a purr of approval from the cynical cat. Han Geng opened one eye slightly, noticing the weight gone from his shoulder. Maybe, if he was fast and quiet, he could make a run for it. Grabbing the handle of his luggage, he shifted his position so that he was balancing on the balls of his feet. Just as Heechul bent down to pet Heebum some more, Han Geng sprang up and bolted out of the alley, running as fast as he could down the sidewalk. Heechul's head shot up as he noticed the foreigner's absence and he ran out of the alley after him. Han Geng's feet smacked against the pavement as he ran, but the toe of his shoe caught on a large crack in the sidewalk, and he began falling, his luggage coming down behind him. He hit the ground hard, his forearm and head hitting the stone cold concrete first. He slid for a few inches, and his luggage banged down next to him, just missing his head by a few centimeters. Han Geng's breath came out unevenly, and he couldn't find the strength to stand up.

"D-damnit..." he muttered, trying to push himself to his feet. A loud pounding in his head told him to look at the ground, and when he did, he noticed the blood. His blood. Putting his hand to his head, Han Geng felt the warm liquid between his fingers. His weak legs gave out beneath him, and his trembling form began to still. The last thing he heard was the smack of sneakers on the sidewalk behind him.

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Aki_Hikari #1
I understand but I'm sad... ;(
followurdestiny #2
ohhh Heechul is trouble! XD... looking forward to more!
Don't worry, I hope you feel all better now!
Aki_Hikari #3
I can see SiHanChul here so I just wait for their meeting ^.^
ninjaahedgehog #4
@followurdestiny: thank you~ <3 i plan on updating sometime this week! (:
@sihanfan096: thank you so much x3 i'm not sure if they're all gonna appear or not, but they might. c: donghae and hyukjae have already made an appearance, but they're a bit more sneaky (:
followurdestiny #5
I saw this story on Deviantart before, but now it's updated! Looking forward to more! And see if Han Geng will find his place in Korea :-)