Call Me Maybe (One-shot)

Call Me Maybe? (One-shot)



Kim Junsu wasn’t expecting something really miraculous to happen to him especially not this day. He thought it would be the same as the other days that had gone by ever since he had lived this life. If he wasn’t in school he would be working his part time job in a cafe. And if it was his day off, he would be at home studying in advance.

And same as usual whenever he’s working there’d be customers who turn out to be such a pain in the , some would be nice enough to leave tips, there are others who are too demanding and acts like a complete and of course, he’ll never forget those who can’t make up their minds and say their order already. It was actually fine with him to deal with these kind of situations as long as he could finish and graduate from school, get a high paying job and live a better life. Why of all people in this world to be struck with financial crisis, does it have to be him? Anyways, if having to encounter the same old customers and experiences every single day of his life as a working student, Junsu will try his best not to mind it at all; in the end, it may actually be worth the hard work.

And today, well, maybe today was not just meant to be the same like the other days. Maybe, it was what God has planned all along and only decided to let it take place now.

“Excuse me?” A voice spoke when Junsu was cleaning a table that was filled with coffee spills and bread crumbs. He tried his best not to roll his eyes, ‘What does this customer wants now?’.

Junsu managed to plaster on a very bright smile before turning to look at the customer, “Yes, sir?”

“May I speak with you, Junsu-shii? This won’t take long”, those words were followed by a confident smile. He gestured for Junsu to take a seat across from him.

Junsu tried not to make it noticeable that he just swallowed a big portion of his saliva and nervousness. The owners’ son that he’d been eying ever since just talked to him!

“How may I help you…” Junsu answered taking his seat, “..sir”

The businessman who’s wearing a black suit with a red tie started, “Well, this may sound odd but I know you’re having trouble with your finances especially with your schooling….”

Junsu cocked an eyebrow, is this person his stalker or what?

The owners’ son might have noticed his disturbed expression and clarified to him, “I just heard you the other day talking about it with your co-worker and I thought that...”

“That, what sir?”, the younger man tried to sound politely as he could. His hands were starting to shake and sweat. His imagination starts to run wild. He could feel his heartbeat go faster and he suddenly wants to cry. Will he get fired? Will he?

“Please take a look outside”, the businessman ordered before Junsu could get an answer.

When he did as what he was told, he saw a short haired and skinny person walked by. He can’t quite tell the gender but he had this impression that the person was beautiful though Junsu just had a quick glimpse of the stranger.

And before Junsu could ask if what’s really going on, if he’s going to be kicked out of his job because he might not be doing well or something, the other man said, “I want you to ask for that person’s phone number”

The young man stiffened at what he heard. It took him a while to process what was just said to him. Before he could open his mouth to say at least ‘I beg your pardon?’, ‘Could you please repeat that?’ or ‘Huh?’, the owners’ son beat him to it, “If you get his phone number….”

“He?” Junsu’s eyes got wide. That – just snapped him back to reality. Wow, he didn’t know…

The businessman cleared his throat, his cheeks blushing, “Well, erm. If you do get his number, I promise you Junsu-shii that I’ll make you my scholar. I’ll take care of all the expenses that you need for your studies and that..”

“Really, sir? You will?” The young man shoots up from his seat hearing what the owners’ son just said.

The other man chuckled lightly and nodded his head, “Yes, that is if...”

“If I get his phone number, right?” Junsu supplied pointing outside though the person they’re talking about is not there anymore. His eyes were filled with so much hope.

Amused, the older man chuckled again while nodding his head, “Yes, yes. And if..” he gestured for Junsu to come closer and when the young man did, he whispered, “you keep this a secret to the other employees, got it?”

Junsu pursed his lips, “Yes, sir. Roger that!” He feels pumped up and energized all of a sudden!

The businessman laughed again, “You can call me Yunho-shii whenever you think it’s appropriate. I don’t mind”

“Okay, sir – I mean, Yunho-shii” Junsu had to hide the fact the he’s blushing.

Yunho gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, “Well, Kim Junsu, I’m counting on you!” and with that said, he excused himself murmuring something about having to attend a meeting.

Junsu dropped onto his seat. He just can’t believe what happened!

First, he discovered that Jung Yunho, son of a famous tycoon in Seoul is actually gay. Second, that Jung Yunho offered him a scholarship. Wow, he just can’t believe his luck! And third, what was it? Oh yeah, that in order to have that scholarship he needs to ask for a strangers’ phone number. And how he’s actually going to do it? Junsu doesn’t know how. But one thing’s for sure – That today, is the first of all firsts in Junsu’s life that turned out to be quite an unusual yet interesting day that he’d encountered so far.



Maybe, it’s just him and his crazy imagination but Jae Joong thinks that whenever he passes by this café on his way to his favorite bakery when he goes off from work, there would be this certain guy, a very gorgeous and good looking guy if he must add, that would stare at him.

At first, he didn’t mind it at all thinking that it was nothing. But then later on, he realized that the guy would always be there, same spot inside the café with a cup of coffee by his side and some papers scattered on his table and a laptop running on. And this might sound strange because the moment he appears would be the time that the said gorgeous person would look up and stare at him. This happened countless of times that for the high school teacher, it wasn’t a coincidence anymore.

He actually did stop once and smiled at the stranger thinking that the other might respond and smile back. Jae Joong was excited that he would have a new friend! Only to receive a response of a cold stare and a poker face as if he was some crazy maniac or desperate loser who smiles at strangers just because he thinks that the stranger is eying him or something. The high school teacher, for some weird reason, felt hurt at that time.

And so, from that moment on, whenever he would pass by the café, he would never dare look inside and know if that same gorgeous guy is ogling him because duh, why would he give a ? That person was already rude for staring at him like he was some kind of a joke and when he decided to be friendly and all, he just got rejected. Jae Joong thought that everything will be fine starting from then on and that he will get over the incident like it didn’t happen at all. Until one day…

                “Excuse me, sir?”

                Jae Joong craned his neck to the right to see a worker from the café handing out pamphlets. He accepted one with a smile and was about to resume walking when the young boy stopped him.

                “Sir, I know this is weird but can I ask for your phone number?”

                Surprised, the high school teacher tried to remain his cool. “Why? Are you interested in me?” He just blurted out the last sentence without thinking properly.  

                Jae Joong noticed how the other man blushed and he laughed, a hand flying to cover his mouth, “I’m kidding! Wow, you sure do have some guts, you’re very brave!” And you look like someone YooChun would love to go out with too!, Jae Joong continued to laugh but stopped when he felt something very familiar – he felt “that person’s stare”. He debated inside him if he should look or not but his curiosity got the best of him. Looking to his left he spotted him, the gorgeous guy, staring at Jae Joong and at this young boy he’s talking with, and a thought bugged the teacher, “He might think I’m some sick pedo who would flirt with young boys who are randomly handing out pamphlets”.

                Jae Joong suddenly felt disturbed. As nicely as he could he refused the young boys’ request and walked away without giving the young boy or the gorgeous guy inside the café one last look.

                Three days after that, Jae Joong was on his way again to the bakery when the same young boy popped in front him still asking for the same request.

                Jae Joong crossed his arms over his chest; it’s something he would do when he’d seriously start asking questions in his class, “Why are you insistent in asking for my number? And what is your name, young man?”

                The other man was shaking and he was fidgeting in his place, “Ki- Kim J-Junsu, sir. And I, I was asked by someone…”

                Arms still crossed, Jae Joong cut him off, “And may I know this someone you’re talking about?”

                “I, I can’t actually…” Junsu tried to reason

                The teacher sighed, “Well, tell this someone, whoever he or she is, that I’m not going to give my number unless they ask for it personally. Why would they be making you do the deed?”

                Junsu murmured, “It’s for the scholarship..”

                Jae Joong didn’t hear him, “Come again?”

                “A scholarship.” Junsu repeated and with pleading eyes added, “This person promised me a scholarship if I’ll manage to get hold of your number. This might sound absurd and I may be desperate but can I have your number, sir? Please?”

                It never occurred to the teacher that something from him would be a lifeline to others and Jae Joong was touched by how this young man would do anything just so he could continue to go school. Jae Joong himself was a scholar before and he somehow can relate to this guy named Kim Junsu. But still…

                “I’m sorry but the risk of giving you my number is..”

                Junsu was the one to cut him off this time, “He knew that this would happen. So, just in case that you’d refuse” he rummaged something in his pocket, “he just told me to give you his. He sort of prepared for this. Guess, he’s really that interested in you”

                ‘He? I wonder who it is?’, Jae Joong can’t help but blush. He shrugged the feeling off and smiled, “If I accept his number will it still earn you your scholarship?”

                “I hope so”, Junsu smiled back crossing his fingers and his toes.

                “Very well, then..”, Jae Joong took the piece of paper from Junsu’s hand and keyed in the digits. Saving the number and leaving it nameless. “Now, that’s settled. So, your work is done, right?”

                “Yes, sir! Thank you very much!” Junsu gave Jae Joong a bright smile bowing his head quite a few times before saying goodbye and heading back inside the café.

                And as Jae Joong continued to be on his way, he found himself smiling. “I think I just saved someone else’s life”.

He then remembered that he actually didn’t notice the presence of the gorgeous guy during the whole exchange, “Well, take that, you cold-looking-poker-faced bastard! At least, I’m nice unlike you!” Jae Joong shouted waving his fist in the air.

                The high school teacher was so overwhelmed that he went home actually forgetting about the whole thing and the nameless number. And Jae Joong slept soundly the whole night while someone was left to stay awake waiting for a text message or a call.


Regret. That very word has haunted Jung Yunho ever since he decided to ignore the pretty man’s approach of being friendly towards him. He’ll say that the blame should be all on him since he did not responded at all or did something that would make the other man think that he’s willing to be friends.

Well, if you were in his position and after a very long time of eying and staring at your crush like some kind of a creep and a stalker, what will you exactly do when suddenly one day he just stops, smiles and waves at you? Of course, duh, you’ll panic and probably faint right there and then. But Jung Yunho was a son of a famous tycoon, he has a promising future ahead of him, he has a position and a status to uphold, and if he just suddenly breaks down in that café, scream at the top of his lungs or have a seizure because his long time crush finally, yes finally, notices him, what would the society think of him? That the son of a powerful businessman acts like that? No, he can’t risk doing something like that.

Though the moment he saw that angelic smile Yunho could have peed in his pants. Or faint. Or die. But yeah, whatever, he did that one thing which he thinks would be safe to do, he ignored him. Well, he didn’t totally ignore the feminine man; he actually stared at him with an expressionless face. And ever since then, his crush had ignored him too. That’s when Jung Yunho started to worry.

                In his vain attempt to make things better between him and his crush again, Yunho asked for a worker’s help in one of his fathers’ businesses that he’s in charge of. Kim Junsu, as far as he knows, was one of the best employees that their café has and that the kid was working his off in order to finish school. Not to mention that he sensed that the guy was somewhat gay considering that he noticed the way Junsu would eye him. Yunho sort of took advantage of the fact that Junsu’s gay since his secret of being gay too will be safe with the younger boy and he doesn’t know of anyone that he could turn to for help. It was no problem to tell the Junsu about his favor and to make him agree to it.

 In fact, the very first time that Junsu decided to take action and ask for the feminine man’s phone number, Yunho had his hopes high since he noticed that everything was going smoothly. His crush was laughing and he found it adorable that he was covering his mouth. But when their eyes met and he saw the change of expression in the other man’s face, Yunho knew that he needs to think of a Plan B. So, that’s when he told Junsu that if ever the pretty man would again refuse to give his number, Junsu will give Yunho’s number instead. And that will settle things out.

                “So, he actually saved it?”, Yunho asked the moment Junsu entered the café after his encounter with the pretty man.

                “Yeah, he did. I saw it”, Junsu smiled raising his hand as a form of “I swear, I’m not lying” gesture.

                “Did you ask for his name?”, the older man queried, excited that he will somehow know tidbits of information about his long time crush.

                Junsu stopped and bit his lip, “Well, about that… ermmmm..”

                “What?” Yunho’s eyebrows were about to meet.

                “I wasn’t able to…”


                Junsu shushed his boss. Yunho looked around to find that every employee and customer was looking at their direction. He cleared his throat and composed himself.

                “Sorry”, the younger man bowed his head in shame and Yunho heaved a heavy sigh.

                “It’s okay. I’ll just wait if he contacts me or something. Do you think that he’ll ever call or send me text message?” Yunho’s tone sounded desperate and Junsu couldn’t help but pity him a bit.

                “Of course, he will. Don’t worry Yunho-shii, tonight you might turn out to be one lucky man!”

                And with those words in mind, Yunho waited all night long. He waited for days and weeks for that something, that one thing, which he hopes would finally come.



                “Yah, Jae Joong-ah! Time for class. Leggoo!”, Park Yoochun said, co-worker and longtime best friend of Kim Jae Joong.

                “Pabo! The schedule for my next class is at 3. We just had our lunch break”, Jae Joong reminded as he fiddled with his phone.

                Yoochun slapped his forehead, “Oh yeah, I forgot. You’re one lucky bastard, you know that? Well, I’ll be going then”

                “Bye, Chunnie!”   

                The moment Yoochun was out of the faculty room, Jae Joong continued to type a message in his phone. He re-read everything first then sent the message to everyone in his contacts.

                “It’s been a while since I’ve sent a group message to my friends”, Jae Joong mumbled before he flipped his phone close, left it on his desk and made his way to the restroom.


                Yunho was in the middle of a meeting when he felt his phone vibrate inside the pocket of his pants. Days and weeks had passed and Yunho never heard from his beautiful crush. Every time that his phone would ring or vibrate, he would feel his heart skip a beat thinking that this must be it! But then, he’s left disappointed when it’s just from a socialite or an acquaintance.

                This time, Yunho was thinking that it’d be the same thing. But he can’t help but feel hopeful of this teeny tiny chance that it’s going to be different this time. When he flipped his phone open, his eyes widened and his hands started to shake. An unknown number. He opened the message and it read:

                You may love, remember, reminisce or even hate but you cannot take advantage of it.

                Good Morning~ ^0^

                With no doubts, Yunho knew that what he had been waiting for how many weeks had finally come. And this time, he’d make sure that there’d be no regrets.


                When Jae Joong came back from the restroom, he found out that he received one message.

                He rolled his eyes as he picked his phone up, “Urgh. Perhaps, Yoochun’s gonna make fun of me again”

                Jae Joong opened the message and he got confused.

                Hi. Your message was really nice. ^^ I have to agree with it. Receiving something from you after a long time just made my day! Take care.  

                Who could this person be? Jae Joong checked his contacts once again and when he reached the last number – that’s when it finally hit him! The nameless number!

                “. I completely forgot”, Jae Joong bit his lip and looked around frantically.

                What to do? What to do? What to dooooooooooo?!


                Yunho was drumming his fingers on the table while waiting for the pretty man’s response. It was hard to concentrate and listen to the person talking in front when his mind was somewhere else. He felt his phone vibrate and he jumped a bit in his seat. Yunho looked around to check if anyone noticed but it seemed like all the people in the room were too absorbed with what was being discussed. He took his phone out and hastily read the response.

                Hi. I’m sorry but may I know who this is?

                Yunho resisted hitting his head. How could he forget to introduce who he is? Wait, then does that mean, Junsu didn’t mention his name to the pretty guy? Urgh, that kid.


                Jae Joong was about to start making his lesson plan when his phone beeped. He hesitated for a while because he needs to work first but then gave up when his curiosity won’t let go of him.

                Oh, I’m so rude. I actually forgot to introduce who I am. Anyways, maybe I should be the one to ask for your name first since I was the person who asked for your number. What’s your name, btw? 

                The teacher was debating whether he should tell him his full name or not.

“Okay, so what should I say?”


                The meeting was over and Yunho was glad. He was praying that whatever his crush would reply to him he would keep his cool because if he reacts like a lovesick teenager during the meeting, he’s probably going to get scolded by his father. He was alone now in the room and was trying to occupy himself with the swivel chair while waiting for another reply.

His phone vibrated. His heart stopped for a moment. Yunho stared at his phone as if it was a ticking bomb and reached for it before it would explode. He flipped his phone open. The reply was short and simple but it made his heart beat faster and he felt a rush in his head. A wide smile appeared on his handsome features.

                My name is Jae.


                Jae Joong was not in the mood to make his lesson plan anymore. He was now busy worrying about what the owner of the nameless number will reply. His imagination starts to run wild when he thought of the different possibilities that the owner might be some kind of a , a maniac perhaps, or a serial killer.

                “Gosh, what have I gotten myself into?!”

                Before his crazy imagination could jump to another crazy idea, Jae Joong’s phone beeped.

                He held it tight in his hands and was in doubt if he was even supposed to read it or not. But he have come this far, why stop now?

                Jae Joong flipped his phone open once again and read the message thinking that it might be some kind of threat or blackmail already. But what he read made him blush and Jae Joong never expected for something like this to happen to him much more that he’d feel something fluttery inside his stomach. The message was short and simple like his reply but it meant something more.

                YES, FINALLY! :D


A/N:  There's a sequel to this though, so no worries if you're left hanging. But I can't promise a fast update, so yeah. I'm still sorting my thoughts out on what's going to happen next. Thank you for reading! :D P.S - this story is inspired by a true story that was shared by a friend. 

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Chapter 1: Huuuh, that's so cute. I really hope you can update on this. ;A; ♥
updateupdateupdate!!!!* puppy eyes*
faster update sequel pleaseee.. ^^
It's very sweet and funny, loved every word of it. can't wait to read the rest!
I love it! Can wait for the sequel! ^^