The Promise on The City of True Love

Just Marry Me
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  chapter six The Promise on The City of True Love - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   ________________________________________  

"Be careful Joo Hyun-ah." Mrs Seo said and kissed both of her daughter's cheek.

"De, omma I'll be very careful." The excited daughter said.

"I don't expect any grandchild so soon. But, I don't mind if it happen." Jae Sun joked to Seohyun and made the other old man and women giggled.

"A..aniyo.. We don't.. We are not." Seohyun stuttered to answer her father in law said. While Yong Hwa whom behind Seohyun with their luggage just snorted and rolled his eyes.

"I was just joking Joo Hyun-ah.. Just make your honeymoon a time for you two to know each other." Jae Sun patted her shoulder tried to calm Seohyun down.

"And you!" He pointed to his son "better take care of her!"

"But, she's a grown up woman. She can take care of herself." Yong Hwa said unexcitedly.

"No, son she's your wife. She's now your responsibility." Mrs Jung spoke up. Yong Hwa rolled his eyes.

"Whatever... I'm going in now." Yong Hwa turned around then started to walk.

"Be careful Yong Hwa-yah.." Mrs Jung said a little bit yelled to Yong Hwa who already walk and pretend not to hear her. Even though Yong Hwa was not her son but, she still love him like her own child. Actually she really wanted to hug and kiss Yong Hwa's cheeks to say goodbye but, apparently he was still the same like five years ago, not even a single change.

"Then, I will go too Omma, Appa, Abeonim and Ommonim." Seohyun gave them a bow.

"Be careful Joo Hyun-ah... And please keep your promise to me, okay?" Jae Sun looked to Seohyun with a meaningful stare.

The young girl smiled to him. "De, Abbeonim I won't forget my promise." She gave him a bow once again before she ran to catch Yong Hwa.

"Will they be okay?" Mrs Seo asked to her husband.

"Don't worry... Actually Yong Hwa is a responsible man. He will take care of his wife." Jae Sun assured them.


Seohyun threw herself to the seat beside Yong Hwa. They were riding the plane on the first class.

"Can I have the seat next to the window?" Seohyun begged to Yong Hwa who already sat on the seat next to the window. Yong Hwa turned his gaze from the window to Seohyun.

"Why should I move?" He said flatly.

"Because, I want to see the scenery.." She answered.

"I want to see the scenery, too. I'm the first who got this seat so, this is my right to have the seat next to the window."

Seohyun rolled her eyes then she pouted, back to her seat with a folded arms. That selfish guy didn't give her any chance to argue back.

"Yah.. Joo Hyun I didn't know if you're angry your nostrils would become that big." Yong Hwa . He now rested his chin on his palm and had his devilish grin curved on his face. Seohyun shot a glare to him that just made him chuckled instead of felt uneasy. She turned her glare away when she realized their eyes were met a second back then.

"I think I could go in there if you keep angry like that." He then laughed it out loud.

"Whatever." She scoffed in defeat and took the headphone in front of her, turned the music and closed her eyes. She didn't want to continue the argue.

Suddenly she felt the headphone on her head was being pulled off. She opened her eyes to protest but, a handsome face that just in a matter of centimetres made her mind blank and shut all her protests down. What she could only do was hold her breath while having a slight of pink blush. Yong Hwa's face was too close for her case.

"Okay, you can have the seat this time. But, on the way home I will be the one who sit next to the window, ahrasso?" He said to Seohyun. The latter just nodded hurriedly to make the handsome face in front of him would pulled away faster and let her breath again.

'Wait! Handsome!? Why did I think that jerk is handsome!?' She screamed on her own thought.




"Woaaaah... Verona!!!" Seohyun squealed excitedly when they just arrived at their destination, Verona, Italy. They were arrived when the day almost hit the evening.

"Stop it! you make everyone looking at us as if we are weirdos!" Yong Hwa scolded her. Seohyun just giggled and still squaled happily.

"Aissh.. What made you so excited with Italy? I thought girls would love to go to Paris or some romantic and exotic island." Yong Hwa said then rested his body on the luggage cart while waiting for the car from their hotel to pick them up. "I was surprised when you suggested Italy for our honeymoon." He continued.

Seohyun turned her body back to Yong Hwa.

"Italy maybe is not as romantic as Paris but, Italy have Verona, The City of True Love." She explained excitedly.

"The City of True Love?" Yong Hwa furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'll show you later..." She turned around again.  "Whoah… we can see the sun setting down from here." She continued while looking at the sun which ready to setting down in front of them. The airport was in the higher land and the city doesn't have so many tall building so Seohyun had the access to watch the sunset quite clearly. Admiring its big size and its beautiful orange colour.

She turned her face to Yong Hwa again who stood not so far beside her.

"Beautiful isn't it?" She said to him referring to the sunset. Yong Hwa looked to her and... was just dumbfounded.

"It's beyond beautiful." He said unconsciously when he saw the girl who looked at him was showering with the soft orange light from the sunset, with her wavy brown long hair and a sweet light smile, she was really beyond beautiful.

"I knew you'll like it." She smiled and turned back again to watch the beautiful sunset while Yong Hwa still couldn't let his eyes off from the beautiful creature that just caught his attention, his wife.

"Excuse me are you Mr and Mrs Jung from Korea?" A foreign man suddenly said in his fluent English and snapped Yong Hwa's mind back to reality.

"Ah.. umm.. Yes we are." Yong Hwa answered a little bit stuttered.

“I’m sorry I’m late signor. My name is Carlo from Due Torri Hotel you’ve reserved before. Please follow me Signor and Signora Jung, the car already waiting for you.” He said. “Let me take your luggage.” He continued and took the luggage kart from Yong Hwa. The couple then followed their guider.

On the way to the hotel, their eyes were spoiled with so many unique historical buildings that remain in its original shape.

“Whoaah… The Verona Arena!” Seohyun squealed and pointed to the big grand and round building that was beside Yong Hwa’s window. Seems like the grand building was an ampitheatre in its era.

“We should go there Yong Hwa-ssi and watch the opera.” She said excitedly.

“Opera? I’m so not into it.. no, I don’t want.” He said flatly and turned his gaze back to the view outside his window. Seohyun pouted, this jerk beside her already ruined the good mood just in 30 minutes after they arrived at Verona.

“We are in Verona so we should watch the Opera.” She whined to Yong Hwa.

“I’m sorry Signora… If you want to watch the Opera, the Opera Festival just finished few days ago. So, there will be no Opera show anymore these months.” Carlo in from the driver’s seat. He actually didn’t know Korean language but, when he heard Seohyun keep mentioning about the Opera, at least he knew what they were talking about.

Seohyun felt so bitter to hear what Carlo said and it even felt bitterer when she saw Yong Hwa smirked triumphantly to her.

“Eiish… You’re such a bad luck!” Seohyun said and slapped Yong Hwa’s arm. The latter was just chuckled to see her.


“Good evening Signor and Signora Jung. Welcome to Due Torri Hotel.” The hotel receptionist said nicely when she welcomed Yong Hwa and Seohyun. “A suite for honeymoon already prepared for you and here is your card.” She continued and gave a card key to Yong Hwa.

“Grazie.” Yong Hwa took the card and thanked her in Italian. They took the elevator to their room and when the door opened, once again Seohyun jumped excitedly to see the suite.

“So beautiful Yong Hwa-ssi…” She jumped around the living room that filled with authentic period furniture in Bidermeier or empire style. The walls are covered with precious tapestries and the flooring ranges from carpets that match the tapestries, creating a pleasant and harmonious chromatic effect.

Yong Hwa gave a tip to the bell boy who carried their luggage, before he could actually examine the suite room that his father reserved for them.

“Yong Hwa-ssi… the bathroom is also beautiful!” Seohyun yelled. Then Yong Hwa followed her voice to the bathroom. The bathroom indeed so beautiful with those pink marbles, embellished with mosaic handmade frames around the big mirror. Seohyun was sat on the edge of the bathtub and played with the water from the faucet.

“Yeah… These are all indeed so nice. But, do you know what problem we have if we are in a suite for honeymooners?” Yong Hwa said that made Seohyun stopped playing with the water and looked at him with a puzzled looks.

“What? I don’t know.” She answered innocently. Yong Hwa chuckled to see the purity of the girl in front of him.

“We only have one bed.”

Seohyun went stiff when she heard Yong Hwa. She really didn’t realize the fact until Yong Hwa told her few seconds ago.

“B… But, we can’t sleep in one bed.” Seohyun stuttered.

“Why not?" Yong Hwa then walked slowly to Seohyun.

“B… Because it’s not appropriate, we have to ma…” Seohyun hesitate to continue her words.

“What? Marry you mean?” Yong Hwa continued Seohyun’s line. “We are already married anyway. So, it means we can sleep on one bed.” He added and walked closer to Seohyun. The groggy girl then fixed her seat on the edge of the bath tub.

"But.. Y... Yong Hwa-ssi.."

Yong Hwa bent down to her face level and put his hands on the bath tub edge. One on Seohyun's right side, one on Seohyun's left side. He literaly trapped her. And now he leaned his face so close to her.

"Yes... Joo Hyun-ah?" He said with a mischievous voice. Seohyun could feel all her blood stream flows backwards and filled her face. Made it so damn red... And the air around her suddenly up made her lungs almost couldn't work properly. She tried to pull herself backward but, what happened next was a mix of painful and embarassing event. She fell to the bathtub and washed by the water which flown from the faucet she played with before. Yong Hwa laughed to see her.

"Actually I just want to say you can take the bed Joo Hyun-ssi... I'll take the couch." He said while turning off the faucet. He walked out from bathroom still with a light laugh. He really do love teasing Seohyun.

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Might update JMM chap 15 on Wednesday or Thursday hope u wont disappoint >,


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Chapter 15: morningteaz, please come back! )-; )-; )-;
I wonder if this will be continued?
Reread this..hope you can comeback soon :)
Ironcatnguyen #4
Chapter 15: Are you-authormin happy if you read my comment until now? Three years and not hint to update, and i still wait. I did love this fic so much. A normal story but you wrote so so good, so so great. The triangle love was not made the reader feel heavy but bright. I like the way yong and seo fall in love with each other. I like the characters they have. And i realy realy love this fic. And you, authormin! Please give me a wish! Please complete this fic with a happy ending. I still waiting for you, form bottom of my heart!
pipipink #5
Chapter 15: Update pleaseee.....
Authornim how are you?hope you will update this story soon. Fighting :)
breakers #7
Its been 3 years (almost) you not update this story,
궁굼해 죽겠다 완전 ㅠㅜ...
Have you lose faith to our beloved yongseo??
I wish, you will update this story soon...
Fighting authornim!!!
Chapter 15: Update soon T_T
Really curious about the next chapter
pipipink #9
Chapter 15: Authornim,,, please update this story again,,,
i really love this story,,, please,,,
linapog #10
Chapter 15: yah,where are you authornim?how could you keep a very beautiful story hanging?please update soon!!!i'm always waiting for your update,thank you very much for this great story....