One by One

Trace the Constellation (PG-13)

"Bulka Charisma Minho! Choi Minho!" A reporter rudely shoved his voice recorder into the face of an absolutely gorgeous male. He had light brown hair that was tied into a ponytail, his face was all contrasts, his chin and cheekbones sharp, his forehead high. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown hidden beneath long eyelashes that curled naturally.

Half of that gorgeousness was covered by his blue cap which cast a shadow onto his face, not allowing anyone to see his solemn expression. "Is it true that SHINee will be following the footsteps of former SME boy-band, DBSK?" Minho pulled the cap lower as he squeezed his way out of the crowd, declining to comment on the issue.

"Where has Onew been after his sudden confession? SME has decided to take him out of the group, am I right?" Another reporter questioned zealously as she pushed her way through the swarm of reporters who were all busy taking pictures with their cameras and trying to get near the boys. All this was just to take a portion of the pie home to please and satisfy their bosses. But it seemed they weren't going to get anything out of the boys--at least not today.

"Almighty Key! Key, could you comment on this?" Another lucky reporter who managed to push his way to the front asked. The fair-skinned pretty boy with well-defined features and small, pouty lips held onto his hoodie which was draped over his head as he tried to get through the massive crowd which seem to almost engulf his entire being, choking him. He wanted so much to get out of this mess. "Fans have been extremely agitated and upset over this sudden news. Many have been asking if it would end up like 2PM or DBSK? Lee Taemin!"

The skinny maknae looked almost lost in his over-sized jacket and he covered his pretty face with a checkered scarf as he had his eyes constantly planted on the ground. Possibly searching for a hole to hide in and escape from this craziness. His manager was barking orders for the reporters to get lost and was shouting at fans to stay away from the boys. With his hands in his jacket pocket, he walked into the SM building without turning back to look at the chaotic scene.

"Would it be just the four of you, or a disbandment? Say something, Kim Jonghyun!" Another reporter added. Cameras were everywhere and the flashes of the lights irritated the slim young man who was the shortest of the group. He had on a black beanie which he used to cover his face. A look of annoyance was on his cherub face as he let out a soft growl.

"Yah! Hey! Enough!" Manager Kim snarled menacingly at the reporters. "We will hold a press conference soon to answer whatever questions you all have. For now, the boys are not able to comment as nothing has been finalized as of yet. As for Onew, he is currently resting as he is down with a fever."

"Is it serious? What caused the fever?" One reporter shouted from the large crowd.

Manager Kim signalled Jonghyun to enter first and turned to the reporters. "Onew's condition is currently stable but he needs rest. As for the other questions, we'll be holding a press conference soon. Thank you."

With that, he hurried into the building which had a drab, faded yellow exterior. It could easily escape the attention of a passer-by. But behind these walls were the hottest acts in the K-pop scene being carefully primped and trained for public consumption.


Seeing his hyung in such a bad shape, Taemin felt a sharp pain pierce his heart. Onew was badly bruised at his chin, his arm and there was a slight cut near his right eye. He lightly touched the cut which made Onew jump slightly in his seat as he winced in pain. "That hurts?" Taemin asked softly, his face filled with concern.

"You want to try?" He joked. "I'll pinch your arm hard, I tell you!" But apparently the maknae wasn't laughing. He didn't think it was funny at all.

"Hyung, what happened?" His tone was serious.

Onew avoided the maknae's scrutiny. "N-n-nothing."

"Lee Soo Man sunsaengnim did this to you? Did he?" Taemin demanded, eyes searching for confirmation. "Hyung, tell me!" He shook Onew's shoulder hard causing the leader to cringe in pain. "I'm sorry I didn't--"

"Taemin-ah, don't worry about hyung. I'm good." Onew reassured with a smile, trying to hide his discomfort. "How are the other members?"

Taemin's eyes lowered a little as he bit his bottom lip. "They... are okay. All of it was too sudden so I guess they just need the time to adjust to this that's all." He pointed at the cut near the eye. "I better help you clean the wound before it gets infected."

The maknae stood up to get the first aid kit, but before he turned, Onew grabbed his hand. "Aren't you going to ask why hyung said those things?"

"Hyung, I trust you. It isn't your fault. I know you didn't mean for this to happen." Taemin replied. He was such a sincere and innocent person, really adorable kid. His eyes still sparkled brilliantly. It was exactly like the first time Onew had met him. He was what? Only a young boy of 14 years. Even so, he had an amazing talent for dancing. He was able to move to the beat of the music with so much agility, power and grace thus he was made lead dancer of the group. Onew on the other hand had singing as his only talent. He was hopeless when it came to dancing. It was pure frustration for the dance teachers to teach Onew the dance steps. He failed miserably, while the other members shined, especially Taemin. Sometimes he had to put in even more hours than the rest. Even at 3am in the morning, he would be seen dancing in front of the mirror again and again, a look of desperation on his face.

For five long years, this room was like their home. This practice room was where they had spent long hours rehearsing in. It was the place where they sweat their blood and tears together as one. It became a form of solace, it became sort of like a refuge for the members. Whenever someone felt unhappy, they would come here to vent it all out. In a way, it holds most of their memories as SHINee. Onew sighed at how it seemed all so faraway. Those memories were now like fragments of broken glass which can no longer be mended.

There was no turning back.

The door of the room swung open and revealed three familiar faces, breaking Onew out from his reverie. "Hyung!" Key cried out, rushing to Onew's side as he grabbed his arm. "We heard from Manager Kim that Lee Soo Man sunsaengnim wanted to meet y--"

Onew flinched from Key's strong grip and his face was contorted in extreme anguish. Pain slithered through his torso, red pokers of agony that seemed to pierce far too many muscles. Although Key appeared petite in size, his strength was unbelievable. Key looked at his face to his arm. He rolled the jacket sleeve up and it showed the bruises from this morning. His eyes amplified. "Don't tell me he did this?"

Minho's bothered look was clearly evident on his handsome face. His eyebrows creased into a frown. "Hyung, are you okay?"

Onew laughed it off with a wave of his hand. He needed to be strong in front of them. "I'm fine, really. Don't worry!" He ruffled Key's hair affectionately to which Key gave a playful shove. "Yah! I told you I hate it when people touch my hair!" He pouted slightly and pretended to look mad. A smile was unknowingly planted on Onew's face. With the four boys, he never had to present another image which was forced upon him by the company. He could be himself. His comfortable self.

Minho grinned in amusement at the diva's reaction as he placed his arm around Taemin who was smiling along. Knowing each other was probably one of the greatest things ever and even though none of them said it out loud, it became like an unspoken agreement only known between them. Maybe it was due to the whole five years spent 24/7 together, but they knew what each member needed just by the bodily movements and facial expressions. 

A soft whisper interrupted. "Why did you do this?"

All four members stared at the member who hadn't utter a single word ever since they walked into the room.

Onew looked wide-eyed at the owner of the voice. "What?"

"Why did you do this?" Jonghyun repeated, this time louder than the first.

"I-I-" Onew stammered. He could not think of what to say. He could not summon up anything to his mind. "I'm sorry, that's all I can say."

"Sorry?" Jonghyun laughed. He laughed with absolutely no humor. "You think a sorry can solve everything? Is sorry all you can say?"

"Jonghyun, what are you saying?" Key said under clenched teeth. His voice was low.

Onew stood up from where he sat. "No. He's right. A sorry cannot solve anything. And as a leader, I have failed all four of you. I have failed SHINee as a whole."

"Then why did you say that? Why?" Jonghyun persisted, his voice slightly a notch more dynamic.

Onew didn't answer. He couldn't answer. He didn't know how to answer.

"Why? Isn't there anything else you'd like to say?" Jonghyun inquired.

"Jonghyun, enough. We've all had a rough day." Minho sighed exhaustingly, and pleadingly. "Just let it go."

"Let go? You're telling me to let go? Weren't you also angry that all this had happened? Now you tell me to let go?" Jonghyun scoffed. "Aren't you a hypocrite or what?"

Minho opened his mouth to retort, but Jonghyun beat him to it.

"And on top of that, who was the one who suggested SHINee continue as four people instead? It was YOU. You were the one who said it. No one placed a gun to your forehead and forced you, Choi Minho." He taunted, and a hot ball of fury washed over Minho like lava currents.

"Fine, I admit I did say that! But I said that in a fit of anger! I didn't mean it. Why would I? We've been together for five years. Five years for Christ sake! How could I call it quits just like that?"

"Can you all stop this? This is so ing childish!" Key fulminated. "We've more than enough on our hands right now. We really don't need another additional one."

"Oh yeah? You were also ing pissed about this whole matter! You were the one who accused HIM of being a lousy leader. So don't act like you're the saint here, Kim Kibum." Jonghyun rebuked.

"Just shut the hell up and get over it, Jonghyun. It has already happened. Deal with it instead of whining like a bastard!" Minho shouted back.

"Jerk! How dare you shout at me! Don't you know how to respect someone older than you?"

"I don't, when you're acting like a crazy man!" He brought his hands to his face, the way people do when they were frustrated and troubled.

Jonghyun pushed Minho. "Yeah? At least I'm not a hypocrite like you."

"Shut up."

"What can you do?"

Minho pushed Jonghyun back. "Try me."

Jonghyun drew a fist and slammed it against Minho.

People in the background gasped at Jonghyun's sudden attack.

Minho rubbed his sore cheek. "Can you stop being so unreasonable?!" He angrily rebuked, returning the punch with as much force and as much violence.

"Who is the unreasonable one, you tell me!" Jonghyun gave a flying kick to Minho's stomach which sent the latter onto the ground with a loud thud. "Stop acting anymore, Minho. You enjoy fame, don't you? Hearing the fans scream for you. Don't act like you don't in front of this person. Let him know what you really want."

"Hyung!" Taemin yelled out as he tried to pull Jonghyun back.

" you! I'll get you for this!" Minho roared. He was about to stand up when Onew grabbed his arm, preventing him from advancing further.

"Stop it, Minho. If Lee Soo Man sees this, not only you, ALL of us will get into trouble." Onew said, tightening his grip on Minho. His heart was racing hard. This was too much for him.

"Gosh, it isn't supposed to go like this!" Key murmured, knocking his forehead with frustration. His face was so red and so hot he felt like he could explode if this continued. How in the world did they get into such a steamy fight? This was all wrong! "Forget it! This is all so out of control. THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!"

They engulfed in silence as their heavy breaths dominated the empty air where echoes and remnants of their harsh words lingered. Even the air was mocking them.

Taemin contemplated them, their heaving chest, their fine, featured face. Why had they been yelling at each other like extravagant beasts? Why had they looked at each other with so much pain and so much revulsion? Where had that genuine love that used to defer those strong, bold eyes gone?

Taemin pressed his lips together. His heart ached so much inside. He wanted to scream. To scream out all the emotional burdens which wrapped themselves onto him. It must have been even worse for Onew hyung who had his head hung low, seemingly ashamed of himself. Of his inadequate ability to be a role model for the rest of them. His face was red as he quivered slightly. It seemed as though he was trying to rein in the tears which were threatening to spill out.

"Guys please--" the voice shook a little as it beseeched with the boys who were currently engaged in a heated embroil. "This. This thing that has happened, it was my fault. I know I'm undeserving of your forgiveness. Neither do I expect any from you all. Yell at me or hit me. I will not fight back. I have caused all of you misery and I am truly sorry for that."

He paused for a moment. Minho was looking back at him with softened eyes. All the members were silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I have always loved to be a part of SHINee. Even now, I am proud to say I am a SHINee member, always one, forever one. I had never intended to crush your dreams and future with my hands. I don't plan to do such a thing either. If need be, I will leave the group so that you guys can continue as SHINee. And the reason to why I said those words yesterday was because I am tired." He let out a sigh. "I am tired of pretending that I'm okay when I'm not. I am tired of being so tired all the time with barely enough rest. I am tired of being shown to the public as perfect when I'm actually not close to perfect. This may not be a good enough reason to account for my unreasonable actions. But I really don't want to lead this kind of life anymore. I don't want to lie to myself any further. I want to go out and do all that I can while I'm still able to. Maybe I'm just selfish." He had to force the tears back in. He could not cry in front of them. Don't cry... don't cry...

His hands tightened into a fist. Vibrations, hollow, cold and hot vibrations shook through him. He couldn't stop shaking. He wanted to turn around and walk out of this room, but he must be strong. He cannot let them see their hyung so weak.

"Hyung, you have been a great leader. Stay. You don't have to go! I will!" Salty tears streamed down the face of Taemin as he ran out of the room.

"Taemin-ah!" Minho called after the maknae as he chased behind.

Key looked on at the two. He cleared his throat, "I better go see how's Taemin." He excused himself and walked off, leaving Jonghyun and Onew alone together.

The awkwardness that lingered was a deafening throb as neither one had no idea what to say.

"Um... I will check on them." Jonghyun muttered before leaving the room.

Just as quick as Jonghyun left, the tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision. It slid down his cheeks. The emotions he had been keeping inside all started pouring out in the form of tears. He was trembling, shivering into a quicksand of despair.

The loneliness, the crispiness of loneliness. There were no words, no words at all to describe how it was to sit in the empty, desolated room, with the members leaving him one by one.

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omgajhsdljfk, I thought he died.. I was like holding my breath the whole way.
Poor Onew <333
I hope that he fully recovers...and that Jjong stops being such a selfish and supports his leader.
Update soon!!! :D
So saaaaaad!!!!!! :'(
yspazz234 #4
Sweet Jesus I thought I died with Onew there. Thank you for the revival. Please update when you can.
ahhhh jinki. you scared me! i thought onew died.<br />
but.....hmmmmm.... i wonder, who was the person who found him?
I love this story and the way you write is so exiciting and awesome!<br />
Their emotions really gripped my heart!<br />
I hope you update soon!<br />
candyfever #7
I don't think you can even call it a FF. It's too true. <br />
<br />
With the exception of Onew dying. <br />
<br />
Anyway it's such a good job well done I cried reading it. <3 fighting!(: