Devil's Manipulation

Trace the Constellation (PG-13)

Several blows got through his defense, leaving him winded, battered, more than a little bruised but somehow still upright. He kept blocking, then another blow came through, crashing against his chin, snapping his head back and sending him flying. Stars danced in front of his eyes, and the black peace of unconsciousness flirted with him. He shook his head, denying the call, and landed catlike on all fours with no more strength left to haul himself up on his two feet.

His lips was pallid with fear and exhaustion. His body felt sore and his head was throbbing terribly like an overweight cat sprawled in his head, sullen and squishy and disinclined to budge. He rolled over his sides in sheer anguish.

Those words. Those true feelings. It had become the hottest topic among netizens. Making its way to 'most searched' online. Making its way into the heated discussions in forums. Making its way into none other than Lee Soo Man's office. The lucky reporter who was able to get this "exclusive" interview just yesterday had named the newspaper article: Leader Onew's confession: SHINee's replay of DBSK fiasco. On the page were a picture of all five during their 'Ring Ding Dong' days. They were smiling. Happily. But Onew knew better. Beside that picture was DongBangShinKi, the fallen angels from 3 years ago.

"Tell me what were you thinking? Trying to play hero?" Lee Soo Man bellowed as he threw the newspaper onto the floor, right in front of Onew's face. The middle-age man's wrinkled face was contorted into a look of distaste.

"I said it as it is." Onew replied feebly, defiance still clearly in his voice. Cold beads of perspiration formed on his forehead. His hands were trembling with fright.

"Oh? So our little boy is all toughened up and ready to fight?" Lee Soo Man questioned, his tone mocking. His voice contained venom, like a poisonous snake ready to bite and kill its prey in a quick second.

He bend down so as to be on level with the badly broken Onew on the floor. He gave a slight smirk. No it wasn't y. It was evil. It was a smirk whereby he knew he was ultimately still the winner of this game. He was the doll master, they were his dolls. They had no power. Gripping Onew's face tightly in one hand, he turned it to face his. In a whisper, he hissed slyly, "Don't forget you still have 8 years left in the contract. You can't back out so easily. I can definitely make this 8 years hell for you, you'll wish you were never born."

Onew felt defeated. Crushed. This realization made him feel tied. Trapped. His shoulders sagged. It was as though he were an ant, weak and powerless to do anything. Why had he been so stupid enough to sign on that piece of paper? That paper which had him sell his life to the devil. He could not escape. They would out every bit of youth from his very soul and discard him when there was no value left to his name. He was like a toy. Played with when it was new and shiny. Thrown away when it grew old and worthless. Onew shuddered at the thought.

"So you better wise up and clean this whole mess. I dont care how you do it, but you better make sure this doesn't get out of hand. I want no more trouble."

Lee Soo Man released his grip on Onew and got up to leave. Straightening his tie and Armani suit, he then headed towards the door. As his thick fingers touched the doorknob, Onew struggled to his feet and yelled at him. Yelled at the man who had dictated him for as long as he remembered.


Lee Soo Man turned around at Onew's sudden outburst. Mercy was not something that etched his face, nor compassion or sympathy. The man had no feelings to his name. He was devoid of emotions. Even his eyes were cold and empty. "I'll tell you one last time. Clean up the mess you have created. I don't give a how you're going to do it, but you better get it done fast." Onew's chest heaved up and down heavily. He was worn out both mentally and physically. Lee Soo Man's gaze on Onew was unfaltering as he continued, "By doing this, you have not only destroyed yourself, but the dreams and future of the other members. Remember. It is not about you alone." To which he opened the door and left the room leaving the door to slam and resonate in Onew's ears.

The last few words replayed in his mind like a broken record.

Onew fell to the floor in utter despair. Lee Soo Man's answer posed a stab to his heart, to his eyes and to his working blood vessels. It felt the whole world's weight was on him and it was hard to bear. He felt suffocated. "Our lives are the same..." He silently murmured to himself. They were bounded together. The moment SHINee was formed, they were all together in this.

Had he, alone, destroyed what the members had worked hard for all these years? Tears stinged his eyes as he fought to hold them back. No, he wasn't about to let this get to him. Inside, he was but an empty void. Although he had gained a lot from the experience as a member of SHINee, although he loved how fans have always been so supportive towards them, it brought him agony as well. His heart ached whenever he saw the members collapse from fatigue one by one due to the intense practices and hectic schedules. However, no matter how hard, would bite their lips and hang on without complains. It pained him to see young Taemin holding his family photo, secretly crying at night when everyone was sound asleep. He wanted so much to embrace them in a hug and tell them he would protect them as how a hyung would.

But he couldn't. He was part of the play too. He was part of the devil's manipulation. How could he save them when he himself was unable to get out of this turmoil.

Their faces of disbelieve when they had heard him yesterday. It still etched in his mind refusing to leave. He had disappointed them greatly. As a leader, he let them down. He failed his duty. He did not deserve this title.

His fist pounded the floor hard with all his might. He didn't care if it hurt. He was past caring about such things.

Sorry, Lee Taemin. Sorry, Choi Minho. Sorry, Kim Jonghyun. Sorry, Kim Kibum.

He knew sorry was just a word. An inferior, stupid word. But it was all he could say.

Nothing more.

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omgajhsdljfk, I thought he died.. I was like holding my breath the whole way.
Poor Onew <333
I hope that he fully recovers...and that Jjong stops being such a selfish and supports his leader.
Update soon!!! :D
So saaaaaad!!!!!! :'(
yspazz234 #4
Sweet Jesus I thought I died with Onew there. Thank you for the revival. Please update when you can.
ahhhh jinki. you scared me! i thought onew died.<br />
but.....hmmmmm.... i wonder, who was the person who found him?
I love this story and the way you write is so exiciting and awesome!<br />
Their emotions really gripped my heart!<br />
I hope you update soon!<br />
candyfever #7
I don't think you can even call it a FF. It's too true. <br />
<br />
With the exception of Onew dying. <br />
<br />
Anyway it's such a good job well done I cried reading it. <3 fighting!(: