Chapter 4

A book of debt after story


With a few days of hard work and over time, Saturday finally arrived. Today was the day wedding vows were going to be exchanged once more between the old couple.

“I can’t find anything to wear!” I complained, digging into my suitcase. I never had expected such situation to happen and it never occurred to me to purchase one before the wedding. I could hear Dongwoon chuckling, as he stood by, enjoying me in panic mood.

“What are you laughing at?” I shot him a look, pouting. He chuckled even more. Then he entered into the room, with a protective clothes cover?? He ped the cover, revealing the dress inside. A mini black dress presents itself before my eyes. The spaghetti strapped dress was sewed with roses on the upper half of the dress which ends nicely just below the chest. This high cut dress bottom then flowed with the layers of chiffon material below; making the dress puffed a little.

“Wow,” I gasped. The beauty of the mini black dress captured my attention.

“You bought this?” I looked form the dress to Dongwoon. He nodded.

“Gosh, thank you! You are a life saver!” I wrapped my hands around Dongwoon’s neck.

“Time is running out,” Dongwoon reminded me.

“Right,” I took the dress from him, grinning. I paired the dress with a pair of red heels and a clutch. Taking a leather jacket with me, we were out of the house. Dongwoon was also in formal, a white formal tee with a black blazer paired with black skinny pants.

We arrived at the venue early to check only every single last detail. The décor, food, arrangements and other small details had to be confirmed. Once time, Dongwoon was sent back to the Dean’s to fetch the old couple.

As time passed, everything was in place – friends, family and the pastor. The old couple waited behind those doors that would lead them into the church. I watched them as they looking only at each other’s eyes.

As the wedding march sounded on the old church piano, the doors slowly opened and reveals the red aisle. The old couple was surprised how the church had transformed into their ceremonial place. ‘Go.’ I instructed them, smiling. The couple nodded, smiling.

Linking arms, they walked down the aisle toward their friends, all dressed up for this event. Though it wasn’t an elaborated or expensive wedding filled with bling, but it was a heartwarming and sweet one.

“Please read your vows,” the pastor held out his bible. I found Dongwoon, and stood by his side. Holding hands, we witnessed this very blissful moment, where the old couple reunite.

“I, Chris Matthew Dean, take you, Helen Beth Elizabeth, to be my wedded wife again. To continue to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.” Mr Dean declared his love for his wife.

“I, Helen Beth Elizabeth, take you, Chris Matthew Dean, to be my wedded husband. To continue to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.” Mrs Dean smiled sweetly as she read her vows out loud with pride.

“Please exchange your rings.” Pastor hosted. Mr Dean took out the ring from his pocket, never lifting his sight from his loving wife. Mrs Dean accepted the ring, as Mr Dean gently slide the ring into her delicate fingers.

“I declare you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Pastor announced. Mr Dean and Mrs Dean did not show any shyness, giving a kiss right on each other lips. The moment they lived in with love, the kiss they exchanged with soul. Then, the ceremony was over.

I shed tears, watching, happy for them and wishing them everlasting love. What’s left was a warm gathering with friends and family, sharing their love for each other. The job of a planner continued as I ran around, instructing the chef and severs to be ready as the guest streamed in.

“Is everything still up to your expectation?” I went over Mrs Dean’s table.

“Everything’s prefect! Thanks to you, dear.” Mrs Dean gave me a hug.

“It would be our best wedding anniversary ever,” Mr Dean commented. “Thank you.”

 “Yes, my dear. We love it, we really do.” Mrs Dean smiled.

“I’m so glad I gave you guys a wedding you wanted.” I smiled, happy for them.

“We’re good here, dear. You can go first. Dongwoon is waiting for you outside.”


“Yes, my dear. Enjoy yourself,” Mrs Dean winked at me.

“Dongwoon?” I went outside, finding Dongwoon standing in the cold. “Mrs Dean said you were waiting for me.

“Let’s go,” Dongwoon took my hands, leading me away from the wedding venue.

“Where are we going?” I asked, confused with the situation.

“Somewhere,” Dongwoon opened the door of the truck for me. I stepped into it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kidnap you,” Dongwoon started the engine.

“You just did,” I tried to play his words. He rolled his eyes.

“Thank you,” I smiled as he covered me with a warm blanket and handed me a cup of warm coffee.

“Sleep,” He said, as he entered the expressway.

“You sure?” I was afraid he was as tired as I was.

“Yeah, sleep.” He reached over, my hair.

I nodded peacefully, falling into slumber.

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@caramel_22 TY!!^^ you too!waiting for an update on your story!
I love the way you write your stories and end them! ^^ Hwaiting! ^^
THANKS GUYS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT^^ really happy to see this story's positive comments really <3~
likeab2uty #4
i can literally imagine dongwoon playing th ukulele XD
zomgoshhhh. hahaahahah!
Dongwoon's letter was really touching! ;_____;
I can't believe the story is over~
This was one of the best fanfics I've ever read^^ It had suspense, joy, love, sadness, etc.
It was great! You are an awesome writer!<3
Oh, so sweet~ Woonie's letter made me felt so touched~ (^////^)
Eh, it's over now? (T_T) Anyway, good job! I really enjoy this story~ Thanks for writing such a nice story foe me to read~
Awww it's really over now T_T but that was such a cute story <3 loved every part of it! can't even choose the best part :P
Good Job ^^
the story ended......................... but its sooooooooooooooo sweet!!! :D :D :D you're a really great writer!! ^^
angela718_sdw #9
awwwwwwwwwwwwww... i'm sad that this has ended... but happy at the same time coz its just sooooo sweet! :)
@b2uty4maknae ^^ THANK YOU for supporting
@shiningbeasts TY for reading this story again!!^^ hehe. enjoy the story!!