Chapter 3

Picture Perfect Moment



~Your POV~

He leaned in again to kiss me. This time I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

I broke away from the kiss to catch my breath. Our eyes met again and he pulled me into his embrace for a few minutes before we went back to the cabins.


(A/N: Hi guys, since I’m having writers block I’m just going to go straight to where things start falling apart for them. SORRYYYYY. FORGIVE ME)


~No One’s POV~

 ~~~~ and Jonghyun started high school as a couple. The first two years of high school was going well for them. When junior year came, things started to go downhill. ~~~~ and Jonghyun had less classes together. They would barely see each other at school or outside of school. They rarely contacted each other too. Jonghyun got a new group of friends. ~~~~ didn’t really like his friends, especially this one girl, Sekyung. Sekyung harassed ~~~~ for three years. It started in fifth grade. ~~~~ didn’t know what she did to Sekyung to make her harass her. She stopped harassing her when high school started.

During junior year when Jonghyun got a new group of friends, it included Sekyung. ~~~~ was unhappy but what could she do? She wanted Jonghyun to be happy so she didn’t tell him how she felt about his new group of friends. ~~~~’s best friends Tiffany and Eun-mi didn’t like Jonghyun’s new friends either. He even ditch his old group of friends, Onew, Key, Minho and Taemin. While Jonghyun was hanging out with his new friends, ~~~~, Tiffany, Eun-mi, Onew, Key, Minho and Taemin’s friendship got stronger. Minho had the strongest friendship with ~~~~ out of Onew, Key and Taemin. Minho was very protective over her. He was like an older brother to her.

(Skipping to the end of Junior year. Starting of summer. Here comes so drama!)

~~~~’s POV:

Jonghyun and I haven’t been talking very much lately because we’re both so busy with school and stuff. Hopefully we can hang out soon.

~Calling Jonghyun~

Jonghyun: Hello?

~~~~: Jonghyun!

Jonghyun: oh. ~~~~ annyeong! What’s up?

~~~~: Nothing much. We barely saw or talked to each other this year. I miss you!!! I was wondering if we can hang out today or sometime soon this summer.

Jonghyun: Sorry ~~~~, not today, I’m packing up today. My family and I are going to Europe for the summer for a family reunion. Sorry!

~~~~: ahhh…it’s ok.

*sigh* He won’t be here this summer. I might as well go find a job this summer to be occupied since Tiff and Eun-mi went on vacation and the other four are leaving to go audition to be and idol group.

( a few weeks later)

~No one’s POV~

It was around 5 pm, the sun was still up. ~~~~ decided to go on a walk since it was nice and breezy outside. It wasn’t too hot or humid outside. After walking for 10 minutes, she noticed a couple walking hand and hand together, acting all lovey dovey.


~~~~’S POV:

As I was taking a walk around the neighborhood, I notice a cute couple walking next to each other hand in hand. It reminded me of Jonghyun and I when we first held hands. Our hands kept touching; everytime they touched, we would immediately pull away and look at each other. After 10 minutes of doing that, Jonghyun just held my hand, swinging back and forth.

As I got closer, I noticed that the girl was Sekyung. I wonder who was next to her. I went closer and the guy looked like Jonghyun. No, it can’t be him. He’s in Europe with his family. Maybe I should try just in case. “Jonghyun?”

He turned around and our eyes met. He immediately let go of Sekyung’s hand I thought he was in Europe with his family? What’s he doing here? Next to Sekyung? What?

His eyes looked surprised. “~~~~~”

“I thought you were in Europe.”

“I was. We came back early.” Jonghyun replied.

“Oh…How come you’re with Sekyung?” I said as my voice became softer at each word.

“Er… because…be-because…” Jonghyun stuttered. “Aish! Forget it! I can’t lie to you anymore. I need to feel relaxed if I’m dating Sekyung.”

“IF you’re dating Sekyung?” emphasing on “if”

“No wait, not if. I AM dating Sekyung WHILE still dating YOU.” Jonghyun said.

“So you’re cheating on me?” I asked

A smirk plastered across his face, “Basically…yeah.” As he said the he pulled Sekyung closer to him by her waist.

"Did you EVER leave for vacation?" I questioned him.

"No not really." he replied.

"Where'd you stay then? No one was at your house. What about your family?"

"I never left. I stayed with Sekyung. My family went to Europe. Happy? anything else you wanna know?" he asked with an annoyed tone.

 That bastard. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream at him. I hate him.

I walked up to Sekyung and smacked her across the face. As I raised my hand to smack her again, Jonghyun grabbed my wrist and gave me a look. I gave him the same look he gave me back to him. I yanked my wrist away from him. I stepped back and kicked him in the groin.

Was I overreacting? Probably. But I think that I had the right to do it. He was my best friend, he cheated on me for a stupid bish and he lied to me. The stupid bish took away my boyfriend and my best friend. AND she harassed me for three years straight.

Aish. F*** this. I don’t give a sh** about them.


End of chapter-------------------------------------------


Hi guys~ sorry for the really late update. I'm sucha horrible author. I most likely won't be updating twice a week. I'll try to update at least once a week or whenever I'm free. Sorry guys! Enjoy the chapter!

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whoops, i didn't finish the previous message. anywhoo, i just wanted to let you guys know that I only fixed the foreword and the first 2 chapters. Check it out!


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Chapter 4: Update plz
peachoons #2
Hi! Would you like a poster?
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-Sweet and Sour Apple Graphic Studio
aloofstorm #3
BABY~ why must you torture me so?
WTH..i hate them..>"<
but im still curious..wat will she do??
cant wait for next chap.tehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Update soon!
aloofstorm #6
WAH so cute!
update soon ^^