Part 2

You Still Love Me




Part 2



I worried so much as I waited for Mr. Kang to come back. Kikwang has never gotten in trouble like this before. What if he got suspended or something? If he did, I hope Jonghyun would too! I glanced around the class and noticed quite a few eyes were on me. I could hear whispers such as “Jonghyun and Kikwang are always fighting over her...” and “Whats so special about her anyway... they're wasting their time on her...” I hate that people always thought like that.


Suddenly the door opened and I felt my heart start jumping like crazy. I've never felt so... scared? I watched worriedly, as Mr. Kang came back into the class room. Only Jonghyun was with him!—what about Kikwang?


“Don't worry about what just happened, students, and lets just continue with the class normally. Mr. Lee Kikwang is going to get expelled.”


E..Ex..Expelled!? He even said it so calmly! ...well Mr. Kang has kind of always hated Kikwang since the moment he first stepped into the classroom... I hate him. I wanted to scream in fear, as I heard Jonghyun chuckling in the seat behind me. Was this his plan?


Later, after school ended Jonghyun approached me again, placing a hand around my shoulder. “So babe, now that he's out of the way, will you come back to me?” Ugh, this ! I wanted to punch his face in.


I growled as I pulled away from him, “No way you—!” Suddenly he pulled me close again and was about to kiss me when someone else punched him. An arm s around me again, and I felt myself quickly calm down. “Get away from my girl!” Kikwang grunted. Jonghyun sighed angrily, and walked off saying, “I can have her back now, you know, because you're not in my way in school anymore. Ha ha!”


He was so wrong though. Because I didn't go back to school the next day... or the day after that. In fact, I never went back to that school again. Kikwang had to change schools, and so, I changed schools with him.





I can't believe that is back! Does he really want me back that much? He didn't even care about me that much years ago. It was obvious he only wanted me for my body, and I hated him for that. Why would he want me back now?


I sighed as I lied down on the couch in the living room. Sigh~~ Kiki's been gone for 2 hours now. What's up?


I didn't want to think negatively, because I was scared that if I thought bad things, bad things would happen... but I couldn't stop thinking how there was a slight possibility of... of... the... My mind was so tired that I couldn't even think anymore. I fell asleep...


I WILL make you mine... Just wait.”


Aaaaaaaaaah~!!!!!!” I screamed loudly as I tried to sit up. That voice I heard. I..I..His chuckle that followed. It terrified me. I probably woke up all the neighbours but I didn't care about that at the moment—all I cared about was... getting out of the hold of these arms around me. Who is it? I don't know!! I need to get away...!! I was kicking and moving my arms as if I was being eaten by a hungry beast, when I suddenly heard a soft whisper which immediately had the calming effect on me...”shhhh~ I'm sorry baby...” his hands around me loosened which gave me a chance to turn around and hug him close to myself.




I tried to find him... but I couldn't.” he spoke with a regretful and apologetic voice.


Who cares! You're safe! Please don't try to fight him! You didn't even let me warn you before you ran off earlier! Do you have any idea how worried I was?” “Warn me?” “That guy—He really d..did become exactly what I predicted... remember I told you about him?” I tried to speak calmly but I couldn't. Kikwang pulled away from me and looked at me. I could tell he was looking shocked, even though it was dark in the room. “Is he that dangerous?”


Worse than that.”




* flashback 3 years ago. Before Kikwang transferred to the school.




It was my first year in the school, and me and my best friend were just doing what normal teenagers did then... we looked at the boys in our class and discussed about whether they were boyfriend material or not.


How about him over there?” Sohyun asked me, and I shook my head. “definitely not.. he looks too.....geeky?” we both laughed but then Sohyun said, “You are too though.” “No I'm not!”


This kind of talk went on for almost 10 minutes, until suddenly the door of the classroom opened with a bang. A really hot looking guy walked in. I guess Sohyun must have seen me staring at me so she quickly snapped me out of it. “So how about him?” she asked. “Who?” I tried to pretend to be clueless, but I knew it was the same guy who walked in that she was talking about. “Don't play dumb. Look, he's looking at you.” I blushed and looked out of the window, tuning out everything that was going on in the classroom.


When the class finally ended and I was about to leave the classroom, I was stopped by that same guy.


Hi. I'm Kim Jonghyun. Would you be my girlfriend?” He flashed a gorgeous smile. I couldn't help but totally start getting all excited and trembling, so without thinking I just told him Yes. He seemed like such a nice guy back then, aside from the obvious bad-boy character, which by the way wasn't that bad yet back then.


We dated for almost three months. He was pretty much just a sweet—even romantic guy, but suddenly, he started to become really bad. Small light kisses turned into hot make out sessions... and lightly holding each other's hands turned into him not being able to keep his hands off of me anymore—and that wasn't all that he wanted.


Come on babe... we've been dating for what? A year now.. please~”


It's been barely 3 months—and no way!” I pulled away from him, when I already felt his hands under my shirt. “Good boyfriends are supposed to wait until a girl is ready~ so will you wait?”


No.” He simply said. “I'm not a good boy, obviously, and you know it!” he winked and wrapped his arms around me again. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my fist flew up to his face, and he totally fell down on his back.


K.O!” I smirked and walked away. “Jonghyun, if you continued being like this, you'll end up like one of those criminals we hear about on the news. Breaking into houses, or dealing drugs... robbing banks, armed with guns...”


Good.. I intend to become like one of those guys anyway.” I heard him say before he was out of my hearing range.


That's when I truly started to feel scared whenever I was with Jonghyun. He never left me alone, and when I tried to break up he wouldn't have it. I had no idea what to do so I even pretended to be sick just to get out of school... of course, that didn't last more than 2 weeks... sigh.


Luckily, by the time I went back to the school, there was already a new student in our class, who quickly befriended me and seemed to always be there at the times when I was in 'danger' with Jonghyun. Kikwang's sweet smiles, and the way he acted easily earned my trust, and I told him everything about Jonghyun. Somehow he helped me get away from him, and we ended up dating.


We both knew that wasn't the end though. Jonghyun clearly swore he would never give up... however as 2 years passed, Kikwang and I had completely forgotten him.





I'm really, really scared.” I said as I hugged Kikwang closer to me as if he would disappear if I didn't hold onto him strong enough.


Don't worry. I love you, and I'll never let that guy hurt you.” he whispered into my hair.


I'm not scared for myself—I'm scared for you!” I said. “Be careful.”


To be continued!


So... what was supposed to be a oneshot, turned into a two shot.... and apparently I need to break it up into three parts
I'll try to stop procrastinating so much, and update it soon, because I know I'm leaving you all on a horrible cliff hanger.

suspense suspense suspense suspense suspense suspense suspense 

There's too little of it in most fanfics lately, that's why I decided to write mine like this ^^ I guess. 

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jenjeneee #1
New reader!! Please update soooooooon!<333
LOL even in stories for school?! :D I'd like to see an english teacher's reaction to that :P lol<br />
and thanks~ <3 ^_^
Yay!!!! That was a nice chapter.<br />
Don't worry I nearly write sometimes to when I have to write stories for school, but then I'm like "STOP or you'll get en 'F'!!!!"<br />
Thank you for continuing the story.<br />
and I love the poster!!!
By the way, I made a new poster for this story ^_^ like it? :)
Thank you for reminding me, because I actually totally forgot about this story. I re-read it, and wow I like it (LOL I'm so vain!) . No I mean, lately my stories arent very good, so it was refreshing to read this. I'll try and continue this soon. Possibly tonight even :)
I was wondering if you were going to continue this?<br />
It's a really good story.<br />
Please continue if you can.
Kwang was really sweet!!! *steal him from Eunah*<br />
but oww...Jonghyun why must you in on their lovey dovey...<br />
just come here and be with me LOL<br />
<br />
hoho Kwang with bad boy mask..<br />
that was cute on how he annoyed Eunah too hehe..<br />
and the flashback was really good too,, wow Jonghyun was really a troublesome man..<br />
i bet he had some girls before and he wanted Eunah so bad..<br />
but i wonder why he couldn't even move on from Eunah.. was he really love her??<br />
<br />
The story got intense, isn't it?<br />
I'm afraid that Jong would either shot Kwang, or shot himself..XD<br />
can't wait for the next chapter..<br />
come come update quickly! I'm soooo freaking out to know!<br />
hehe..<br />
OMG my heart is pumping excitedly with too much suspense.<br />
Kyaa~!!!! What's going to happen?<br />
I can't wait for the next part.<br />
Thank you again~!
YoruxRuki #9
Lol I thought that the rest of this story would be finished in this second part but apparently you broke it up into 3. Haha. Oh well, I'm not complaining :) Hope you update soon though
you will soon do the 20 chapaters fanfics easily!! LOL<br />
Like the set of characters in the story, curious for the end result :)