Chapter 3: Change

Earth, my wasteland

Recap ( HeeTeuk): ... and it was completely pitch black if not for the little bulbs overhead illuminating the stadium-like room dimly.



-Leeteuk's POV-

I stumbled into the room, and waited for a while for my eyes to adjust to the sudden dimness. Next to me, Heechul also hesitantly walked forward. The Seohyuns had abandoned us at the doorway the moment we stepped in.


I held Heechul's hands and surprisingly, he allowed me to, without much fuss. Just then, a voice boomed around us, the sound bouncing off the walls. "Stop being so gay and just walk forward. I don't bite, promise."


We looked at each other. Why? Why was I called? To get called by the Jedians is a very bad thing. People who get called by them never live to tell the tale. They were called in because they have done something traitorous.


Was it because I was with Heechul? I mean, with all the Seohyuns and cameras around us its no secret that Heechul doesn't worship the Jedians as much as the next person.


Wait...why am I doubting the Jedians? I have absolute faith in them. Nothing bad will happen to us, to me. All I have to do is just believe in them, the ones who gave me back my life. And I swear, the moment I am out of here, I will be better. I will stop befriending Heechul. He's the one that got us into this mess, he better get us out of it.





-Heechul POV-

Oh god, I am in so much trouble, aren't I? I briefly considered turning around and fleeing, but where could I go? I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to escape. Nowhere to hide. And anyway, it was too late. The moment I stepped in here, the moment I decided to rebel, my fate was set in stone.


I looked at Teukie's face. He had an unreadable expression that sent shivers down my spine. He looked...almost savage, uncontrollably angry. He had never been like this. Never. Then his face slipped back into that friendly, warm expression of his that he always wore. And then he turned to me, smiling. "There's nothing to be afraid of. So let's go and stop wasting time. Time we waste could be better spent on serving the Jedians." He seemed to have become the old Teukie again. The one who spouted Jedian but with a warm, endearing smile at me. I was almost comforted. Almost. I knew better. When he looked at me, the smile didn't reach his eyes. When he looked at me with that warm expression, his eyes told a different story. They showed conflicting emotions. They showed hatred, hatred towards me. Something about him changed. Something between us had changed.


And I knew, there and then, that the moment we stepped out of that room, no, from this moment on, nothing would be the same. Everything had changed.


Hesitatingly, we—no, I took a step forward.







Recap (TaeSica): I looked longingly at the food and decided.


-Jessica's POV-

Taeyeon deliberated. Weighing the pros and cons. Making a mental list in her head. Having an internal debate. Asking herself useless what ifs. In short, taking a long time to make up her mind.


"Aish! Yes or no?" I asked, irritated with her. "Don't rush me! I need time to think!" she snapped back at me.


"You know what? I'm done! Let's just get the food and run." I whispered-shouted at her. And she says I can't be quiet.


"No! We need to see whether there are other forms of escape, what are those Seohyun's duty patrol timing like, we need blueprints of the whole area, see which is the best place to hide, how to sneak away with tons of food..." she rambled on and on.


"It’s a simple take then run. Why over think it? Just take the food and run. One of us creates a distraction and the other runs. They won't even know what hit them!" I could see Taeyeon slowly digesting my idea. Argh! Why can't she see that we need that lifeline? She thinks I don't know that she's been skipping meals? How blind does she think I am? We need that food, she needs it.


"Taeng," I try a last ditch attempt to persuade her, "I need it. I've been hungry this whole time and those puny berries and small animals you bring home doesn't exactly do that much." I say.


I knew that it would work. She cares more about me than herself. I'm sorry I was sound so mean to you Taeng, but I couldn't think of any other way. I know you try your best, but it’s just not enough. I know that I hurt you with my mean words, but it’s for the best, it’s for you.


I am so, so sorry.



-Taeyeon's POV-


Sica...was right. Those pathetic berries I bring home, and small animals just aren't enough. I feel like I am such a horrible older sister.


"...ok, fine. You win," I could see her smug smile," BUT, I sneak the food and you distract from somewhere far, far, far away. Got it?"


"Whatever." she replied with a bored tone and went to sleep.


I pushed my hurt feelings aside. Though, would it have killed her to show some kind of concern?


And how could she sleep, when we needed to be planning? We were in the middle of the unknown territory, under a tree, for goodness sake! In the end, I decided to rest as well. Waking Sica up was an impossible task, and besides, she's been looking tired these days. I drifted off to sleep within seconds of closing my eyes.





When I woke up, it was already evening. Jessica had also just woken up. I silently thanked God that I didn't have to wake her up, if not we would have been delayed forever. I can just picture it: me waking Sica, and let out a giggle.


Focus, Taengoo! I shook my head to get rid of all the distractions.


"When do you want to execute the plan?" Jessica asked in the dim light of the setting sun. "We have a plan?" I asked mirthlessly. "You know what I mean." Sica pouted and playfully punched my arm.


"We do it tonight." I said firmly and seriously.





A/N: I know you’re probably tearing your hair out and screaming at the computer “WHEN’S TAEYEON, JESSICA GONNA FRIGGIN’ MEET LEETEUK AND HEECHUL???” I promise that they’re going to meet in the next chapter or so ^^ Oh, and exams are over, so I’ll try and update more frequently. JI hope you like this chapter. Comment and subscribe!!!! I love you readers <33333333








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Chapter 1: update soon please
exotaeng9 #2
Chapter 5: Update soon
Annoyed-nomous #3
@rockchiq14 Haha, I hope you don't have bald patches in your hair right now ;) And well, only Heechul met them so...look out for their meeting with Leeteuk :) Sorry I took so long to update orz
.,'haha i was actually saying "WHEN’S TAEYEON, JESSICA GONNA FRIGGIN’ MEET LEETEUK AND HEECHUL???” but i didn't pull my hair..alright, maybe a little..i really want them to meet..hahhahaha i'll wait for the next one! ^^
Annoyed-nomous #5
@rockchiq14: Here's the next chapter ^^ And I kinda edited chapter 1 cos it was kinda hard to read :)
.,'i love the first chappie~ heechul being meek..? hmm..hahaha oh well..waiting for the next update!!
wootaeteuk #7
i love you too author <3 ^^ update soon again :)
Annoyed-nomous #8
I love you wootaeteuk <333333 i just updated. I hope you like this chappie. :)
wootaeteuk #9
yes! first subscriber and commenter! by the way update soon~ ^^