Chapter 2: A step into the unknown

Earth, my wasteland

Chapter 2: A step into the unknown


Leeteuk POV


Oh my, I can never be grateful enough to my Great and Honourable masters, the Jedians. I hummed a happy tune as I sorted the documents. I'm a sorter. Its quite a cushy job, and I am glad that the Jedians actually entrusted me to sort all these important, glorious documents that are so essential to our survival. Really, Heechul should learn how to be more grateful to the Jedians. They do so much for us and yet we do so little to thank them. When I get back to my humble room, I am so going to expound the virtues of the Jedians. "Riinnnggg" the ring of the bell snapped me out of my daydream.

I hurriedly packed my desk and skipped off gleefully. It was the end of the day! But I was the only one who could knock off early since I was the most efficient. Yay! I'm off to my room!






"Hey Heechul!" I joyfully yelled upon seeing him when I entered the room. "Will you stop being so friggin' annoying?" he growled. I said nothing; I was used to it. When Heechul is like this, it means that he had a bad day again. I wonder what he did to off the Seohyuns this time. Really, Heechul should learn to be more appreciative of the opportunities that the Jedians give us. He is lucky that at this time of the day, our room is empty. If not, someone might just report Heechul for being so unhappy and ungrateful. Ingrates are considered the worst kinds of people, after traitors of course. His unhappiness obviously showed his ungrateful side, and being dissatisfied only serves to slow down our whole community. Heechul is lucky that I prioritise loyalty to my family above all else.



I allowed what was considered and appropriate amount of time to pass before I asked " you want to sleep now?" Heechul didn't respond. No surprise there. I merely settled down and went to "reserve" my sitting/sleeping space. All of a sudden, Heechul's voice rang out in the still silence of our room.


"Have you ever thought about...never mind." " About?" I prompted. Heechul didn't answer. He couldn't. Because all of a sudden, the door swung open and we saw two Seohyuns, dressed in their crisp, black (intimidating) uniform, standing in the doorway. "Follow us. The Jedians want to see you." they clipped out in their monotone voices and turned to go. Heechul and I looked apprehensively before taking a step into the unknown.

The Seohyuns led us into an HUGE empty room. And when I say huge, I mean HUGE. It was actually more like the size of a stadium (not that I have ever been there before,but I've heard rumours that football matches were played there. I mean,can you believe it?? Football matches!!!!!????!! Anyways back to the story) and it was completely pitch black if not for the little bulbs overhead illuminating the stadium-like room dimly.







Taeyeon's POV


"Hurry up, Jessica!" I whispered-yelled at her. I couldn't make too much noise of course, we would have long been caught if it wasn't for my stealth and my numerous reminders

to shut Jessica up. "Fine, fine miss smarty pants!" Jessica hissed back to me. I just sighed in despair and continued trudging my way up the steep hill while turning back to check that Jessica was following me. You see, Jessica has a very bad temper and just the slightest annoyance can tick her off...and when she's mad, you better watch out.


Though despite all our arguments, Jessica is my best friend and i would willingly give my life up for her...and so began the days where i had to haul Jessica out of bed every morning, struggle to get her dressed without her scratching me and push her forward whenever she lagged behind.


Today was no exception except that a very grumpy Jessica woke up to find that favourite pair of pink fluffy slippers had gone missing and thus, the bad mood. I know, i know, i mean, who cares about slippers much less pink (ugh) ones during times of crisis? But it's actually the little things that keeps us going as Jessica and i were soon to find out. I guess if you compared both of us, i was the sensible, level-headed one and Jessica was the spoilt bratty one that only tagged along for the ride. But for all her attitude problems, Jessica really cared about me and she did contribute to the team.



" I found something, Yeon!" Jessica's voice rang—loudly, I might add—through the still silence of the wasteland. An exasperated reminder to shush her died down in my throat as I saw what she was pointing at. It was a big building, with armed Seohyuns guarding the door.



"Jessica, why aren't you running? Haven't I told you before? You see Seohyuns, you run." I chided her and attempted to pull her along.



She stood her ground. "No," she adamantly insisted, "I was pointing the other direction. You know, the direction which food and ammunition lies?" She still didn't get it, did she? "I don't care about that! We are close to the Seohyuns, dangerously close. It can even be pounds of gold and I would still be running!" " really think our minuscule amount of food and ammunition is going to last us? Look at this, Yeon! We can pinch JUST A LITTLE BIT, then run away. We will be rich and it'll be like sabotaging the Jedians! Killing two birds with one stone. All we have to do is just sneak very quietly, take some stuff then run away! What could be simpler?"


I massaged my temples. True, our stock wasn't going to last us any longer, and don't tell Sica but I've been skipping lunch and dinner to make our pile last longer. "Do it!" my stomach seemed to urge me on. I looked longingly at the food and made a decision.








A/N: Ok, so I was supposed to be studying for exams (I have E Maths on like Wednesday) but I jut couldn't study so I wrote this chappie. Well, actually, my sis did. I just helped her edit it xD Oh yeah, I forgot to warn you guys so I am warning you now: THIS FF MAY CONTAIN EXPLETIVES THAT MAY LEAVE A LASTING IMPRESSION AND SCAR THE YOUNG ONES FOREVER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. :)

On a side note, my exams are almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I cried after my A Maths paper because I lost my 10 marks because of the stupid logarithms and surds.  SILENT READERS, COMMENTERS AND SUBCRIBERS ARE LOVED~ But commenters are loved the most (obviously).


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Chapter 1: update soon please
exotaeng9 #2
Chapter 5: Update soon
Annoyed-nomous #3
@rockchiq14 Haha, I hope you don't have bald patches in your hair right now ;) And well, only Heechul met them so...look out for their meeting with Leeteuk :) Sorry I took so long to update orz
.,'haha i was actually saying "WHEN’S TAEYEON, JESSICA GONNA FRIGGIN’ MEET LEETEUK AND HEECHUL???” but i didn't pull my hair..alright, maybe a little..i really want them to meet..hahhahaha i'll wait for the next one! ^^
Annoyed-nomous #5
@rockchiq14: Here's the next chapter ^^ And I kinda edited chapter 1 cos it was kinda hard to read :)
.,'i love the first chappie~ heechul being meek..? hmm..hahaha oh well..waiting for the next update!!
wootaeteuk #7
i love you too author <3 ^^ update soon again :)
Annoyed-nomous #8
I love you wootaeteuk <333333 i just updated. I hope you like this chappie. :)
wootaeteuk #9
yes! first subscriber and commenter! by the way update soon~ ^^