Chapter 1: My Life

Earth, my wasteland


        I was on scrubbing duty...again. And Leetuek preached to me...again. Today, we had gruel...again. Sensing a pattern, anyone? I am. My whole routine is just so ugh. Our whole life is just like this: wake up, work, eat, work and then sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.   We get one meal a day in case you're wondering. Thats what you get for being old and not being able to run fast enough from those robot thingamajigs. If you don't run fast, you get caught and thrown in jail. Even if you were fast enough, you'd just have to spend your whole life on the run. And you'll get caught either way. Some people just simply give themselves up because there is nothing out there for them. But still, if I was given a chance, I'd bust myself out of here in a heartbeat. The only reason why I don't is because of my height and Leeteuk. Ok, fine. Two reasons. The first one is pretty self-explanatory. I'm short, the walls (the most possible form of escaping) are tall, the floors are concrete and there are too many robot thingamajig guarding the only entrance/exit. The second reason is also actually quite simple. I'm too reliant on Leeteuk and he is content being stuck in a hellhole here. Leeteuk is actually one of the Jedian's most avid worshippers.  But he would never sell  me out. 'Cos I have too much dirt on him. ㅋㅋㅋ Ok, actually I lied. Its because I'm scared of what might be out there. I don't know what I might have to face. The last (only) recollection I have of the outside is....something. Yeah something. Happens with age you know. I should just wait until I'm old and sitting on my rocking chair and getting nostalgic then I am sure by then I would have a vivid recollection of the past. By then it'll be too late to escape. I think I'll just sit here and be brainwashed by those stupid, sorry what I meant was great and honourable Jedians. They actually EXPECT us to be grateful to them. Pssh yeah like I'd be grateful to a bunch of HONOURABLE AND GREAT Jedians who lock us in this jail cell room thing. Of course they don't call it a jail. They call it our simple, humble abode. They try and cram like twenty people in one small room meant for like what? Four people? There isn't even space for all of us to sleep. We have to take turns. The rest just have to sit back to back and sleep that way. My turn comes somewhere next month. And people actually worship the Jedians. The Jedians keep on feeding us propaganda like how lucky we were to have been in living in their shelter and how the traitors outside deserve to die and all that kind of crap. The ridiculous thing is that people actually believe them. I think that overtime, people actually go cuckoo from just merely staring at the four bleak walls and start believing any crap that they've been fed. There are a few who, like me do not buy into the propaganda. But we just mostly lie low and pretend to be one of their mindless worshippers. So it is difficult to know who you can trust. After all, anyone could just report you to the Seohyuns (thats what we call our wardens). Especially when those informers get rewards like promotion for turning someone in. These days, parents cannot even trust their own children. Such is the power of those Jedians.  


We each also have cleaning duties. I am always, always on scrubbing duty. I stare enviously at the people wearing stark white uniforms. If you are wearing white it means that you are on kitchen duty. My dirty yellow uniform is obviously for maintainence workers for me who do all the lowly jobs. We call those special few on kitchen duty starkies. They notice my envious stare, my dirt yellow uniform and smirk at me. Yeah, if you have noticed, we also have a hierarchy even within the lowlies. Thats what we call the people are at the bottom of the bottom.  I sigh as I continued scrubbing the floor. "Was that a sigh I just heard? Are you not happy with all the things that the Jedians have tried their best to provide you with? Are you not happy with the fact that our Great and Honourable masters actually deign themselves to trust you with this important, crucial piece of work?! Are you not happy with that fact that you are actually making yourself useful and can serve our masters?! Are you?!" My warden thundered, her tone rising with every syllable. "N-no." I managed to squeak and bowed my head down. Everyone else who had overheard the conversation started whispering and pointing fingers at me. "Yes people, I was the one who got scolded. What are you staring at?" I felt like shouting to those asses. Maybe in another lifetime, I would. But in this? To protect myself I would have to stay low and be meek. And meek me was not someone who does that. I bowed my head down and continued scrubbing, hoping my warden would just walk away. Seemingly appeased, she walked away. Her high heels clicking smartly against the floor, bringing away the sound of terror from me. I heaved a sigh of relief. A quiet one, mind you. But a sigh nonetheless.


 I could feel my tensed shoulders slowly relaxing as I watched the back of my warden slowly disappearing.  That night, i tossed and turned in bed, haunted by images of my future. Psssh what future? After slaving away and wasting my prime years serving the Jedians, they would just find another meaningless job for me, claiming that i should be " honoured" to be trusted with stupid jobs. Huh. If they are so powerful, why don't they ever come out and show their faces? Some "powerful masters" they are. They just use us and treat us like crap and after they're done with us, they just throw us away. Some part of me just told me to give up and that i was hopeless against them. But another part of me was angered that they could just use us like this and get away with it. I can't live like this anymore! I don't know why we all have to live like this. Just like I don't know how the outside world looks like. Just like how I don't know ANYTHING about my past. All I know is that I am sick and tired of my life as it is.     


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heyyyy people/readers. The first chapter is out :)))) I hope you guys like it and yeah the usual, comments and subscribers are loved. Oh silent readers as well, since I used to be one, no sense in being a hypocrite right? Constructive criticisms please since this is my first fanfic. If you are confused about anything, you can just PM me or ask in the comments. Either way, I'll respond. I'm an angel that way. xD

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Chapter 1: update soon please
exotaeng9 #2
Chapter 5: Update soon
Annoyed-nomous #3
@rockchiq14 Haha, I hope you don't have bald patches in your hair right now ;) And well, only Heechul met them so...look out for their meeting with Leeteuk :) Sorry I took so long to update orz
.,'haha i was actually saying "WHEN’S TAEYEON, JESSICA GONNA FRIGGIN’ MEET LEETEUK AND HEECHUL???” but i didn't pull my hair..alright, maybe a little..i really want them to meet..hahhahaha i'll wait for the next one! ^^
Annoyed-nomous #5
@rockchiq14: Here's the next chapter ^^ And I kinda edited chapter 1 cos it was kinda hard to read :)
.,'i love the first chappie~ heechul being meek..? hmm..hahaha oh well..waiting for the next update!!
wootaeteuk #7
i love you too author <3 ^^ update soon again :)
Annoyed-nomous #8
I love you wootaeteuk <333333 i just updated. I hope you like this chappie. :)
wootaeteuk #9
yes! first subscriber and commenter! by the way update soon~ ^^