Black Dawn


Amber wwalked out of the room and entered the room across her room.

"AMMMMMMMMBEEER!" Hyuna squeaked as she clings on Amber.

The three group hugged and glomps at each other, suddenly Donghae comes in.

"Hey guys. You are now called the Shadow Glade party and you're our main faction here in the council. Congratz!" he said excitedly.

"I shall introduce you to everyone. Come  with me." he said and left the room. The three followed Donghae to the cafeteria.

"I would like you to meet the black fang party! Victoria, Luna and Sulli" Donghae explained.

The three shaked their hands with the new friends.

"The black fang are your back up just in case" Donghae explained.

A girl with a blonde hair suddenly came out of nowhere and walked towards Donghae.

"Siwon was looking for you. He said he wants to tell you something" she whispered.

"Excuse me for a second." Donghae said as he excused his self and left.

Krystal walked towards the girl and clings on her arms.

"Hey Amber and Hyuna! I would like you to meet my sister Sica-unnie!" she said excitedly.

The two bowed to the older girl.

"Hello. Anyways, you must take your rest, i think tomorrow you're gonna start your training and they will give you your missions immediately so you have to gather up your strength. Your room is in 12th floor, room 7" she explained and left.

"Alright, we'll get going now!" Amber said and waved to the black fang party.

"When you need us we'll just be across your room!" Luna and Sulli yelled as she waved to the three

"If you want to eat something, i'll gladly cook for you!" Victoria yelled as she waved to the three.

The three took the elevator and walked to their room.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW" Amber muttered and drops herself in the bed.

The room has 3 seperate beds and it was organized. There were a new set of clothes in the closet and some council uniforms.

Someone knocked on the room and Amber opened the door, it was Donghae.

"Hey dino llama brotha, i'll train you tomorrow morning so better if you sleep early." he said and left.

"I'm going to bed, i'm seriously tired." Hyuna said and hugged her pillow.

Amber walks to the balcony to see Krystal staring at the sky. It was around 9pm and the city lights can be seen from above.

"Woah. So pretty" Amber mumbled as she walked closer to the edge. She took a quick glance at Krystal. She always admire Krystal for her beauty, she then looked away and stared at the city lights.

"How did you get here in the council anyways?" Amber asked, curiously.

"Well...." Krystal started.


Hyuna and Krystal was walking home from school. It was a friday afternoon, sun was shining bright.

But suddenly they saw a lady running towards them..

"Are you okay, maam?" Hyuna asked, confused on why the lady was running.

"Help me! Please!!!!!" The lady yelped and hid at the back of Hyuna.

"Well i think duty calls." Hyuna said and just shrugged her shoulders while looking at Krystal.

"Alright let's just end this quickly" Krystal said and distanced herself a bit to Hyuna.

They were patiently waiting for the bad guys to come out of the alley.

Then the 2 men finally came out, holding a knife.

Hyuna gathered up her strength and pulled our her towel, hardening it. The towel was molded into a sword-like shape. 

"HIIIYAAHHHHHHHH!" Hyuna yelled as she charged to the 2 men.

Hyuna fought the 2 men.. But it wasn't easy since there are 2 enemies. Hyuna managed to sliced off the head of the one guy but the other guy, smirked as he saw Hyuna had her back towards him. The guy charged, attempting to stab her back.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Krystal yelled and used up all her strength. The lightpost suddenly cracked from the ground and floated as Krystal wanted to. She hit the guy with the lightpost making him hit the wall.


Krystal collapsed as her strength was drained from what she had done. 

"Krystal!" Hyuna said and ran to her after seeing her collapsed. Hyuna managed to lift up Krystal's arms in her shoulders.

"Oh . We're doomed." Hyuna mumbled after seeing there were more bad guys coming out of the alley and coming out of their sideways..

She just closed her eyes, scared of what will happen next. But she heard something. Something she can't explain, out of curiousity she decided to open her eyes. She was surprised on what she saw. They were surrounded with a wall of..?? Errr.. some corpse? A wall made of corpse, and the corpse were eating the bad guys. Errrrrr.. It just weird and creepy...?

Hyuna was a bit frightened with what she saw. "What is this?" she mumbled, with a look of confusion. She can't believe of what she just saw.

"Come with me" A voice from behind as a force tried to help her in lifting Krystal up.

It was a bblonde girl, wearing a coat with a symbol of a moon-like shaped logo.. Hmmm... 

Hyuna just followed the older girl. The older girl sounded like a bossy and it was rather frightening so she just do what the girl said.

They entered the forest near their school. The blonde girl stopped and stood still, closing her eyes and holding her forehead. 

After a few seconds, a portal-ish like appeared infront of us and a guy came out. The guy pulled Krystal away from me and he just brought Krystal to the portal and i just followed them as soon as the older girl walked through the portal.

They arrived in a city Hyuna have never seen.. It was a bit peaceful and beautiful. Buildings everywhere. The older girl walked and walked. Hyuna just followed, without even asking. They stopped in a building.

"Nyx council headquarters" Hyuna said as she read the sign.

"I wonder what this is" she mumbled and just entered, following the older girl.

They entered the building and walked to the elevator. The older girl pushed the 9th floor button and arrived at the said floor. The guy dropped Krystal down on the bed and left. The older girl somehow sat beside Krystal and her hair. 

"I'm Jessica. Krystal's sister" the older girl said, introducing herself and smiled a bit.

"You're Kim Hyun-A, right?" she asked.

"How did she knew?" Hyuna thought to herself while giving her a confused look.

"Because i know" Jessica answered at Hyuna's thoughts.

"What theee... You can read my mind!?" Hyuna thought to herself, giving a more curious look.

"Well yes. I somehow have a telekenetic power to read minds. And it was obvious with your face." Jessica answered at Hyuna's thoughts and chuckled.

"Well i guess i have to explain to your everything that happened" Jessica said, sighed and started explaining.

After Sica explained everything to Hyuna, she stood up and kissed Krystal's forehead.

"Oh and Krystal knew about it already, i just told her yesterday. She didn't really believed me at first. Maybe when she woke up, she'll finally see it in her own eyes" Jessica said and closed the door, leaving the two girls behind.

Hyuna then stood up and walked to the balcony, wanting to inhale some air from the outside.

"Why is this happening" she mumbled, looking down on the city, holding her forehead. 


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Chapter 14: Oh noooooo pls update. The story is really good!
heavenleightorres #2
*pokes cheek* heeyyy, when will u update? pleeaasse update!
Hey hey hey -pokes infinity- pls update this please pretty please??!!
DestinyBreaker48 #4
Chapter 14: Please Update This Story Please!
Pls. update more...*pouts
bookwarm #6
Chapter 14: Wow, its seem like Hollywood movie.
Chapter 14: Thank u for the update :)

I hope Krys and Amber will be okay
Chapter 12: Hot spring its really is HOT hehehe :p